// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Original Triangle code by Jonathan Richard Shewchuk, http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~quake/triangle.html
// Triangle.NET code by Christian Woltering, http://triangle.codeplex.com/
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace TriangleNet
using System;
using TriangleNet.Geometry;
using TriangleNet.Tools;
/// Adaptive exact arithmetic geometric predicates.
/// The adaptive exact arithmetic geometric predicates implemented herein are described in
/// detail in the paper "Adaptive Precision Floating-Point Arithmetic and Fast Robust
/// Geometric Predicates." by Jonathan Richard Shewchuk, see
/// http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~quake/robust.html
/// The macros of the original C code were automatically expanded using the Visual Studio
/// command prompt with the command "CL /P /C EXACT.C", see
/// http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/8z9z0bx6.aspx
public class RobustPredicates : IPredicates
#region Default predicates instance (Singleton)
private static readonly object creationLock = new object();
private static RobustPredicates _default;
/// Gets the default configuration instance.
public static RobustPredicates Default
if (_default == null)
lock (creationLock)
if (_default == null)
_default = new RobustPredicates();
return _default;
#region Static initialization
private static double epsilon, splitter, resulterrbound;
private static double ccwerrboundA, ccwerrboundB, ccwerrboundC;
private static double iccerrboundA, iccerrboundB, iccerrboundC;
//private static double o3derrboundA, o3derrboundB, o3derrboundC;
/// Initialize the variables used for exact arithmetic.
/// 'epsilon' is the largest power of two such that 1.0 + epsilon = 1.0 in
/// floating-point arithmetic. 'epsilon' bounds the relative roundoff
/// error. It is used for floating-point error analysis.
/// 'splitter' is used to split floating-point numbers into two half-
/// length significands for exact multiplication.
/// I imagine that a highly optimizing compiler might be too smart for its
/// own good, and somehow cause this routine to fail, if it pretends that
/// floating-point arithmetic is too much like double arithmetic.
/// Don't change this routine unless you fully understand it.
static RobustPredicates()
double half;
double check, lastcheck;
bool every_other;
every_other = true;
half = 0.5;
epsilon = 1.0;
splitter = 1.0;
check = 1.0;
// Repeatedly divide 'epsilon' by two until it is too small to add to
// one without causing roundoff. (Also check if the sum is equal to
// the previous sum, for machines that round up instead of using exact
// rounding. Not that these routines will work on such machines.)
lastcheck = check;
epsilon *= half;
if (every_other)
splitter *= 2.0;
every_other = !every_other;
check = 1.0 + epsilon;
} while ((check != 1.0) && (check != lastcheck));
splitter += 1.0;
// Error bounds for orientation and incircle tests.
resulterrbound = (3.0 + 8.0 * epsilon) * epsilon;
ccwerrboundA = (3.0 + 16.0 * epsilon) * epsilon;
ccwerrboundB = (2.0 + 12.0 * epsilon) * epsilon;
ccwerrboundC = (9.0 + 64.0 * epsilon) * epsilon * epsilon;
iccerrboundA = (10.0 + 96.0 * epsilon) * epsilon;
iccerrboundB = (4.0 + 48.0 * epsilon) * epsilon;
iccerrboundC = (44.0 + 576.0 * epsilon) * epsilon * epsilon;
//o3derrboundA = (7.0 + 56.0 * epsilon) * epsilon;
//o3derrboundB = (3.0 + 28.0 * epsilon) * epsilon;
//o3derrboundC = (26.0 + 288.0 * epsilon) * epsilon * epsilon;
public RobustPredicates()
/// Check, if the three points appear in counterclockwise order. The result is
/// also a rough approximation of twice the signed area of the triangle defined
/// by the three points.
/// Point a.
/// Point b.
/// Point c.
/// Return a positive value if the points pa, pb, and pc occur in
/// counterclockwise order; a negative value if they occur in clockwise order;
/// and zero if they are collinear.
public double CounterClockwise(Point pa, Point pb, Point pc)
double detleft, detright, det;
double detsum, errbound;
detleft = (pa.x - pc.x) * (pb.y - pc.y);
detright = (pa.y - pc.y) * (pb.x - pc.x);
det = detleft - detright;
if (Behavior.NoExact)
return det;
if (detleft > 0.0)
if (detright <= 0.0)
return det;
detsum = detleft + detright;
else if (detleft < 0.0)
if (detright >= 0.0)
return det;
detsum = -detleft - detright;
return det;
errbound = ccwerrboundA * detsum;
if ((det >= errbound) || (-det >= errbound))
return det;
return CounterClockwiseAdapt(pa, pb, pc, detsum);
/// Check if the point pd lies inside the circle passing through pa, pb, and pc. The
/// points pa, pb, and pc must be in counterclockwise order, or the sign of the result
/// will be reversed.
/// Point a.
/// Point b.
/// Point c.
/// Point d.
/// Return a positive value if the point pd lies inside the circle passing through
/// pa, pb, and pc; a negative value if it lies outside; and zero if the four points
/// are cocircular.
public double InCircle(Point pa, Point pb, Point pc, Point pd)
double adx, bdx, cdx, ady, bdy, cdy;
double bdxcdy, cdxbdy, cdxady, adxcdy, adxbdy, bdxady;
double alift, blift, clift;
double det;
double permanent, errbound;
adx = pa.x - pd.x;
bdx = pb.x - pd.x;
cdx = pc.x - pd.x;
ady = pa.y - pd.y;
bdy = pb.y - pd.y;
cdy = pc.y - pd.y;
bdxcdy = bdx * cdy;
cdxbdy = cdx * bdy;
alift = adx * adx + ady * ady;
cdxady = cdx * ady;
adxcdy = adx * cdy;
blift = bdx * bdx + bdy * bdy;
adxbdy = adx * bdy;
bdxady = bdx * ady;
clift = cdx * cdx + cdy * cdy;
det = alift * (bdxcdy - cdxbdy)
+ blift * (cdxady - adxcdy)
+ clift * (adxbdy - bdxady);
if (Behavior.NoExact)
return det;
permanent = (Math.Abs(bdxcdy) + Math.Abs(cdxbdy)) * alift
+ (Math.Abs(cdxady) + Math.Abs(adxcdy)) * blift
+ (Math.Abs(adxbdy) + Math.Abs(bdxady)) * clift;
errbound = iccerrboundA * permanent;
if ((det > errbound) || (-det > errbound))
return det;
return InCircleAdapt(pa, pb, pc, pd, permanent);
/// Return a positive value if the point pd is incompatible with the circle
/// or plane passing through pa, pb, and pc (meaning that pd is inside the
/// circle or below the plane); a negative value if it is compatible; and
/// zero if the four points are cocircular/coplanar. The points pa, pb, and
/// pc must be in counterclockwise order, or the sign of the result will be
/// reversed.
/// Point a.
/// Point b.
/// Point c.
/// Point d.
/// Return a positive value if the point pd lies inside the circle passing through
/// pa, pb, and pc; a negative value if it lies outside; and zero if the four points
/// are cocircular.
public double NonRegular(Point pa, Point pb, Point pc, Point pd)
return InCircle(pa, pb, pc, pd);
/// Find the circumcenter of a triangle.
/// Triangle point.
/// Triangle point.
/// Triangle point.
/// Relative coordinate of new location.
/// Relative coordinate of new location.
/// Off-center constant.
/// Coordinates of the circumcenter (or off-center)
public Point FindCircumcenter(Point org, Point dest, Point apex,
ref double xi, ref double eta, double offconstant)
double xdo, ydo, xao, yao;
double dodist, aodist, dadist;
double denominator;
double dx, dy, dxoff, dyoff;
// Compute the circumcenter of the triangle.
xdo = dest.x - org.x;
ydo = dest.y - org.y;
xao = apex.x - org.x;
yao = apex.y - org.y;
dodist = xdo * xdo + ydo * ydo;
aodist = xao * xao + yao * yao;
dadist = (dest.x - apex.x) * (dest.x - apex.x) +
(dest.y - apex.y) * (dest.y - apex.y);
if (Behavior.NoExact)
denominator = 0.5 / (xdo * yao - xao * ydo);
// Use the counterclockwise() routine to ensure a positive (and
// reasonably accurate) result, avoiding any possibility of
// division by zero.
denominator = 0.5 / CounterClockwise(dest, apex, org);
// Don't count the above as an orientation test.
dx = (yao * dodist - ydo * aodist) * denominator;
dy = (xdo * aodist - xao * dodist) * denominator;
// Find the (squared) length of the triangle's shortest edge. This
// serves as a conservative estimate of the insertion radius of the
// circumcenter's parent. The estimate is used to ensure that
// the algorithm terminates even if very small angles appear in
// the input PSLG.
if ((dodist < aodist) && (dodist < dadist))
if (offconstant > 0.0)
// Find the position of the off-center, as described by Alper Ungor.
dxoff = 0.5 * xdo - offconstant * ydo;
dyoff = 0.5 * ydo + offconstant * xdo;
// If the off-center is closer to the origin than the
// circumcenter, use the off-center instead.
if (dxoff * dxoff + dyoff * dyoff < dx * dx + dy * dy)
dx = dxoff;
dy = dyoff;
else if (aodist < dadist)
if (offconstant > 0.0)
dxoff = 0.5 * xao + offconstant * yao;
dyoff = 0.5 * yao - offconstant * xao;
// If the off-center is closer to the origin than the
// circumcenter, use the off-center instead.
if (dxoff * dxoff + dyoff * dyoff < dx * dx + dy * dy)
dx = dxoff;
dy = dyoff;
if (offconstant > 0.0)
dxoff = 0.5 * (apex.x - dest.x) - offconstant * (apex.y - dest.y);
dyoff = 0.5 * (apex.y - dest.y) + offconstant * (apex.x - dest.x);
// If the off-center is closer to the destination than the
// circumcenter, use the off-center instead.
if (dxoff * dxoff + dyoff * dyoff <
(dx - xdo) * (dx - xdo) + (dy - ydo) * (dy - ydo))
dx = xdo + dxoff;
dy = ydo + dyoff;
// To interpolate vertex attributes for the new vertex inserted at
// the circumcenter, define a coordinate system with a xi-axis,
// directed from the triangle's origin to its destination, and
// an eta-axis, directed from its origin to its apex.
