Initial Commit

This commit is contained in:
Josef 2024-05-04 10:26:16 +02:00
commit 8f1ce37f3b
18 changed files with 1178 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
using Godot;
namespace Rokojori
public partial class ActionList : RJAction
public RJAction[] actions;
public bool triggerDirectChildren = true;
protected override void _OnTrigger()
for ( int i = 0; i < actions.Length; i++ )
Actions.Trigger( actions[ i ] );

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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
using Godot;
namespace Rokojori
public class Actions
public static Trigger( RJAction action )
if ( action == null )

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@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System;
using System.Linq;
namespace Rokojori
public class ReadonlyEventProperty<T>: EventSlot<T>
protected T _value;
public T value
get { return _value; }
protected set { }
public class EventProperty<T>:ReadonlyEventProperty<T>
public new T value
get { return _value; }
if ( IsEqual( _value, value ) )
_value = value;
public virtual void DispatchEvent()
_actions.ForEach( a => { if ( a != null ){ a( _value ); } } );
protected bool IsEqual( T oldValue, T newValue )
if ( oldValue == null && newValue == null )
return true;
if ( oldValue == null || newValue == null )
return false;
if ( EqualityComparer<T>.Default.Equals( oldValue , newValue ) )
return true;
return false;
public void SetSilent( T value )
_value = value;

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@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System;
using System.Linq;
namespace Rokojori
public class EventSlot<T>
protected List<Action<T>> _actions = new List<Action<T>>();
List<Action<T>> _once = new List<Action<T>>();
public bool hasListeners => _once.Count > 0 || _actions.Count > 0;
public void AddAction( Action<T> action )
_actions.Add( action );
public void RemoveAction( Action<T> action )
_actions.Remove( action );
public void Once( Action<T> action )
_actions.Add( action );
_once.Add( action );
protected void _ClearOnceActions()
_once.ForEach( a => { _actions.Remove( a ); } );
public void DispatchEvent( T t )
_actions.ForEach( a => { if ( a != null ){ a( t ); } } );

Runtime/Events/Null.cs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System;
using System.Linq;
namespace Rokojori
public class Null
private Null(){}

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@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
using Godot;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Rokojori
public class HierarchyName
public static string Of( Node node, string seperator = "/" )
if ( node == null )
return "null";
var list = new List<string>();
var it = node;
while ( it != null )
list.Add( it.Name );
it = it.GetParent();
var sb = new StringBuilder();
for ( int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
if ( i != 0 )
sb.Append( seperator );
sb.Append( list[ i ] );
return sb.ToString();

Runtime/Godot/Nodes.cs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
using Godot;
namespace Rokojori
public class Nodes
public static T GetSibling<T>( Node node ) where T:Node
if ( node == null )
return null;
var parent = node.GetParent();
if ( parent == null )
return null;
return GetDirectChild<T>( parent );
public static T GetDirectChild<T>( Node parent ) where T:Node
if ( parent == null )
return null;
var numChildren = parent.GetChildCount();
for ( int i = 0; i < numChildren; i++ )
var node = parent.GetChild( i );
if ( node is T )
return (T)node;
return null;
static NodesWalker nodesWalker = new NodesWalker();
public static T GetAnyChild<T>( Node parent ) where T:Node
return (T) nodesWalker.Find( parent, ( n )=> n is T, true );
public static void Enable( Node n, bool affectProcess = true, bool affectPhysicsProcess = true, bool affectInput = true )
SetState.SetStateOfNode( NodeStateType.Enabled, n, affectProcess, affectPhysicsProcess, affectInput );
public static void Disable( Node n, bool affectProcess = true, bool affectPhysicsProcess = true, bool affectInput = true )
SetState.SetStateOfNode( NodeStateType.Disabled, n, affectProcess, affectPhysicsProcess, affectInput );
public static void Iterate( Node[] nodes, System.Action<Node> callback )
for ( int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; i++ )
nodesWalker.Iterate( nodes[ i ], callback );

