Timelines, VirtualCameras

This commit is contained in:
Josef 2024-05-19 17:48:40 +02:00
parent 81a55f96b8
commit ae960523cf
9 changed files with 259 additions and 42 deletions

View File

@ -12,14 +12,24 @@ class CppClassMember
isStatic = false;
isSignal = false;
type = "void";
initialValue = null;
parameters = [];
constructor( nameDefinition, body )
if ( nameDefinition.endsWith( "()" ) )
if ( nameDefinition.indexOf( "()" ) != -1)
this.isMethod = true;
nameDefinition = nameDefinition.replace( /\(\)$/, "" );
let typeRegex = /\(\)\s*(?:\:\s*(.+)\s*)?$/;
let result = typeRegex.exec( nameDefinition );
if ( result[ 1 ] )
this.type = result[ 1 ];
nameDefinition = nameDefinition.replace( typeRegex, "" );
let names = nameDefinition.split( /\s+/ );
@ -48,6 +58,46 @@ class CppClassMember
this.parseMethodBody( body );
this.parseVariableBody( body );
get isMemberWithInitialValue()
return ! this.isMethod && this.initialValue !== null;
return `${this.name} = ${this.initialValue};`;
parseVariableBody( body )
if ( typeof body === "boolean" )
this.type = "bool";
this.initialValue = body + "";
if ( typeof body === "number" )
this.type = "float";
this.initialValue = body + "";
let regex = /((?:\w|\<|\>)+)(?:\s*\=\s*(.+))?/;
let result = regex.exec( body );
this.type = result[ 1 ];
this.initialValue = result[ 2 ] || null;
parseMethodBody( body )
@ -57,38 +107,50 @@ class CppClassMember
this.type = body.type || "void";
let parameters = body.parameters;
if ( ! parameters )
if ( typeof body === "string" )
this.type = body;
for ( let i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++ )
for ( let it in body )
let pm = parameters[ i ];
let cppParameter = new CppParameter();
for ( let it in pm )
if ( ! body.hasOwnProperty( it ) )
if ( ! pm.hasOwnProperty( it ) )
cppParameter.name = it;
cppParameter.type = pm[ it ];
let cppParameter = new CppParameter();
cppParameter.name = it;
cppParameter.type = body[ it ];
this.parameters.push( cppParameter );
getMethodBinding( className )
if ( ! this.isMethod )
let type = stringToVariantType( this.type );
let bindings = [];
bindings.push( `/* ${this.name}: ${this.type} */` );
bindings.push( `ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_${this.name}"), &${className}::get_${this.name});` );
bindings.push( `ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_${this.name}"), &${className}::set_${this.name});` );
bindings.push( `ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::${type}, "${this.name}"), "set_${this.name}", "get_${this.name}");` );
bindings.push( ` ` );
//ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_color", "color"), &GLTFLight::set_color);
//ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::COLOR, "color"), "set_color", "get_color"); // Color
return bindings.join( "\n " );
if ( this.isSignal )
//ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("session_supported", PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING, "session_mode"), PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "supported")));
@ -108,7 +170,16 @@ class CppClassMember
else if ( this.isVirtual )
return `GDVIRTUAL_BIND( ${this.name} );`;
let parameterInfos = "";
for ( let i = 0; i < this.parameters.length; i++ )
let name = `, "${this.parameters[ i ].name}"`;
parameterInfos += name;
return `GDVIRTUAL_BIND( ${this.name}${parameterInfos} );`;
@ -160,10 +231,28 @@ class CppClassMember
return `${this.type} get_${this.name}(); void set_${this.name}( ${this.type} p_${this.name} );`
//return `${this.type} ${this.name};`
return `${this.type} ${this.name};`
getPropertyImplementation( className )
let bindings = [];
bindings.push( `/* ${this.name}: ${this.type} */` );
bindings.push( `${this.type} ${className}::get_${this.name}() { return ${this.name}; }` );
bindings.push( `void ${className}::set_${this.name}( ${this.type} p_${this.name} ) { ${this.name} = p_${this.name}; }` );
bindings.push( ` ` );
return bindings.join( "\n" );
module.exports =
@ -175,6 +264,11 @@ module.exports =
function stringToVariantType( stringType )
if ( /^TypedArray\<.+\>$/.test( stringType ) )
return "ARRAY";
switch( stringType )
case "bool": return "BOOL";
@ -222,5 +316,7 @@ function stringToVariantType( stringType )
case "PackedColorArray": return "PACKED_COLOR_ARRAY";
return null;
console.error( "Type could not be mapped: ", stringType );
return "OBJECT";