// Calculate the xi and eta coordinates of the circumcenter.
xi = (yao * dx - xao * dy) * (2.0 * denominator);
eta = (xdo * dy - ydo * dx) * (2.0 * denominator);
return new Point(org.x + dx, org.y + dy);
/// Find the circumcenter of a triangle.
/// Triangle point.
/// Triangle point.
/// Triangle point.
/// Relative coordinate of new location.
/// Relative coordinate of new location.
/// Coordinates of the circumcenter
/// The result is returned both in terms of x-y coordinates and xi-eta
/// (barycentric) coordinates. The xi-eta coordinate system is defined in
/// terms of the triangle: the origin of the triangle is the origin of the
/// coordinate system; the destination of the triangle is one unit along the
/// xi axis; and the apex of the triangle is one unit along the eta axis.
/// This procedure also returns the square of the length of the triangle's
/// shortest edge.
public Point FindCircumcenter(Point org, Point dest, Point apex,
ref double xi, ref double eta)
double xdo, ydo, xao, yao;
double dodist, aodist;
double denominator;
double dx, dy;
// Compute the circumcenter of the triangle.
xdo = dest.x - org.x;
ydo = dest.y - org.y;
xao = apex.x - org.x;
yao = apex.y - org.y;
dodist = xdo * xdo + ydo * ydo;
aodist = xao * xao + yao * yao;
if (Behavior.NoExact)
denominator = 0.5 / (xdo * yao - xao * ydo);
// Use the counterclockwise() routine to ensure a positive (and
// reasonably accurate) result, avoiding any possibility of
// division by zero.
denominator = 0.5 / CounterClockwise(dest, apex, org);
// Don't count the above as an orientation test.
dx = (yao * dodist - ydo * aodist) * denominator;
dy = (xdo * aodist - xao * dodist) * denominator;
// To interpolate vertex attributes for the new vertex inserted at
// the circumcenter, define a coordinate system with a xi-axis,
// directed from the triangle's origin to its destination, and
// an eta-axis, directed from its origin to its apex.
// Calculate the xi and eta coordinates of the circumcenter.
xi = (yao * dx - xao * dy) * (2.0 * denominator);
eta = (xdo * dy - ydo * dx) * (2.0 * denominator);
return new Point(org.x + dx, org.y + dy);
#region Exact arithmetics
/// Sum two expansions, eliminating zero components from the output expansion.
/// Sets h = e + f. See the Robust Predicates paper for details.
/// If round-to-even is used (as with IEEE 754), maintains the strongly nonoverlapping
/// property. (That is, if e is strongly nonoverlapping, h will be also.) Does NOT
/// maintain the nonoverlapping or nonadjacent properties.
private int FastExpansionSumZeroElim(int elen, double[] e, int flen, double[] f, double[] h)
double Q;
double Qnew;
double hh;
double bvirt;
double avirt, bround, around;
int eindex, findex, hindex;
double enow, fnow;
enow = e[0];
fnow = f[0];
eindex = findex = 0;
if ((fnow > enow) == (fnow > -enow))
Q = enow;
enow = e[++eindex];
Q = fnow;
fnow = f[++findex];
hindex = 0;
if ((eindex < elen) && (findex < flen))
if ((fnow > enow) == (fnow > -enow))
Qnew = (double)(enow + Q); bvirt = Qnew - enow; hh = Q - bvirt;
enow = e[++eindex];
Qnew = (double)(fnow + Q); bvirt = Qnew - fnow; hh = Q - bvirt;
fnow = f[++findex];
Q = Qnew;
if (hh != 0.0)
h[hindex++] = hh;
while ((eindex < elen) && (findex < flen))
if ((fnow > enow) == (fnow > -enow))
Qnew = (double)(Q + enow);
bvirt = (double)(Qnew - Q);
avirt = Qnew - bvirt;
bround = enow - bvirt;
around = Q - avirt;
hh = around + bround;
enow = e[++eindex];
Qnew = (double)(Q + fnow);
bvirt = (double)(Qnew - Q);
avirt = Qnew - bvirt;
bround = fnow - bvirt;
around = Q - avirt;
hh = around + bround;
fnow = f[++findex];
Q = Qnew;
if (hh != 0.0)
h[hindex++] = hh;
while (eindex < elen)
Qnew = (double)(Q + enow);
bvirt = (double)(Qnew - Q);
avirt = Qnew - bvirt;
bround = enow - bvirt;
around = Q - avirt;
hh = around + bround;
enow = e[++eindex];
Q = Qnew;
if (hh != 0.0)
h[hindex++] = hh;
while (findex < flen)
Qnew = (double)(Q + fnow);
bvirt = (double)(Qnew - Q);
avirt = Qnew - bvirt;
bround = fnow - bvirt;
around = Q - avirt;
hh = around + bround;
fnow = f[++findex];
Q = Qnew;
if (hh != 0.0)
h[hindex++] = hh;
if ((Q != 0.0) || (hindex == 0))
h[hindex++] = Q;
return hindex;
/// Multiply an expansion by a scalar, eliminating zero components from the output expansion.
/// Sets h = be. See my Robust Predicates paper for details.
/// Maintains the nonoverlapping property. If round-to-even is used (as with IEEE 754),
/// maintains the strongly nonoverlapping and nonadjacent properties as well. (That is,
/// if e has one of these properties, so will h.)
private int ScaleExpansionZeroElim(int elen, double[] e, double b, double[] h)
double Q, sum;
double hh;
double product1;
double product0;
int eindex, hindex;
double enow;
double bvirt;
double avirt, bround, around;
double c;
double abig;
double ahi, alo, bhi, blo;
double err1, err2, err3;
c = (double)(splitter * b); abig = (double)(c - b); bhi = c - abig; blo = b - bhi;
Q = (double)(e[0] * b); c = (double)(splitter * e[0]); abig = (double)(c - e[0]); ahi = c - abig; alo = e[0] - ahi; err1 = Q - (ahi * bhi); err2 = err1 - (alo * bhi); err3 = err2 - (ahi * blo); hh = (alo * blo) - err3;
hindex = 0;
if (hh != 0)
h[hindex++] = hh;
for (eindex = 1; eindex < elen; eindex++)
enow = e[eindex];
product1 = (double)(enow * b); c = (double)(splitter * enow); abig = (double)(c - enow); ahi = c - abig; alo = enow - ahi; err1 = product1 - (ahi * bhi); err2 = err1 - (alo * bhi); err3 = err2 - (ahi * blo); product0 = (alo * blo) - err3;
sum = (double)(Q + product0); bvirt = (double)(sum - Q); avirt = sum - bvirt; bround = product0 - bvirt; around = Q - avirt; hh = around + bround;
if (hh != 0)
h[hindex++] = hh;
Q = (double)(product1 + sum); bvirt = Q - product1; hh = sum - bvirt;
if (hh != 0)
h[hindex++] = hh;
if ((Q != 0.0) || (hindex == 0))
h[hindex++] = Q;
return hindex;
/// Produce a one-word estimate of an expansion's value.
private double Estimate(int elen, double[] e)
double Q;
int eindex;
Q = e[0];
for (eindex = 1; eindex < elen; eindex++)
Q += e[eindex];
return Q;
/// Return a positive value if the points pa, pb, and pc occur in counterclockwise
/// order; a negative value if they occur in clockwise order; and zero if they are
/// collinear. The result is also a rough approximation of twice the signed area of
/// the triangle defined by the three points.
/// Uses exact arithmetic if necessary to ensure a correct answer. The result returned
/// is the determinant of a matrix. This determinant is computed adaptively, in the
/// sense that exact arithmetic is used only to the degree it is needed to ensure that
/// the returned value has the correct sign. Hence, this function is usually quite fast,
/// but will run more slowly when the input points are collinear or nearly so.
private double CounterClockwiseAdapt(Point pa, Point pb, Point pc, double detsum)
double acx, acy, bcx, bcy;
double acxtail, acytail, bcxtail, bcytail;
double detleft, detright;
double detlefttail, detrighttail;
double det, errbound;
// Edited to work around index out of range exceptions (changed array length from 4 to 5).