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@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
using Godot;
namespace Rokojori
public class NodesWalker: TreeWalker<Node>
static NodesWalker _singleton = new NodesWalker();
public static NodesWalker Get()
return _singleton;
public override Node Parent( Node n )
if ( n == null )
return null;
return n.GetParent();
public override Node ChildAt( Node n, int index )
if ( n == null )
return null;
return n.GetChild( index );
public override int NumChildren( Node n )
if ( n == null )
return 0;
return n.GetChildCount();

Runtime/Godot/Root.cs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
using Godot;
namespace Rokojori
public partial class Root:Node
private static Root _singleton;
public override void _Ready()
_singleton = this;
public static SceneTree Tree()
return _singleton.GetTree();
public static Window Window()
return Tree().Root;
public static Root Get()
var r = Window();
return _singleton;

Runtime/Godot/Unique.cs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Godot;
namespace Rokojori
public class Unique<N> where N:Node
private static N _singleton;
public static N Get()
if ( _singleton != null )
return _singleton;
_singleton = Nodes.GetAnyChild<N>( Root.Window() );
return _singleton;

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@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Rokojori
public class ChildrenIterator<N>: TreeIterator<N> where N:class
N parent;
N current;
N end;
N next;
TreeWalker<N> walker;
public static ChildrenIterator<N> Create( TreeWalker<N> walker, N node )
var iterator = new ChildrenIterator<N>();
iterator.walker = walker;
iterator.current = null;
iterator.parent = node;
iterator.end = walker.IterationEndOf( node ); = walker.NextNode( node );
if ( == iterator.end )
{ = null;
return iterator;
public override bool HasNext()
return next != null;
public override N Current()
return current;
protected override void _MoveToNext()
current = next;
next = walker.NextNode( current );
if ( next == end )
next = null;

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@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Rokojori
public class DirectChildrenIterator<N>: TreeIterator<N> where N:class
N parent;
N current;
int index = 0;
TreeWalker<N> walker;
public static DirectChildrenIterator<N> Create( TreeWalker<N> walker, N node )
var iterator = new DirectChildrenIterator<N>();
iterator.parent = node;
iterator.walker = walker;
iterator.current = null;
iterator.index = -1;
return iterator;
public override bool HasNext()
return ( index + 1 ) < walker.NumChildren( parent );
public override N Current()
return current;
protected override void _MoveToNext()
index ++;
current = walker.ChildAt( parent, index );

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@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Rokojori
public class NodesIterator<N>: TreeIterator<N> where N:class
N node;
N current;
bool isForward = true;
TreeWalker<N> walker;
public static NodesIterator<N> Create( TreeWalker<N> walker, N node, bool forward )
var iterator = new NodesIterator<N>();
iterator.walker = walker;
iterator.node = node;
iterator.current = null;
iterator.isForward = forward;
return iterator;
public override bool HasNext()
return node != null;
public override N Current()
return current;
protected override void _MoveToNext()
if ( isForward )
node = walker.NextNode( node );
node = walker.PreviousNode( node );
current = node;

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@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Rokojori
public class ParentsIterator<N>: TreeIterator<N> where N:class
N iterator;
N current;
TreeWalker<N> walker;
public static ParentsIterator<N> Create( TreeWalker<N> walker, N start )
var iterator = new ParentsIterator<N>();
iterator.current = null;
iterator.iterator = start;
iterator.walker = walker;
return iterator;
public override bool HasNext()
return walker.HasParent( iterator );
public override N Current()
return current;
protected override void _MoveToNext()
iterator = walker.Parent( iterator );
current = iterator;