View File

@ -3,7 +3,8 @@ const path = require( "path" );
const { loadJSON, getFiles, saveUTF8, getMatches, loadUTF8, insertText } = require( "./library.js" );
const { CppClassMember } = require( "./cpp-class-member.js" );
function createCppHeader( className, extendingClassName, headerDefine, protectedMembers, publicMembers, includes )
function createCppHeader( className, extendingClassName, headerDefine, protectedMembers,
publicMembers, includes )
let cppHeader =
@ -15,7 +16,6 @@ let cppHeader =
#define ${headerDefine}
#include "./${extendingClassName}.h"
class ${className} : public ${extendingClassName}
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ return cppHeader;
function createCppImplementation( className, boundMethods )
function createCppImplementation( className, boundMethods, constructorExpressions, destructorExpressions, methodImplementations )
let cppImplementation =
@ -61,14 +61,16 @@ void ${className}::_bind_methods()
return cppImplementation;
@ -87,6 +89,22 @@ function createTypeRegistration( className )
function createIncludes( className )
console.log( "Create include", className );
let godotClasses =
"Node" : "scene/main/node.h",
"Node2D" : "scene/2d/node_2d.h",
"Node3D" : "scene/3d/node_3d.h",
"Resource" : "core/io/resource.h"
if ( godotClasses[ className ] )
return `#include "${godotClasses[ className ]}"`;
return `#include "./${className}.h"`;
@ -228,13 +246,21 @@ async function createCppFiles( definitionPath, types, missingTypes )
let protectedMembers = grabMembers( data.protected );
let publicMembers = grabMembers( data.public );
let protectedHeader = protectedMembers.map( p => p.getHeaderDefinition() ).join( "\n " );
let publicHeader = publicMembers.map( p => p.getHeaderDefinition() ).join( "\n " );
let allMembers = [].concat( protectedMembers ).concat( publicMembers );
let protectedBindings = protectedMembers.map( p => p.getMethodBinding( className ) );
let publicBindings = publicMembers.map( p => p.getMethodBinding( className ) );
let bindings = protectedBindings.concat( publicBindings ).join( "\n " );
let protectedHeader = protectedMembers.map( m => m.getHeaderDefinition() ).join( "\n " );
let publicHeader = publicMembers.map( m => m.getHeaderDefinition() ).join( "\n " );
let properties = publicMembers.filter( m => ! m.isMethod );
let propertyDefinitions = properties.map( p => p.getPropertyHeaderDefinition() ).join( "\n " );
protectedHeader += "\n\n " + propertyDefinitions;
let methodBindings = allMembers.map( m => m.getMethodBinding( className ) ).join( "\n " );
let initializers = allMembers.filter( m => m.isMemberWithInitialValue ).map( m => m.getMemberInitializer() ).join( "\n ");
let includes = "";
@ -243,8 +269,20 @@ async function createCppFiles( definitionPath, types, missingTypes )
includes = data.includes.map( inc => `#include "${inc}"` );
let extendingClassInclude = createIncludes( extendingClass );
includes += "\n" + extendingClassInclude;
let header = createCppHeader( className, extendingClass, headerDefine, protectedHeader, publicHeader, includes );
let implementation = createCppImplementation( className, bindings );
let constructorExpressions = initializers;
let destructorExpressions = "";
let methodImplementations = "";
let propertyImplementations = properties.map( p => p.getPropertyImplementation( className ) ).join( "\n" );
methodImplementations += propertyImplementations;
let implementation = createCppImplementation( className, methodBindings, constructorExpressions, destructorExpressions, methodImplementations );
//console.log( header );
//console.log( implementation );

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit d6b968703d75749c4f7ded3abe5ec9beba97ae8d
Subproject commit c19d8b71d88206e99fa2c987d369ac713c275d41

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
"isLooping": false,
"loopStart": 0,
"loopEnd": 16,
"startSpeed": 1,
"autoStart": false

View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
"includes":[ "./RJTimeLine.h" ],
"virtual getTimeLineIndex():int" : { "timeLine":"Ref<RJTimeLine>" },
"virtual getTimeLineSize():int" : {},
"virtual createID():int" : {},
"virtual getLastPosition():double" : { "timeLineIndex":"int" },
"virtual getPosition():double" : { "timeLineIndex":"int" },
"virtual setPosition()" : { "timeLineIndex":"int", "position":"double" },
"virtual getSpeed():double" : { "timeLineIndex":"int" },
"virtual setSpeed()" : { "timeLineIndex":"int", "speed":"double" },
"virtual getPlayState():bool" : { "timeLineIndex":"int" },
"virtual setPlayState()" : { "timeLineIndex":"int", "playState":"bool" },
"virtual scheduleEvent()" :
"timeLineIndex": "int",
"position": "double",
"callbackID": "int",
"isPersistent": "bool"
"virtual scheduleSpan()" :
"timeLineIndex": "int",
"startPosition": "double",
"endPosition": "double",
"callbackID": "int",
"isPersistent": "bool"
"signal onEvent()" : { "callbackID": "int" },
"signal onSpan()" : { "callbackID": "int", "spanType": "int" }

View File

@ -3,9 +3,6 @@
"virtual update()":
"parameters":[ { "delta":"double" } ]
"virtual update()":{ "delta":"double" }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
"virtual getCameraPosition()": "Vector3",
"virtual getCameraRotation()": "Quaternion",
"virtual getCameraFOV()":"float"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
"includes":[ "./RJVirtualCamera3D.h" ],
"virtual getCamera():Ref<RJVirtualCamera3D>" : { "cameraIndex": "int" },
"virtual getCameraIndex():int" : { "timeLine":"Ref<RJVirtualCamera3D>" },
"virtual getCameraSize():int" : {},
"virtual getCameraPriority():float" : { "cameraIndex":"int" },
"virtual setCameraPriority()" : { "cameraIndex":"int", "priority":"float" },
"cameraPrioritySmoothingCoefficient": 0.5,
"cameraPrioritySmoothingStepFPS": 120

View File

@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
"virtual dispatchStart()" : { "type":"int" },
"virtual dispatchCancel()" : { "parameters":[ { "id":"int" } ] },
"virtual dispatchEnd()" : { "parameters":[ { "id":"int" } ] },
"signal onSequenceDone()" : { "parameters":[ { "id":"int" } ] }
"virtual dispatchStart():int" : {},
"virtual dispatchCancel()": { "id":"int" },
"virtual dispatchEnd()" : { "id":"int" },
"signal onSequenceDone()" : { "id":"int" }