// See unsafe indexing in FastExpansionSumZeroElim.
double[] B = new double[5], u = new double[5];
double[] C1 = new double[8], C2 = new double[12], D = new double[16];
double B3;
int C1length, C2length, Dlength;
double u3;
double s1, t1;
double s0, t0;
double bvirt;
double avirt, bround, around;
double c;
double abig;
double ahi, alo, bhi, blo;
double err1, err2, err3;
double _i, _j;
double _0;
acx = (double)(pa.x - pc.x);
bcx = (double)(pb.x - pc.x);
acy = (double)(pa.y - pc.y);
bcy = (double)(pb.y - pc.y);
detleft = (double)(acx * bcy); c = (double)(splitter * acx); abig = (double)(c - acx); ahi = c - abig; alo = acx - ahi; c = (double)(splitter * bcy); abig = (double)(c - bcy); bhi = c - abig; blo = bcy - bhi; err1 = detleft - (ahi * bhi); err2 = err1 - (alo * bhi); err3 = err2 - (ahi * blo); detlefttail = (alo * blo) - err3;
detright = (double)(acy * bcx); c = (double)(splitter * acy); abig = (double)(c - acy); ahi = c - abig; alo = acy - ahi; c = (double)(splitter * bcx); abig = (double)(c - bcx); bhi = c - abig; blo = bcx - bhi; err1 = detright - (ahi * bhi); err2 = err1 - (alo * bhi); err3 = err2 - (ahi * blo); detrighttail = (alo * blo) - err3;
_i = (double)(detlefttail - detrighttail); bvirt = (double)(detlefttail - _i); avirt = _i + bvirt; bround = bvirt - detrighttail; around = detlefttail - avirt; B[0] = around + bround; _j = (double)(detleft + _i); bvirt = (double)(_j - detleft); avirt = _j - bvirt; bround = _i - bvirt; around = detleft - avirt; _0 = around + bround; _i = (double)(_0 - detright); bvirt = (double)(_0 - _i); avirt = _i + bvirt; bround = bvirt - detright; around = _0 - avirt; B[1] = around + bround; B3 = (double)(_j + _i); bvirt = (double)(B3 - _j); avirt = B3 - bvirt; bround = _i - bvirt; around = _j - avirt; B[2] = around + bround;
B[3] = B3;
det = Estimate(4, B);
errbound = ccwerrboundB * detsum;
if ((det >= errbound) || (-det >= errbound))
return det;
bvirt = (double)(pa.x - acx); avirt = acx + bvirt; bround = bvirt - pc.x; around = pa.x - avirt; acxtail = around + bround;
bvirt = (double)(pb.x - bcx); avirt = bcx + bvirt; bround = bvirt - pc.x; around = pb.x - avirt; bcxtail = around + bround;
bvirt = (double)(pa.y - acy); avirt = acy + bvirt; bround = bvirt - pc.y; around = pa.y - avirt; acytail = around + bround;
bvirt = (double)(pb.y - bcy); avirt = bcy + bvirt; bround = bvirt - pc.y; around = pb.y - avirt; bcytail = around + bround;
if ((acxtail == 0.0) && (acytail == 0.0)
&& (bcxtail == 0.0) && (bcytail == 0.0))
return det;
errbound = ccwerrboundC * detsum + resulterrbound * ((det) >= 0.0 ? (det) : -(det));
det += (acx * bcytail + bcy * acxtail)
- (acy * bcxtail + bcx * acytail);
if ((det >= errbound) || (-det >= errbound))
return det;
s1 = (double)(acxtail * bcy); c = (double)(splitter * acxtail); abig = (double)(c - acxtail); ahi = c - abig; alo = acxtail - ahi; c = (double)(splitter * bcy); abig = (double)(c - bcy); bhi = c - abig; blo = bcy - bhi; err1 = s1 - (ahi * bhi); err2 = err1 - (alo * bhi); err3 = err2 - (ahi * blo); s0 = (alo * blo) - err3;
t1 = (double)(acytail * bcx); c = (double)(splitter * acytail); abig = (double)(c - acytail); ahi = c - abig; alo = acytail - ahi; c = (double)(splitter * bcx); abig = (double)(c - bcx); bhi = c - abig; blo = bcx - bhi; err1 = t1 - (ahi * bhi); err2 = err1 - (alo * bhi); err3 = err2 - (ahi * blo); t0 = (alo * blo) - err3;
_i = (double)(s0 - t0); bvirt = (double)(s0 - _i); avirt = _i + bvirt; bround = bvirt - t0; around = s0 - avirt; u[0] = around + bround; _j = (double)(s1 + _i); bvirt = (double)(_j - s1); avirt = _j - bvirt; bround = _i - bvirt; around = s1 - avirt; _0 = around + bround; _i = (double)(_0 - t1); bvirt = (double)(_0 - _i); avirt = _i + bvirt; bround = bvirt - t1; around = _0 - avirt; u[1] = around + bround; u3 = (double)(_j + _i); bvirt = (double)(u3 - _j); avirt = u3 - bvirt; bround = _i - bvirt; around = _j - avirt; u[2] = around + bround;
u[3] = u3;
C1length = FastExpansionSumZeroElim(4, B, 4, u, C1);
s1 = (double)(acx * bcytail); c = (double)(splitter * acx); abig = (double)(c - acx); ahi = c - abig; alo = acx - ahi; c = (double)(splitter * bcytail); abig = (double)(c - bcytail); bhi = c - abig; blo = bcytail - bhi; err1 = s1 - (ahi * bhi); err2 = err1 - (alo * bhi); err3 = err2 - (ahi * blo); s0 = (alo * blo) - err3;
t1 = (double)(acy * bcxtail); c = (double)(splitter * acy); abig = (double)(c - acy); ahi = c - abig; alo = acy - ahi; c = (double)(splitter * bcxtail); abig = (double)(c - bcxtail); bhi = c - abig; blo = bcxtail - bhi; err1 = t1 - (ahi * bhi); err2 = err1 - (alo * bhi); err3 = err2 - (ahi * blo); t0 = (alo * blo) - err3;
_i = (double)(s0 - t0); bvirt = (double)(s0 - _i); avirt = _i + bvirt; bround = bvirt - t0; around = s0 - avirt; u[0] = around + bround; _j = (double)(s1 + _i); bvirt = (double)(_j - s1); avirt = _j - bvirt; bround = _i - bvirt; around = s1 - avirt; _0 = around + bround; _i = (double)(_0 - t1); bvirt = (double)(_0 - _i); avirt = _i + bvirt; bround = bvirt - t1; around = _0 - avirt; u[1] = around + bround; u3 = (double)(_j + _i); bvirt = (double)(u3 - _j); avirt = u3 - bvirt; bround = _i - bvirt; around = _j - avirt; u[2] = around + bround;
u[3] = u3;
C2length = FastExpansionSumZeroElim(C1length, C1, 4, u, C2);
s1 = (double)(acxtail * bcytail); c = (double)(splitter * acxtail); abig = (double)(c - acxtail); ahi = c - abig; alo = acxtail - ahi; c = (double)(splitter * bcytail); abig = (double)(c - bcytail); bhi = c - abig; blo = bcytail - bhi; err1 = s1 - (ahi * bhi); err2 = err1 - (alo * bhi); err3 = err2 - (ahi * blo); s0 = (alo * blo) - err3;
t1 = (double)(acytail * bcxtail); c = (double)(splitter * acytail); abig = (double)(c - acytail); ahi = c - abig; alo = acytail - ahi; c = (double)(splitter * bcxtail); abig = (double)(c - bcxtail); bhi = c - abig; blo = bcxtail - bhi; err1 = t1 - (ahi * bhi); err2 = err1 - (alo * bhi); err3 = err2 - (ahi * blo); t0 = (alo * blo) - err3;
_i = (double)(s0 - t0); bvirt = (double)(s0 - _i); avirt = _i + bvirt; bround = bvirt - t0; around = s0 - avirt; u[0] = around + bround; _j = (double)(s1 + _i); bvirt = (double)(_j - s1); avirt = _j - bvirt; bround = _i - bvirt; around = s1 - avirt; _0 = around + bround; _i = (double)(_0 - t1); bvirt = (double)(_0 - _i); avirt = _i + bvirt; bround = bvirt - t1; around = _0 - avirt; u[1] = around + bround; u3 = (double)(_j + _i); bvirt = (double)(u3 - _j); avirt = u3 - bvirt; bround = _i - bvirt; around = _j - avirt; u[2] = around + bround;
u[3] = u3;
Dlength = FastExpansionSumZeroElim(C2length, C2, 4, u, D);
return (D[Dlength - 1]);
/// Return a positive value if the point pd lies inside the circle passing through
/// pa, pb, and pc; a negative value if it lies outside; and zero if the four points
/// are cocircular. The points pa, pb, and pc must be in counterclockwise order, or
/// the sign of the result will be reversed.
/// Uses exact arithmetic if necessary to ensure a correct answer. The result returned
/// is the determinant of a matrix. This determinant is computed adaptively, in the
/// sense that exact arithmetic is used only to the degree it is needed to ensure that
/// the returned value has the correct sign. Hence, this function is usually quite fast,
/// but will run more slowly when the input points are cocircular or nearly so.
private double InCircleAdapt(Point pa, Point pb, Point pc, Point pd, double permanent)
double adx, bdx, cdx, ady, bdy, cdy;
double det, errbound;
double bdxcdy1, cdxbdy1, cdxady1, adxcdy1, adxbdy1, bdxady1;
double bdxcdy0, cdxbdy0, cdxady0, adxcdy0, adxbdy0, bdxady0;
double[] bc = new double[4], ca = new double[4], ab = new double[4];
double bc3, ca3, ab3;
int axbclen, axxbclen, aybclen, ayybclen, alen;
int bxcalen, bxxcalen, bycalen, byycalen, blen;
int cxablen, cxxablen, cyablen, cyyablen, clen;
int ablen;
double[] finnow, finother, finswap;
int finlength;
double adxtail, bdxtail, cdxtail, adytail, bdytail, cdytail;
double adxadx1, adyady1, bdxbdx1, bdybdy1, cdxcdx1, cdycdy1;
double adxadx0, adyady0, bdxbdx0, bdybdy0, cdxcdx0, cdycdy0;
double[] aa = new double[4], bb = new double[4], cc = new double[4];
double aa3, bb3, cc3;
double ti1, tj1;
double ti0, tj0;
// Edited to work around index out of range exceptions (changed array length from 4 to 5).