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@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Rokojori
public class SiblingsIterator<N>: TreeIterator<N> where N:class
bool nextSiblings = true;
N parent;
N current;
int index = 0;
int nodeIndex = 0;
TreeWalker<N> walker;
public static SiblingsIterator<N> Create( TreeWalker<N> walker, N node, bool previous = true, bool next = true )
var iterator = new SiblingsIterator<N>();
iterator.parent = node;
iterator.walker = walker;
iterator.current = null;
iterator.nodeIndex = walker.ChildIndexOf( node );
iterator.index = previous ? -1 : iterator.nodeIndex;
return iterator;
public override bool HasNext()
if ( ! nextSiblings )
return ( index + 1 ) < nodeIndex;
var nextIndex = index + 1;
if ( nextIndex == nodeIndex )
nextIndex ++;
return nextIndex < walker.NumChildren( parent );
public override N Current()
return current;
protected override void _MoveToNext()
index ++;
if ( index == nodeIndex )
index ++;
current = walker.ChildAt( parent, index );

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@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Rokojori.Core
public class SinlgeIterator<N>: TreeIterator<N> where N:class
N node;
N current;
public static SinlgeIterator<N> Create( N node )
var iterator = new SinlgeIterator<N>();
iterator.node = node;
iterator.current = null;
return iterator;
public override bool HasNext()
return node != null;
public override N Current()
return current;
protected override void _MoveToNext()
current = node;
node = null;

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@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Rokojori
public enum TreeIteratorType
public abstract class TreeIterator<N> where N:class
public abstract bool HasNext();
public abstract N Current();
protected abstract void _MoveToNext();
bool safeMoving = true;
public void MoveToNext()
if ( safeMoving && ! HasNext() )
throw new System.Exception( "Has no more elements" );
public void ForEach( System.Action<N> callback )
while ( HasNext() )
callback( Current() );
public N Get( System.Func<N,bool> predicate )
while ( HasNext() )
var current = Current();
var result = predicate( current );
if ( result )
return current;
return null;
public bool Has( System.Func<N,bool> predicate )
return Get( predicate ) != null;
public List<N> All( System.Func<N,bool> predicate )
var list = new List<N>();
while ( HasNext() )
var current = Current();
var result = predicate( current );
if ( result )
list.Add( current );
return list;
public static TreeIterator<N> GetIterator( TreeIteratorType type, N node, TreeWalker<N> walker )
switch ( type )
case TreeIteratorType.Parent:
return SinlgeIterator<N>.Create( walker.Parent( node ) );
case TreeIteratorType.NextSibling:
return SinlgeIterator<N>.Create( walker.NextSibling( node ) );
case TreeIteratorType.PreviousSibling:
return SinlgeIterator<N>.Create( walker.PreviousSibling( node ) );
case TreeIteratorType.FirstChild:
return SinlgeIterator<N>.Create( walker.ChildAt( node, 0 ) );
case TreeIteratorType.LastChild:
return SinlgeIterator<N>.Create( walker.ChildAt( node, walker.NumChildren( node ) - 1 ) );
case TreeIteratorType.LastGrandChild:
return SinlgeIterator<N>.Create( walker.LastGrandChild( node ) );
case TreeIteratorType.NextNode:
return SinlgeIterator<N>.Create( walker.NextNode( node ) );
case TreeIteratorType.PreviousNode:
return SinlgeIterator<N>.Create( walker.PreviousNode( node ) );
case TreeIteratorType.Parents:
return ParentsIterator<N>.Create( walker, node );
case TreeIteratorType.DirectChildren:
return DirectChildrenIterator<N>.Create( walker, node );
case TreeIteratorType.Children:
return ChildrenIterator<N>.Create( walker, node );
case TreeIteratorType.Siblings:
return SiblingsIterator<N>.Create( walker, node, true, true );
case TreeIteratorType.PreviousSiblings:
return SiblingsIterator<N>.Create( walker, node, true, false );
case TreeIteratorType.NextSiblings:
return SiblingsIterator<N>.Create( walker, node, false, true );
case TreeIteratorType.NextNodes:
return NodesIterator<N>.Create( walker, node, true );
case TreeIteratorType.PreviousNodes:
return NodesIterator<N>.Create( walker, node, false );
return null;