// See unsafe indexing in FastExpansionSumZeroElim.
double[] u = new double[5], v = new double[5];
double u3, v3;
int temp8len, temp16alen, temp16blen, temp16clen;
int temp32alen, temp32blen, temp48len, temp64len;
double[] axtbb = new double[8], axtcc = new double[8], aytbb = new double[8], aytcc = new double[8];
int axtbblen, axtcclen, aytbblen, aytcclen;
double[] bxtaa = new double[8], bxtcc = new double[8], bytaa = new double[8], bytcc = new double[8];
int bxtaalen, bxtcclen, bytaalen, bytcclen;
double[] cxtaa = new double[8], cxtbb = new double[8], cytaa = new double[8], cytbb = new double[8];
int cxtaalen, cxtbblen, cytaalen, cytbblen;
double[] axtbc = new double[8], aytbc = new double[8], bxtca = new double[8], bytca = new double[8], cxtab = new double[8], cytab = new double[8];
int axtbclen = 0, aytbclen = 0, bxtcalen = 0, bytcalen = 0, cxtablen = 0, cytablen = 0;
double[] axtbct = new double[16], aytbct = new double[16], bxtcat = new double[16], bytcat = new double[16], cxtabt = new double[16], cytabt = new double[16];
int axtbctlen, aytbctlen, bxtcatlen, bytcatlen, cxtabtlen, cytabtlen;
double[] axtbctt = new double[8], aytbctt = new double[8], bxtcatt = new double[8];
double[] bytcatt = new double[8], cxtabtt = new double[8], cytabtt = new double[8];
int axtbcttlen, aytbcttlen, bxtcattlen, bytcattlen, cxtabttlen, cytabttlen;
double[] abt = new double[8], bct = new double[8], cat = new double[8];
int abtlen, bctlen, catlen;
double[] abtt = new double[4], bctt = new double[4], catt = new double[4];
int abttlen, bcttlen, cattlen;
double abtt3, bctt3, catt3;
double negate;
double bvirt;
double avirt, bround, around;
double c;
double abig;
double ahi, alo, bhi, blo;
double err1, err2, err3;
double _i, _j;
double _0;
adx = (double)(pa.x - pd.x);
bdx = (double)(pb.x - pd.x);
cdx = (double)(pc.x - pd.x);
ady = (double)(pa.y - pd.y);
bdy = (double)(pb.y - pd.y);
cdy = (double)(pc.y - pd.y);
adx = (double)(pa.x - pd.x);
bdx = (double)(pb.x - pd.x);
cdx = (double)(pc.x - pd.x);
ady = (double)(pa.y - pd.y);
bdy = (double)(pb.y - pd.y);
cdy = (double)(pc.y - pd.y);
bdxcdy1 = (double)(bdx * cdy); c = (double)(splitter * bdx); abig = (double)(c - bdx); ahi = c - abig; alo = bdx - ahi; c = (double)(splitter * cdy); abig = (double)(c - cdy); bhi = c - abig; blo = cdy - bhi; err1 = bdxcdy1 - (ahi * bhi); err2 = err1 - (alo * bhi); err3 = err2 - (ahi * blo); bdxcdy0 = (alo * blo) - err3;
cdxbdy1 = (double)(cdx * bdy); c = (double)(splitter * cdx); abig = (double)(c - cdx); ahi = c - abig; alo = cdx - ahi; c = (double)(splitter * bdy); abig = (double)(c - bdy); bhi = c - abig; blo = bdy - bhi; err1 = cdxbdy1 - (ahi * bhi); err2 = err1 - (alo * bhi); err3 = err2 - (ahi * blo); cdxbdy0 = (alo * blo) - err3;
_i = (double)(bdxcdy0 - cdxbdy0); bvirt = (double)(bdxcdy0 - _i); avirt = _i + bvirt; bround = bvirt - cdxbdy0; around = bdxcdy0 - avirt; bc[0] = around + bround; _j = (double)(bdxcdy1 + _i); bvirt = (double)(_j - bdxcdy1); avirt = _j - bvirt; bround = _i - bvirt; around = bdxcdy1 - avirt; _0 = around + bround; _i = (double)(_0 - cdxbdy1); bvirt = (double)(_0 - _i); avirt = _i + bvirt; bround = bvirt - cdxbdy1; around = _0 - avirt; bc[1] = around + bround; bc3 = (double)(_j + _i); bvirt = (double)(bc3 - _j); avirt = bc3 - bvirt; bround = _i - bvirt; around = _j - avirt; bc[2] = around + bround;
bc[3] = bc3;
axbclen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(4, bc, adx, axbc);
axxbclen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(axbclen, axbc, adx, axxbc);
aybclen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(4, bc, ady, aybc);
ayybclen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(aybclen, aybc, ady, ayybc);
alen = FastExpansionSumZeroElim(axxbclen, axxbc, ayybclen, ayybc, adet);
cdxady1 = (double)(cdx * ady); c = (double)(splitter * cdx); abig = (double)(c - cdx); ahi = c - abig; alo = cdx - ahi; c = (double)(splitter * ady); abig = (double)(c - ady); bhi = c - abig; blo = ady - bhi; err1 = cdxady1 - (ahi * bhi); err2 = err1 - (alo * bhi); err3 = err2 - (ahi * blo); cdxady0 = (alo * blo) - err3;
adxcdy1 = (double)(adx * cdy); c = (double)(splitter * adx); abig = (double)(c - adx); ahi = c - abig; alo = adx - ahi; c = (double)(splitter * cdy); abig = (double)(c - cdy); bhi = c - abig; blo = cdy - bhi; err1 = adxcdy1 - (ahi * bhi); err2 = err1 - (alo * bhi); err3 = err2 - (ahi * blo); adxcdy0 = (alo * blo) - err3;
_i = (double)(cdxady0 - adxcdy0); bvirt = (double)(cdxady0 - _i); avirt = _i + bvirt; bround = bvirt - adxcdy0; around = cdxady0 - avirt; ca[0] = around + bround; _j = (double)(cdxady1 + _i); bvirt = (double)(_j - cdxady1); avirt = _j - bvirt; bround = _i - bvirt; around = cdxady1 - avirt; _0 = around + bround; _i = (double)(_0 - adxcdy1); bvirt = (double)(_0 - _i); avirt = _i + bvirt; bround = bvirt - adxcdy1; around = _0 - avirt; ca[1] = around + bround; ca3 = (double)(_j + _i); bvirt = (double)(ca3 - _j); avirt = ca3 - bvirt; bround = _i - bvirt; around = _j - avirt; ca[2] = around + bround;
ca[3] = ca3;
bxcalen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(4, ca, bdx, bxca);
bxxcalen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(bxcalen, bxca, bdx, bxxca);
bycalen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(4, ca, bdy, byca);
byycalen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(bycalen, byca, bdy, byyca);
blen = FastExpansionSumZeroElim(bxxcalen, bxxca, byycalen, byyca, bdet);
adxbdy1 = (double)(adx * bdy); c = (double)(splitter * adx); abig = (double)(c - adx); ahi = c - abig; alo = adx - ahi; c = (double)(splitter * bdy); abig = (double)(c - bdy); bhi = c - abig; blo = bdy - bhi; err1 = adxbdy1 - (ahi * bhi); err2 = err1 - (alo * bhi); err3 = err2 - (ahi * blo); adxbdy0 = (alo * blo) - err3;
bdxady1 = (double)(bdx * ady); c = (double)(splitter * bdx); abig = (double)(c - bdx); ahi = c - abig; alo = bdx - ahi; c = (double)(splitter * ady); abig = (double)(c - ady); bhi = c - abig; blo = ady - bhi; err1 = bdxady1 - (ahi * bhi); err2 = err1 - (alo * bhi); err3 = err2 - (ahi * blo); bdxady0 = (alo * blo) - err3;
_i = (double)(adxbdy0 - bdxady0); bvirt = (double)(adxbdy0 - _i); avirt = _i + bvirt; bround = bvirt - bdxady0; around = adxbdy0 - avirt; ab[0] = around + bround; _j = (double)(adxbdy1 + _i); bvirt = (double)(_j - adxbdy1); avirt = _j - bvirt; bround = _i - bvirt; around = adxbdy1 - avirt; _0 = around + bround; _i = (double)(_0 - bdxady1); bvirt = (double)(_0 - _i); avirt = _i + bvirt; bround = bvirt - bdxady1; around = _0 - avirt; ab[1] = around + bround; ab3 = (double)(_j + _i); bvirt = (double)(ab3 - _j); avirt = ab3 - bvirt; bround = _i - bvirt; around = _j - avirt; ab[2] = around + bround;
ab[3] = ab3;
cxablen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(4, ab, cdx, cxab);
cxxablen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(cxablen, cxab, cdx, cxxab);
cyablen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(4, ab, cdy, cyab);
cyyablen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(cyablen, cyab, cdy, cyyab);
clen = FastExpansionSumZeroElim(cxxablen, cxxab, cyyablen, cyyab, cdet);
ablen = FastExpansionSumZeroElim(alen, adet, blen, bdet, abdet);
finlength = FastExpansionSumZeroElim(ablen, abdet, clen, cdet, fin1);
det = Estimate(finlength, fin1);
errbound = iccerrboundB * permanent;
if ((det >= errbound) || (-det >= errbound))
return det;
bvirt = (double)(pa.x - adx); avirt = adx + bvirt; bround = bvirt - pd.x; around = pa.x - avirt; adxtail = around + bround;
bvirt = (double)(pa.y - ady); avirt = ady + bvirt; bround = bvirt - pd.y; around = pa.y - avirt; adytail = around + bround;
bvirt = (double)(pb.x - bdx); avirt = bdx + bvirt; bround = bvirt - pd.x; around = pb.x - avirt; bdxtail = around + bround;
bvirt = (double)(pb.y - bdy); avirt = bdy + bvirt; bround = bvirt - pd.y; around = pb.y - avirt; bdytail = around + bround;
bvirt = (double)(pc.x - cdx); avirt = cdx + bvirt; bround = bvirt - pd.x; around = pc.x - avirt; cdxtail = around + bround;
bvirt = (double)(pc.y - cdy); avirt = cdy + bvirt; bround = bvirt - pd.y; around = pc.y - avirt; cdytail = around + bround;
if ((adxtail == 0.0) && (bdxtail == 0.0) && (cdxtail == 0.0)
&& (adytail == 0.0) && (bdytail == 0.0) && (cdytail == 0.0))
return det;
errbound = iccerrboundC * permanent + resulterrbound * ((det) >= 0.0 ? (det) : -(det));
det += ((adx * adx + ady * ady) * ((bdx * cdytail + cdy * bdxtail) - (bdy * cdxtail + cdx * bdytail))
+ 2.0 * (adx * adxtail + ady * adytail) * (bdx * cdy - bdy * cdx))
+ ((bdx * bdx + bdy * bdy) * ((cdx * adytail + ady * cdxtail) - (cdy * adxtail + adx * cdytail))
+ 2.0 * (bdx * bdxtail + bdy * bdytail) * (cdx * ady - cdy * adx))
+ ((cdx * cdx + cdy * cdy) * ((adx * bdytail + bdy * adxtail) - (ady * bdxtail + bdx * adytail))
+ 2.0 * (cdx * cdxtail + cdy * cdytail) * (adx * bdy - ady * bdx));
if ((det >= errbound) || (-det >= errbound))
return det;
finnow = fin1;
finother = fin2;
if ((bdxtail != 0.0) || (bdytail != 0.0) || (cdxtail != 0.0) || (cdytail != 0.0))
adxadx1 = (double)(adx * adx); c = (double)(splitter * adx); abig = (double)(c - adx); ahi = c - abig; alo = adx - ahi; err1 = adxadx1 - (ahi * ahi); err3 = err1 - ((ahi + ahi) * alo); adxadx0 = (alo * alo) - err3;
adyady1 = (double)(ady * ady); c = (double)(splitter * ady); abig = (double)(c - ady); ahi = c - abig; alo = ady - ahi; err1 = adyady1 - (ahi * ahi); err3 = err1 - ((ahi + ahi) * alo); adyady0 = (alo * alo) - err3;
_i = (double)(adxadx0 + adyady0); bvirt = (double)(_i - adxadx0); avirt = _i - bvirt; bround = adyady0 - bvirt; around = adxadx0 - avirt; aa[0] = around + bround; _j = (double)(adxadx1 + _i); bvirt = (double)(_j - adxadx1); avirt = _j - bvirt; bround = _i - bvirt; around = adxadx1 - avirt; _0 = around + bround; _i = (double)(_0 + adyady1); bvirt = (double)(_i - _0); avirt = _i - bvirt; bround = adyady1 - bvirt; around = _0 - avirt; aa[1] = around + bround; aa3 = (double)(_j + _i); bvirt = (double)(aa3 - _j); avirt = aa3 - bvirt; bround = _i - bvirt; around = _j - avirt; aa[2] = around + bround;
aa[3] = aa3;
if ((cdxtail != 0.0) || (cdytail != 0.0) || (adxtail != 0.0) || (adytail != 0.0))
bdxbdx1 = (double)(bdx * bdx); c = (double)(splitter * bdx); abig = (double)(c - bdx); ahi = c - abig; alo = bdx - ahi; err1 = bdxbdx1 - (ahi * ahi); err3 = err1 - ((ahi + ahi) * alo); bdxbdx0 = (alo * alo) - err3;
bdybdy1 = (double)(bdy * bdy); c = (double)(splitter * bdy); abig = (double)(c - bdy); ahi = c - abig; alo = bdy - ahi; err1 = bdybdy1 - (ahi * ahi); err3 = err1 - ((ahi + ahi) * alo); bdybdy0 = (alo * alo) - err3;
_i = (double)(bdxbdx0 + bdybdy0); bvirt = (double)(_i - bdxbdx0); avirt = _i - bvirt; bround = bdybdy0 - bvirt; around = bdxbdx0 - avirt; bb[0] = around + bround; _j = (double)(bdxbdx1 + _i); bvirt = (double)(_j - bdxbdx1); avirt = _j - bvirt; bround = _i - bvirt; around = bdxbdx1 - avirt; _0 = around + bround; _i = (double)(_0 + bdybdy1); bvirt = (double)(_i - _0); avirt = _i - bvirt; bround = bdybdy1 - bvirt; around = _0 - avirt; bb[1] = around + bround; bb3 = (double)(_j + _i); bvirt = (double)(bb3 - _j); avirt = bb3 - bvirt; bround = _i - bvirt; around = _j - avirt; bb[2] = around + bround;
bb[3] = bb3;
if ((adxtail != 0.0) || (adytail != 0.0) || (bdxtail != 0.0) || (bdytail != 0.0))
cdxcdx1 = (double)(cdx * cdx); c = (double)(splitter * cdx); abig = (double)(c - cdx); ahi = c - abig; alo = cdx - ahi; err1 = cdxcdx1 - (ahi * ahi); err3 = err1 - ((ahi + ahi) * alo); cdxcdx0 = (alo * alo) - err3;
cdycdy1 = (double)(cdy * cdy); c = (double)(splitter * cdy); abig = (double)(c - cdy); ahi = c - abig; alo = cdy - ahi; err1 = cdycdy1 - (ahi * ahi); err3 = err1 - ((ahi + ahi) * alo); cdycdy0 = (alo * alo) - err3;
_i = (double)(cdxcdx0 + cdycdy0); bvirt = (double)(_i - cdxcdx0); avirt = _i - bvirt; bround = cdycdy0 - bvirt; around = cdxcdx0 - avirt; cc[0] = around + bround; _j = (double)(cdxcdx1 + _i); bvirt = (double)(_j - cdxcdx1); avirt = _j - bvirt; bround = _i - bvirt; around = cdxcdx1 - avirt; _0 = around + bround; _i = (double)(_0 + cdycdy1); bvirt = (double)(_i - _0); avirt = _i - bvirt; bround = cdycdy1 - bvirt; around = _0 - avirt; cc[1] = around + bround; cc3 = (double)(_j + _i); bvirt = (double)(cc3 - _j); avirt = cc3 - bvirt; bround = _i - bvirt; around = _j - avirt; cc[2] = around + bround;
cc[3] = cc3;
if (adxtail != 0.0)
axtbclen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(4, bc, adxtail, axtbc);
temp16alen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(axtbclen, axtbc, 2.0 * adx, temp16a);
axtcclen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(4, cc, adxtail, axtcc);
temp16blen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(axtcclen, axtcc, bdy, temp16b);
axtbblen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(4, bb, adxtail, axtbb);
temp16clen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(axtbblen, axtbb, -cdy, temp16c);
temp32alen = FastExpansionSumZeroElim(temp16alen, temp16a, temp16blen, temp16b, temp32a);
temp48len = FastExpansionSumZeroElim(temp16clen, temp16c, temp32alen, temp32a, temp48);
finlength = FastExpansionSumZeroElim(finlength, finnow, temp48len, temp48, finother);
finswap = finnow; finnow = finother; finother = finswap;
if (adytail != 0.0)
aytbclen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(4, bc, adytail, aytbc);
temp16alen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(aytbclen, aytbc, 2.0 * ady, temp16a);
aytbblen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(4, bb, adytail, aytbb);
temp16blen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(aytbblen, aytbb, cdx, temp16b);
aytcclen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(4, cc, adytail, aytcc);
temp16clen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(aytcclen, aytcc, -bdx, temp16c);
temp32alen = FastExpansionSumZeroElim(temp16alen, temp16a, temp16blen, temp16b, temp32a);
temp48len = FastExpansionSumZeroElim(temp16clen, temp16c, temp32alen, temp32a, temp48);
finlength = FastExpansionSumZeroElim(finlength, finnow, temp48len, temp48, finother);
finswap = finnow; finnow = finother; finother = finswap;
if (bdxtail != 0.0)
bxtcalen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(4, ca, bdxtail, bxtca);
temp16alen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(bxtcalen, bxtca, 2.0 * bdx, temp16a);
bxtaalen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(4, aa, bdxtail, bxtaa);
temp16blen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(bxtaalen, bxtaa, cdy, temp16b);
bxtcclen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(4, cc, bdxtail, bxtcc);
temp16clen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(bxtcclen, bxtcc, -ady, temp16c);
temp32alen = FastExpansionSumZeroElim(temp16alen, temp16a, temp16blen, temp16b, temp32a);
temp48len = FastExpansionSumZeroElim(temp16clen, temp16c, temp32alen, temp32a, temp48);
finlength = FastExpansionSumZeroElim(finlength, finnow, temp48len, temp48, finother);
finswap = finnow; finnow = finother; finother = finswap;
if (bdytail != 0.0)
bytcalen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(4, ca, bdytail, bytca);
temp16alen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(bytcalen, bytca, 2.0 * bdy, temp16a);
bytcclen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(4, cc, bdytail, bytcc);
temp16blen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(bytcclen, bytcc, adx, temp16b);
bytaalen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(4, aa, bdytail, bytaa);
temp16clen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(bytaalen, bytaa, -cdx, temp16c);
temp32alen = FastExpansionSumZeroElim(temp16alen, temp16a, temp16blen, temp16b, temp32a);
temp48len = FastExpansionSumZeroElim(temp16clen, temp16c, temp32alen, temp32a, temp48);
finlength = FastExpansionSumZeroElim(finlength, finnow, temp48len, temp48, finother);
finswap = finnow; finnow = finother; finother = finswap;
if (cdxtail != 0.0)
cxtablen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(4, ab, cdxtail, cxtab);
temp16alen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(cxtablen, cxtab, 2.0 * cdx, temp16a);
cxtbblen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(4, bb, cdxtail, cxtbb);