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@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Rokojori
public abstract class TreeWalker<N> where N:class
public abstract N Parent( N node );
public abstract N ChildAt( N node, int index );
public abstract int NumChildren( N node );
public bool HasChildren( N node )
return NumChildren( node ) > 0;
public bool HasParent( N node )
return Parent( node ) != null;
public int ChildIndexOf( N node )
var p = Parent( node );
if ( p == null )
return -1;
var numKids = NumChildren( p );
for ( var i = 0; i<numKids; i++ )
if ( ChildAt( p, i ) == node )
return i;
return -1;
public N SiblingAt( N node, int index )
var p = Parent( node );
if ( p == null || index<0 || index >= NumChildren( p ) )
{ return null; }
return ChildAt( p, index );
public N NextSibling( N node )
var index = ChildIndexOf( node );
return SiblingAt( node, index+1 );
public N PreviousSibling( N node )
var index = ChildIndexOf( node );
return SiblingAt( node, index-1 );
public bool HasSiblingAt( N node, int index )
var p = Parent( node );
if ( p == null || index<0 || index >= NumChildren( p ) )
{ return false; }
return true;
public N FirstChild( N node )
return NumChildren( node )<=0?null:ChildAt( node, 0 );
public N LastChild( N node )
var num = NumChildren( node );
return num <= 0 ? null : ChildAt( node, num - 1 );
public N NextNode( N node )
if ( HasChildren( node ) )
return FirstChild( node );
var next = NextSibling( node );
if ( next != null )
return next;
var parent = Parent( node );
while ( parent != null )
var n = NextSibling( parent );
if ( n != null )
return n;
parent = Parent( parent );
return null;
public N PreviousNode( N node )
var prev = PreviousSibling( node );
if ( prev != null )
while ( HasChildren( prev ) )
prev = LastChild( prev );
return prev;
return Parent( node );
public N RootParent( N node )
node = Parent( node );
if ( node == null )
return null;
while ( HasParent( node ) )
node = Parent( node );
return node;
public N LastGrandChild( N node )
if ( HasChildren( node ) )
node = LastChild( node );
while ( HasChildren( node ) )
node = LastChild( node );
return node;
return null;
public bool IsChildOf( N child, N parent )
var p = Parent( child );
while ( p != null )
if ( p == parent )
return true;
p = Parent( p );
return false;
public int NumParents( N node )
var num = 0;
var p = Parent( node );
while ( p != null )
p = Parent( p );
return num;
public N LastOuterNode( N node )
var its = 0;
var max = 10000;
while ( HasChildren( node ) )
if ( its > max )
throw new System.Exception();
node = LastChild( node );
return node;
public N NextNonChild( N node )
return NextNode( LastOuterNode( node ) );
public N IterationEndOf( N node )
return NextNonChild( node );
public void Iterate( N node, System.Action<N> callback, bool childrenOnly = false )
var end = IterationEndOf( node );
var it = node;
if ( childrenOnly )
it = NextNode( it );
while ( it != end )
callback( it );
it = NextNode( it );
public N Find( N node, System.Predicate<N> predicate, bool childrenOnly )
var end = IterationEndOf( node );
var it = node;
if ( childrenOnly )
it = NextNode( it );
while ( it != end )
if ( predicate( it ) )
return it;
it = NextNode( it );
return null;
public void Filter( List<N> list, N node, System.Predicate<N> predicate, bool childrenOnly )
System.Action<N> addToList = ( N n ) =>
if ( predicate( n ) )
list.Add( n );
Iterate( node, addToList, childrenOnly );
public void FilterAndMap<U>( List<U> list, N node, System.Predicate<N> predicate, System.Func<N,U> mapper, bool childrenOnly )
System.Action<N> addToList = ( N n ) =>
if ( predicate( n ) )
list.Add( mapper( n ) );
Iterate( node, addToList, childrenOnly );
public void Map<U>( List<U> list, N node, System.Predicate<N> predicate, System.Func<N,U> mapper, bool childrenOnly )
System.Action<N> addToList = ( N n ) =>
list.Add( mapper( n ) );
Iterate( node, addToList, childrenOnly );