temp16blen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(cxtbblen, cxtbb, ady, temp16b);
cxtaalen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(4, aa, cdxtail, cxtaa);
temp16clen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(cxtaalen, cxtaa, -bdy, temp16c);
temp32alen = FastExpansionSumZeroElim(temp16alen, temp16a, temp16blen, temp16b, temp32a);
temp48len = FastExpansionSumZeroElim(temp16clen, temp16c, temp32alen, temp32a, temp48);
finlength = FastExpansionSumZeroElim(finlength, finnow, temp48len, temp48, finother);
finswap = finnow; finnow = finother; finother = finswap;
if (cdytail != 0.0)
cytablen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(4, ab, cdytail, cytab);
temp16alen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(cytablen, cytab, 2.0 * cdy, temp16a);
cytaalen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(4, aa, cdytail, cytaa);
temp16blen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(cytaalen, cytaa, bdx, temp16b);
cytbblen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(4, bb, cdytail, cytbb);
temp16clen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(cytbblen, cytbb, -adx, temp16c);
temp32alen = FastExpansionSumZeroElim(temp16alen, temp16a, temp16blen, temp16b, temp32a);
temp48len = FastExpansionSumZeroElim(temp16clen, temp16c, temp32alen, temp32a, temp48);
finlength = FastExpansionSumZeroElim(finlength, finnow, temp48len, temp48, finother);
finswap = finnow; finnow = finother; finother = finswap;
if ((adxtail != 0.0) || (adytail != 0.0))
if ((bdxtail != 0.0) || (bdytail != 0.0)
|| (cdxtail != 0.0) || (cdytail != 0.0))
ti1 = (double)(bdxtail * cdy); c = (double)(splitter * bdxtail); abig = (double)(c - bdxtail); ahi = c - abig; alo = bdxtail - ahi; c = (double)(splitter * cdy); abig = (double)(c - cdy); bhi = c - abig; blo = cdy - bhi; err1 = ti1 - (ahi * bhi); err2 = err1 - (alo * bhi); err3 = err2 - (ahi * blo); ti0 = (alo * blo) - err3;
tj1 = (double)(bdx * cdytail); c = (double)(splitter * bdx); abig = (double)(c - bdx); ahi = c - abig; alo = bdx - ahi; c = (double)(splitter * cdytail); abig = (double)(c - cdytail); bhi = c - abig; blo = cdytail - bhi; err1 = tj1 - (ahi * bhi); err2 = err1 - (alo * bhi); err3 = err2 - (ahi * blo); tj0 = (alo * blo) - err3;
_i = (double)(ti0 + tj0); bvirt = (double)(_i - ti0); avirt = _i - bvirt; bround = tj0 - bvirt; around = ti0 - avirt; u[0] = around + bround; _j = (double)(ti1 + _i); bvirt = (double)(_j - ti1); avirt = _j - bvirt; bround = _i - bvirt; around = ti1 - avirt; _0 = around + bround; _i = (double)(_0 + tj1); bvirt = (double)(_i - _0); avirt = _i - bvirt; bround = tj1 - bvirt; around = _0 - avirt; u[1] = around + bround; u3 = (double)(_j + _i); bvirt = (double)(u3 - _j); avirt = u3 - bvirt; bround = _i - bvirt; around = _j - avirt; u[2] = around + bround;
u[3] = u3;
negate = -bdy;
ti1 = (double)(cdxtail * negate); c = (double)(splitter * cdxtail); abig = (double)(c - cdxtail); ahi = c - abig; alo = cdxtail - ahi; c = (double)(splitter * negate); abig = (double)(c - negate); bhi = c - abig; blo = negate - bhi; err1 = ti1 - (ahi * bhi); err2 = err1 - (alo * bhi); err3 = err2 - (ahi * blo); ti0 = (alo * blo) - err3;
negate = -bdytail;
tj1 = (double)(cdx * negate); c = (double)(splitter * cdx); abig = (double)(c - cdx); ahi = c - abig; alo = cdx - ahi; c = (double)(splitter * negate); abig = (double)(c - negate); bhi = c - abig; blo = negate - bhi; err1 = tj1 - (ahi * bhi); err2 = err1 - (alo * bhi); err3 = err2 - (ahi * blo); tj0 = (alo * blo) - err3;
_i = (double)(ti0 + tj0); bvirt = (double)(_i - ti0); avirt = _i - bvirt; bround = tj0 - bvirt; around = ti0 - avirt; v[0] = around + bround; _j = (double)(ti1 + _i); bvirt = (double)(_j - ti1); avirt = _j - bvirt; bround = _i - bvirt; around = ti1 - avirt; _0 = around + bround; _i = (double)(_0 + tj1); bvirt = (double)(_i - _0); avirt = _i - bvirt; bround = tj1 - bvirt; around = _0 - avirt; v[1] = around + bround; v3 = (double)(_j + _i); bvirt = (double)(v3 - _j); avirt = v3 - bvirt; bround = _i - bvirt; around = _j - avirt; v[2] = around + bround;
v[3] = v3;
bctlen = FastExpansionSumZeroElim(4, u, 4, v, bct);
ti1 = (double)(bdxtail * cdytail); c = (double)(splitter * bdxtail); abig = (double)(c - bdxtail); ahi = c - abig; alo = bdxtail - ahi; c = (double)(splitter * cdytail); abig = (double)(c - cdytail); bhi = c - abig; blo = cdytail - bhi; err1 = ti1 - (ahi * bhi); err2 = err1 - (alo * bhi); err3 = err2 - (ahi * blo); ti0 = (alo * blo) - err3;
tj1 = (double)(cdxtail * bdytail); c = (double)(splitter * cdxtail); abig = (double)(c - cdxtail); ahi = c - abig; alo = cdxtail - ahi; c = (double)(splitter * bdytail); abig = (double)(c - bdytail); bhi = c - abig; blo = bdytail - bhi; err1 = tj1 - (ahi * bhi); err2 = err1 - (alo * bhi); err3 = err2 - (ahi * blo); tj0 = (alo * blo) - err3;
_i = (double)(ti0 - tj0); bvirt = (double)(ti0 - _i); avirt = _i + bvirt; bround = bvirt - tj0; around = ti0 - avirt; bctt[0] = around + bround; _j = (double)(ti1 + _i); bvirt = (double)(_j - ti1); avirt = _j - bvirt; bround = _i - bvirt; around = ti1 - avirt; _0 = around + bround; _i = (double)(_0 - tj1); bvirt = (double)(_0 - _i); avirt = _i + bvirt; bround = bvirt - tj1; around = _0 - avirt; bctt[1] = around + bround; bctt3 = (double)(_j + _i); bvirt = (double)(bctt3 - _j); avirt = bctt3 - bvirt; bround = _i - bvirt; around = _j - avirt; bctt[2] = around + bround;
bctt[3] = bctt3;
bcttlen = 4;
bct[0] = 0.0;
bctlen = 1;
bctt[0] = 0.0;
bcttlen = 1;
if (adxtail != 0.0)
temp16alen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(axtbclen, axtbc, adxtail, temp16a);
axtbctlen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(bctlen, bct, adxtail, axtbct);
temp32alen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(axtbctlen, axtbct, 2.0 * adx, temp32a);
temp48len = FastExpansionSumZeroElim(temp16alen, temp16a, temp32alen, temp32a, temp48);
finlength = FastExpansionSumZeroElim(finlength, finnow, temp48len, temp48, finother);
finswap = finnow; finnow = finother; finother = finswap;
if (bdytail != 0.0)
temp8len = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(4, cc, adxtail, temp8);
temp16alen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(temp8len, temp8, bdytail, temp16a);
finlength = FastExpansionSumZeroElim(finlength, finnow, temp16alen, temp16a, finother);
finswap = finnow; finnow = finother; finother = finswap;
if (cdytail != 0.0)
temp8len = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(4, bb, -adxtail, temp8);
temp16alen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(temp8len, temp8, cdytail, temp16a);
finlength = FastExpansionSumZeroElim(finlength, finnow, temp16alen, temp16a, finother);
finswap = finnow; finnow = finother; finother = finswap;
temp32alen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(axtbctlen, axtbct, adxtail, temp32a);
axtbcttlen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(bcttlen, bctt, adxtail, axtbctt);
temp16alen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(axtbcttlen, axtbctt, 2.0 * adx, temp16a);
temp16blen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(axtbcttlen, axtbctt, adxtail, temp16b);
temp32blen = FastExpansionSumZeroElim(temp16alen, temp16a, temp16blen, temp16b, temp32b);
temp64len = FastExpansionSumZeroElim(temp32alen, temp32a, temp32blen, temp32b, temp64);
finlength = FastExpansionSumZeroElim(finlength, finnow, temp64len, temp64, finother);
finswap = finnow; finnow = finother; finother = finswap;
if (adytail != 0.0)
temp16alen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(aytbclen, aytbc, adytail, temp16a);
aytbctlen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(bctlen, bct, adytail, aytbct);
temp32alen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(aytbctlen, aytbct, 2.0 * ady, temp32a);
temp48len = FastExpansionSumZeroElim(temp16alen, temp16a, temp32alen, temp32a, temp48);
finlength = FastExpansionSumZeroElim(finlength, finnow, temp48len, temp48, finother);
finswap = finnow; finnow = finother; finother = finswap;
temp32alen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(aytbctlen, aytbct, adytail, temp32a);
aytbcttlen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(bcttlen, bctt, adytail, aytbctt);
temp16alen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(aytbcttlen, aytbctt, 2.0 * ady, temp16a);
temp16blen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(aytbcttlen, aytbctt, adytail, temp16b);
temp32blen = FastExpansionSumZeroElim(temp16alen, temp16a, temp16blen, temp16b, temp32b);
temp64len = FastExpansionSumZeroElim(temp32alen, temp32a, temp32blen, temp32b, temp64);
finlength = FastExpansionSumZeroElim(finlength, finnow, temp64len, temp64, finother);
finswap = finnow; finnow = finother; finother = finswap;
if ((bdxtail != 0.0) || (bdytail != 0.0))
if ((cdxtail != 0.0) || (cdytail != 0.0)
|| (adxtail != 0.0) || (adytail != 0.0))
ti1 = (double)(cdxtail * ady); c = (double)(splitter * cdxtail); abig = (double)(c - cdxtail); ahi = c - abig; alo = cdxtail - ahi; c = (double)(splitter * ady); abig = (double)(c - ady); bhi = c - abig; blo = ady - bhi; err1 = ti1 - (ahi * bhi); err2 = err1 - (alo * bhi); err3 = err2 - (ahi * blo); ti0 = (alo * blo) - err3;
tj1 = (double)(cdx * adytail); c = (double)(splitter * cdx); abig = (double)(c - cdx); ahi = c - abig; alo = cdx - ahi; c = (double)(splitter * adytail); abig = (double)(c - adytail); bhi = c - abig; blo = adytail - bhi; err1 = tj1 - (ahi * bhi); err2 = err1 - (alo * bhi); err3 = err2 - (ahi * blo); tj0 = (alo * blo) - err3;
_i = (double)(ti0 + tj0); bvirt = (double)(_i - ti0); avirt = _i - bvirt; bround = tj0 - bvirt; around = ti0 - avirt; u[0] = around + bround; _j = (double)(ti1 + _i); bvirt = (double)(_j - ti1); avirt = _j - bvirt; bround = _i - bvirt; around = ti1 - avirt; _0 = around + bround; _i = (double)(_0 + tj1); bvirt = (double)(_i - _0); avirt = _i - bvirt; bround = tj1 - bvirt; around = _0 - avirt; u[1] = around + bround; u3 = (double)(_j + _i); bvirt = (double)(u3 - _j); avirt = u3 - bvirt; bround = _i - bvirt; around = _j - avirt; u[2] = around + bround;
u[3] = u3;
negate = -cdy;
ti1 = (double)(adxtail * negate); c = (double)(splitter * adxtail); abig = (double)(c - adxtail); ahi = c - abig; alo = adxtail - ahi; c = (double)(splitter * negate); abig = (double)(c - negate); bhi = c - abig; blo = negate - bhi; err1 = ti1 - (ahi * bhi); err2 = err1 - (alo * bhi); err3 = err2 - (ahi * blo); ti0 = (alo * blo) - err3;
negate = -cdytail;
tj1 = (double)(adx * negate); c = (double)(splitter * adx); abig = (double)(c - adx); ahi = c - abig; alo = adx - ahi; c = (double)(splitter * negate); abig = (double)(c - negate); bhi = c - abig; blo = negate - bhi; err1 = tj1 - (ahi * bhi); err2 = err1 - (alo * bhi); err3 = err2 - (ahi * blo); tj0 = (alo * blo) - err3;
_i = (double)(ti0 + tj0); bvirt = (double)(_i - ti0); avirt = _i - bvirt; bround = tj0 - bvirt; around = ti0 - avirt; v[0] = around + bround; _j = (double)(ti1 + _i); bvirt = (double)(_j - ti1); avirt = _j - bvirt; bround = _i - bvirt; around = ti1 - avirt; _0 = around + bround; _i = (double)(_0 + tj1); bvirt = (double)(_i - _0); avirt = _i - bvirt; bround = tj1 - bvirt; around = _0 - avirt; v[1] = around + bround; v3 = (double)(_j + _i); bvirt = (double)(v3 - _j); avirt = v3 - bvirt; bround = _i - bvirt; around = _j - avirt; v[2] = around + bround;
v[3] = v3;
catlen = FastExpansionSumZeroElim(4, u, 4, v, cat);
ti1 = (double)(cdxtail * adytail); c = (double)(splitter * cdxtail); abig = (double)(c - cdxtail); ahi = c - abig; alo = cdxtail - ahi; c = (double)(splitter * adytail); abig = (double)(c - adytail); bhi = c - abig; blo = adytail - bhi; err1 = ti1 - (ahi * bhi); err2 = err1 - (alo * bhi); err3 = err2 - (ahi * blo); ti0 = (alo * blo) - err3;
tj1 = (double)(adxtail * cdytail); c = (double)(splitter * adxtail); abig = (double)(c - adxtail); ahi = c - abig; alo = adxtail - ahi; c = (double)(splitter * cdytail); abig = (double)(c - cdytail); bhi = c - abig; blo = cdytail - bhi; err1 = tj1 - (ahi * bhi); err2 = err1 - (alo * bhi); err3 = err2 - (ahi * blo); tj0 = (alo * blo) - err3;
_i = (double)(ti0 - tj0); bvirt = (double)(ti0 - _i); avirt = _i + bvirt; bround = bvirt - tj0; around = ti0 - avirt; catt[0] = around + bround; _j = (double)(ti1 + _i); bvirt = (double)(_j - ti1); avirt = _j - bvirt; bround = _i - bvirt; around = ti1 - avirt; _0 = around + bround; _i = (double)(_0 - tj1); bvirt = (double)(_0 - _i); avirt = _i + bvirt; bround = bvirt - tj1; around = _0 - avirt; catt[1] = around + bround; catt3 = (double)(_j + _i); bvirt = (double)(catt3 - _j); avirt = catt3 - bvirt; bround = _i - bvirt; around = _j - avirt; catt[2] = around + bround;
catt[3] = catt3;
cattlen = 4;
cat[0] = 0.0;
catlen = 1;
catt[0] = 0.0;
cattlen = 1;
if (bdxtail != 0.0)
temp16alen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(bxtcalen, bxtca, bdxtail, temp16a);
bxtcatlen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(catlen, cat, bdxtail, bxtcat);
temp32alen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(bxtcatlen, bxtcat, 2.0 * bdx, temp32a);
temp48len = FastExpansionSumZeroElim(temp16alen, temp16a, temp32alen, temp32a, temp48);
finlength = FastExpansionSumZeroElim(finlength, finnow, temp48len, temp48, finother);
finswap = finnow; finnow = finother; finother = finswap;
if (cdytail != 0.0)
temp8len = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(4, aa, bdxtail, temp8);
temp16alen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(temp8len, temp8, cdytail, temp16a);
finlength = FastExpansionSumZeroElim(finlength, finnow, temp16alen, temp16a, finother);
finswap = finnow; finnow = finother; finother = finswap;
if (adytail != 0.0)
temp8len = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(4, cc, -bdxtail, temp8);
temp16alen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(temp8len, temp8, adytail, temp16a);
finlength = FastExpansionSumZeroElim(finlength, finnow, temp16alen, temp16a, finother);
finswap = finnow; finnow = finother; finother = finswap;
temp32alen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(bxtcatlen, bxtcat, bdxtail, temp32a);
bxtcattlen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(cattlen, catt, bdxtail, bxtcatt);
temp16alen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(bxtcattlen, bxtcatt, 2.0 * bdx, temp16a);
temp16blen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(bxtcattlen, bxtcatt, bdxtail, temp16b);
temp32blen = FastExpansionSumZeroElim(temp16alen, temp16a, temp16blen, temp16b, temp32b);
temp64len = FastExpansionSumZeroElim(temp32alen, temp32a, temp32blen, temp32b, temp64);
finlength = FastExpansionSumZeroElim(finlength, finnow, temp64len, temp64, finother);
finswap = finnow; finnow = finother; finother = finswap;
if (bdytail != 0.0)
temp16alen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(bytcalen, bytca, bdytail, temp16a);
bytcatlen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(catlen, cat, bdytail, bytcat);
temp32alen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(bytcatlen, bytcat, 2.0 * bdy, temp32a);
temp48len = FastExpansionSumZeroElim(temp16alen, temp16a, temp32alen, temp32a, temp48);
finlength = FastExpansionSumZeroElim(finlength, finnow, temp48len, temp48, finother);
finswap = finnow; finnow = finother; finother = finswap;
temp32alen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(bytcatlen, bytcat, bdytail, temp32a);
bytcattlen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(cattlen, catt, bdytail, bytcatt);
temp16alen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(bytcattlen, bytcatt, 2.0 * bdy, temp16a);
temp16blen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(bytcattlen, bytcatt, bdytail, temp16b);
temp32blen = FastExpansionSumZeroElim(temp16alen, temp16a, temp16blen, temp16b, temp32b);
temp64len = FastExpansionSumZeroElim(temp32alen, temp32a, temp32blen, temp32b, temp64);
finlength = FastExpansionSumZeroElim(finlength, finnow, temp64len, temp64, finother);
finswap = finnow; finnow = finother; finother = finswap;
if ((cdxtail != 0.0) || (cdytail != 0.0))
if ((adxtail != 0.0) || (adytail != 0.0)
|| (bdxtail != 0.0) || (bdytail != 0.0))
ti1 = (double)(adxtail * bdy); c = (double)(splitter * adxtail); abig = (double)(c - adxtail); ahi = c - abig; alo = adxtail - ahi; c = (double)(splitter * bdy); abig = (double)(c - bdy); bhi = c - abig; blo = bdy - bhi; err1 = ti1 - (ahi * bhi); err2 = err1 - (alo * bhi); err3 = err2 - (ahi * blo); ti0 = (alo * blo) - err3;
tj1 = (double)(adx * bdytail); c = (double)(splitter * adx); abig = (double)(c - adx); ahi = c - abig; alo = adx - ahi; c = (double)(splitter * bdytail); abig = (double)(c - bdytail); bhi = c - abig; blo = bdytail - bhi; err1 = tj1 - (ahi * bhi); err2 = err1 - (alo * bhi); err3 = err2 - (ahi * blo); tj0 = (alo * blo) - err3;
_i = (double)(ti0 + tj0); bvirt = (double)(_i - ti0); avirt = _i - bvirt; bround = tj0 - bvirt; around = ti0 - avirt; u[0] = around + bround; _j = (double)(ti1 + _i); bvirt = (double)(_j - ti1); avirt = _j - bvirt; bround = _i - bvirt; around = ti1 - avirt; _0 = around + bround; _i = (double)(_0 + tj1); bvirt = (double)(_i - _0); avirt = _i - bvirt; bround = tj1 - bvirt; around = _0 - avirt; u[1] = around + bround; u3 = (double)(_j + _i); bvirt = (double)(u3 - _j); avirt = u3 - bvirt; bround = _i - bvirt; around = _j - avirt; u[2] = around + bround;
u[3] = u3;
negate = -ady;
ti1 = (double)(bdxtail * negate); c = (double)(splitter * bdxtail); abig = (double)(c - bdxtail); ahi = c - abig; alo = bdxtail - ahi; c = (double)(splitter * negate); abig = (double)(c - negate); bhi = c - abig; blo = negate - bhi; err1 = ti1 - (ahi * bhi); err2 = err1 - (alo * bhi); err3 = err2 - (ahi * blo); ti0 = (alo * blo) - err3;
negate = -adytail;
tj1 = (double)(bdx * negate); c = (double)(splitter * bdx); abig = (double)(c - bdx); ahi = c - abig; alo = bdx - ahi; c = (double)(splitter * negate); abig = (double)(c - negate); bhi = c - abig; blo = negate - bhi; err1 = tj1 - (ahi * bhi); err2 = err1 - (alo * bhi); err3 = err2 - (ahi * blo); tj0 = (alo * blo) - err3;
_i = (double)(ti0 + tj0); bvirt = (double)(_i - ti0); avirt = _i - bvirt; bround = tj0 - bvirt; around = ti0 - avirt; v[0] = around + bround; _j = (double)(ti1 + _i); bvirt = (double)(_j - ti1); avirt = _j - bvirt; bround = _i - bvirt; around = ti1 - avirt; _0 = around + bround; _i = (double)(_0 + tj1); bvirt = (double)(_i - _0); avirt = _i - bvirt; bround = tj1 - bvirt; around = _0 - avirt; v[1] = around + bround; v3 = (double)(_j + _i); bvirt = (double)(v3 - _j); avirt = v3 - bvirt; bround = _i - bvirt; around = _j - avirt; v[2] = around + bround;
v[3] = v3;
abtlen = FastExpansionSumZeroElim(4, u, 4, v, abt);
ti1 = (double)(adxtail * bdytail); c = (double)(splitter * adxtail); abig = (double)(c - adxtail); ahi = c - abig; alo = adxtail - ahi; c = (double)(splitter * bdytail); abig = (double)(c - bdytail); bhi = c - abig; blo = bdytail - bhi; err1 = ti1 - (ahi * bhi); err2 = err1 - (alo * bhi); err3 = err2 - (ahi * blo); ti0 = (alo * blo) - err3;
tj1 = (double)(bdxtail * adytail); c = (double)(splitter * bdxtail); abig = (double)(c - bdxtail); ahi = c - abig; alo = bdxtail - ahi; c = (double)(splitter * adytail); abig = (double)(c - adytail); bhi = c - abig; blo = adytail - bhi; err1 = tj1 - (ahi * bhi); err2 = err1 - (alo * bhi); err3 = err2 - (ahi * blo); tj0 = (alo * blo) - err3;
_i = (double)(ti0 - tj0); bvirt = (double)(ti0 - _i); avirt = _i + bvirt; bround = bvirt - tj0; around = ti0 - avirt; abtt[0] = around + bround; _j = (double)(ti1 + _i); bvirt = (double)(_j - ti1); avirt = _j - bvirt; bround = _i - bvirt; around = ti1 - avirt; _0 = around + bround; _i = (double)(_0 - tj1); bvirt = (double)(_0 - _i); avirt = _i + bvirt; bround = bvirt - tj1; around = _0 - avirt; abtt[1] = around + bround; abtt3 = (double)(_j + _i); bvirt = (double)(abtt3 - _j); avirt = abtt3 - bvirt; bround = _i - bvirt; around = _j - avirt; abtt[2] = around + bround;
abtt[3] = abtt3;
abttlen = 4;
abt[0] = 0.0;
abtlen = 1;
abtt[0] = 0.0;
abttlen = 1;
if (cdxtail != 0.0)
temp16alen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(cxtablen, cxtab, cdxtail, temp16a);
cxtabtlen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(abtlen, abt, cdxtail, cxtabt);
temp32alen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(cxtabtlen, cxtabt, 2.0 * cdx, temp32a);
temp48len = FastExpansionSumZeroElim(temp16alen, temp16a, temp32alen, temp32a, temp48);
finlength = FastExpansionSumZeroElim(finlength, finnow, temp48len, temp48, finother);
finswap = finnow; finnow = finother; finother = finswap;
if (adytail != 0.0)
temp8len = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(4, bb, cdxtail, temp8);
temp16alen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(temp8len, temp8, adytail, temp16a);
finlength = FastExpansionSumZeroElim(finlength, finnow, temp16alen, temp16a, finother);
finswap = finnow; finnow = finother; finother = finswap;
if (bdytail != 0.0)
temp8len = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(4, aa, -cdxtail, temp8);
temp16alen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(temp8len, temp8, bdytail, temp16a);
finlength = FastExpansionSumZeroElim(finlength, finnow, temp16alen, temp16a, finother);
finswap = finnow; finnow = finother; finother = finswap;
temp32alen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(cxtabtlen, cxtabt, cdxtail, temp32a);
cxtabttlen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(abttlen, abtt, cdxtail, cxtabtt);
temp16alen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(cxtabttlen, cxtabtt, 2.0 * cdx, temp16a);
temp16blen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(cxtabttlen, cxtabtt, cdxtail, temp16b);
temp32blen = FastExpansionSumZeroElim(temp16alen, temp16a, temp16blen, temp16b, temp32b);
temp64len = FastExpansionSumZeroElim(temp32alen, temp32a, temp32blen, temp32b, temp64);
finlength = FastExpansionSumZeroElim(finlength, finnow, temp64len, temp64, finother);
finswap = finnow; finnow = finother; finother = finswap;
if (cdytail != 0.0)
temp16alen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(cytablen, cytab, cdytail, temp16a);
cytabtlen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(abtlen, abt, cdytail, cytabt);
temp32alen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(cytabtlen, cytabt, 2.0 * cdy, temp32a);
temp48len = FastExpansionSumZeroElim(temp16alen, temp16a, temp32alen, temp32a, temp48);
finlength = FastExpansionSumZeroElim(finlength, finnow, temp48len, temp48, finother);
finswap = finnow; finnow = finother; finother = finswap;
temp32alen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(cytabtlen, cytabt, cdytail, temp32a);
cytabttlen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(abttlen, abtt, cdytail, cytabtt);
temp16alen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(cytabttlen, cytabtt, 2.0 * cdy, temp16a);
temp16blen = ScaleExpansionZeroElim(cytabttlen, cytabtt, cdytail, temp16b);
temp32blen = FastExpansionSumZeroElim(temp16alen, temp16a, temp16blen, temp16b, temp32b);
temp64len = FastExpansionSumZeroElim(temp32alen, temp32a, temp32blen, temp32b, temp64);
finlength = FastExpansionSumZeroElim(finlength, finnow, temp64len, temp64, finother);
finswap = finnow; finnow = finother; finother = finswap;
return finnow[finlength - 1];
#region Workspace
// InCircleAdapt workspace:
double[] fin1, fin2, abdet;
double[] axbc, axxbc, aybc, ayybc, adet;
double[] bxca, bxxca, byca, byyca, bdet;
double[] cxab, cxxab, cyab, cyyab, cdet;
double[] temp8, temp16a, temp16b, temp16c;
double[] temp32a, temp32b, temp48, temp64;
private void AllocateWorkspace()
fin1 = new double[1152];
fin2 = new double[1152];
abdet = new double[64];
axbc = new double[8];
axxbc = new double[16];
aybc = new double[8];
ayybc = new double[16];
adet = new double[32];
bxca = new double[8];
bxxca = new double[16];
byca = new double[8];
byyca = new double[16];
bdet = new double[32];
cxab = new double[8];
cxxab = new double[16];
cyab = new double[8];
cyyab = new double[16];
cdet = new double[32];
temp8 = new double[8];
temp16a = new double[16];
temp16b = new double[16];
temp16c = new double[16];
temp32a = new double[32];
temp32b = new double[32];
temp48 = new double[48];
temp64 = new double[64];
private void ClearWorkspace()