// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Original Triangle code by Jonathan Richard Shewchuk, http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~quake/triangle.html // Triangle.NET code by Christian Woltering, http://triangle.codeplex.com/ // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace TriangleNet.Tools { using System; using TriangleNet.Topology; using TriangleNet.Geometry; /// /// Gather mesh statistics. /// public class Statistic { #region Static members /// /// Number of incircle tests performed. /// public static long InCircleCount = 0; public static long InCircleAdaptCount = 0; /// /// Number of counterclockwise tests performed. /// public static long CounterClockwiseCount = 0; public static long CounterClockwiseAdaptCount = 0; /// /// Number of 3D orientation tests performed. /// public static long Orient3dCount = 0; /// /// Number of right-of-hyperbola tests performed. /// public static long HyperbolaCount = 0; /// /// // Number of circumcenter calculations performed. /// public static long CircumcenterCount = 0; /// /// Number of circle top calculations performed. /// public static long CircleTopCount = 0; /// /// Number of vertex relocations. /// public static long RelocationCount = 0; #endregion #region Properties double minEdge = 0; /// /// Gets the shortest edge. /// public double ShortestEdge { get { return minEdge; } } double maxEdge = 0; /// /// Gets the longest edge. /// public double LongestEdge { get { return maxEdge; } } // double minAspect = 0; /// /// Gets the shortest altitude. /// public double ShortestAltitude { get { return minAspect; } } double maxAspect = 0; /// /// Gets the largest aspect ratio. /// public double LargestAspectRatio { get { return maxAspect; } } double minArea = 0; /// /// Gets the smallest area. /// public double SmallestArea { get { return minArea; } } double maxArea = 0; /// /// Gets the largest area. /// public double LargestArea { get { return maxArea; } } double minAngle = 0; /// /// Gets the smallest angle. /// public double SmallestAngle { get { return minAngle; } } double maxAngle = 0; /// /// Gets the largest angle. /// public double LargestAngle { get { return maxAngle; } } int[] angleTable; /// /// Gets the angle histogram. /// public int[] AngleHistogram { get { return angleTable; } } int[] minAngles; /// /// Gets the min angles histogram. /// public int[] MinAngleHistogram { get { return minAngles; } } int[] maxAngles; /// /// Gets the max angles histogram. /// public int[] MaxAngleHistogram { get { return maxAngles; } } #endregion #region Private methods private void GetAspectHistogram(Mesh mesh) { int[] aspecttable; double[] ratiotable; aspecttable = new int[16]; ratiotable = new double[] { 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 6.0, 10.0, 15.0, 25.0, 50.0, 100.0, 300.0, 1000.0, 10000.0, 100000.0, 0.0 }; Otri tri = default(Otri); Vertex[] p = new Vertex[3]; double[] dx = new double[3], dy = new double[3]; double[] edgelength = new double[3]; double triarea; double trilongest2; double triminaltitude2; double triaspect2; int aspectindex; int i, j, k; tri.orient = 0; foreach (var t in mesh.triangles) { tri.tri = t; p[0] = tri.Org(); p[1] = tri.Dest(); p[2] = tri.Apex(); trilongest2 = 0.0; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { j = plus1Mod3[i]; k = minus1Mod3[i]; dx[i] = p[j].x - p[k].x; dy[i] = p[j].y - p[k].y; edgelength[i] = dx[i] * dx[i] + dy[i] * dy[i]; if (edgelength[i] > trilongest2) { trilongest2 = edgelength[i]; } } //triarea = Primitives.CounterClockwise(p[0], p[1], p[2]); triarea = Math.Abs((p[2].x - p[0].x) * (p[1].y - p[0].y) - (p[1].x - p[0].x) * (p[2].y - p[0].y)) / 2.0; triminaltitude2 = triarea * triarea / trilongest2; triaspect2 = trilongest2 / triminaltitude2; aspectindex = 0; while ((triaspect2 > ratiotable[aspectindex] * ratiotable[aspectindex]) && (aspectindex < 15)) { aspectindex++; } aspecttable[aspectindex]++; } } #endregion static readonly int[] plus1Mod3 = { 1, 2, 0 }; static readonly int[] minus1Mod3 = { 2, 0, 1 }; /// /// Update statistics about the quality of the mesh. /// /// public void Update(Mesh mesh, int sampleDegrees) { Point[] p = new Point[3]; int k1, k2; int degreeStep; //sampleDegrees = 36; // sample every 5 degrees //sampleDegrees = 45; // sample every 4 degrees sampleDegrees = 60; // sample every 3 degrees double[] cosSquareTable = new double[sampleDegrees / 2 - 1]; double[] dx = new double[3]; double[] dy = new double[3]; double[] edgeLength = new double[3]; double dotProduct; double cosSquare; double triArea; double triLongest2; double triMinAltitude2; double triAspect2; double radconst = Math.PI / sampleDegrees; double degconst = 180.0 / Math.PI; // New angle table angleTable = new int[sampleDegrees]; minAngles = new int[sampleDegrees]; maxAngles = new int[sampleDegrees]; for (int i = 0; i < sampleDegrees / 2 - 1; i++) { cosSquareTable[i] = Math.Cos(radconst * (i + 1)); cosSquareTable[i] = cosSquareTable[i] * cosSquareTable[i]; } for (int i = 0; i < sampleDegrees; i++) { angleTable[i] = 0; } minAspect = mesh.bounds.Width + mesh.bounds.Height; minAspect = minAspect * minAspect; maxAspect = 0.0; minEdge = minAspect; maxEdge = 0.0; minArea = minAspect; maxArea = 0.0; minAngle = 0.0; maxAngle = 2.0; bool acuteBiggest = true; bool acuteBiggestTri = true; double triMinAngle, triMaxAngle = 1; foreach (var tri in mesh.triangles) { triMinAngle = 0; // Min angle: 0 < a < 60 degress triMaxAngle = 1; // Max angle: 60 < a < 180 degress p[0] = tri.vertices[0]; p[1] = tri.vertices[1]; p[2] = tri.vertices[2]; triLongest2 = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { k1 = plus1Mod3[i]; k2 = minus1Mod3[i]; dx[i] = p[k1].x - p[k2].x; dy[i] = p[k1].y - p[k2].y; edgeLength[i] = dx[i] * dx[i] + dy[i] * dy[i]; if (edgeLength[i] > triLongest2) { triLongest2 = edgeLength[i]; } if (edgeLength[i] > maxEdge) { maxEdge = edgeLength[i]; } if (edgeLength[i] < minEdge) { minEdge = edgeLength[i]; } } //triarea = Primitives.CounterClockwise(p[0], p[1], p[2]); triArea = Math.Abs((p[2].x - p[0].x) * (p[1].y - p[0].y) - (p[1].x - p[0].x) * (p[2].y - p[0].y)); if (triArea < minArea) { minArea = triArea; } if (triArea > maxArea) { maxArea = triArea; } triMinAltitude2 = triArea * triArea / triLongest2; if (triMinAltitude2 < minAspect) { minAspect = triMinAltitude2; } triAspect2 = triLongest2 / triMinAltitude2; if (triAspect2 > maxAspect) { maxAspect = triAspect2; } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { k1 = plus1Mod3[i]; k2 = minus1Mod3[i]; dotProduct = dx[k1] * dx[k2] + dy[k1] * dy[k2]; cosSquare = dotProduct * dotProduct / (edgeLength[k1] * edgeLength[k2]); degreeStep = sampleDegrees / 2 - 1; for (int j = degreeStep - 1; j >= 0; j--) { if (cosSquare > cosSquareTable[j]) { degreeStep = j; } } if (dotProduct <= 0.0) { angleTable[degreeStep]++; if (cosSquare > minAngle) { minAngle = cosSquare; } if (acuteBiggest && (cosSquare < maxAngle)) { maxAngle = cosSquare; } // Update min/max angle per triangle if (cosSquare > triMinAngle) { triMinAngle = cosSquare; } if (acuteBiggestTri && (cosSquare < triMaxAngle)) { triMaxAngle = cosSquare; } } else { angleTable[sampleDegrees - degreeStep - 1]++; if (acuteBiggest || (cosSquare > maxAngle)) { maxAngle = cosSquare; acuteBiggest = false; } // Update max angle for (possibly non-acute) triangle if (acuteBiggestTri || (cosSquare > triMaxAngle)) { triMaxAngle = cosSquare; acuteBiggestTri = false; } } } // Update min angle histogram degreeStep = sampleDegrees / 2 - 1; for (int j = degreeStep - 1; j >= 0; j--) { if (triMinAngle > cosSquareTable[j]) { degreeStep = j; } } minAngles[degreeStep]++; // Update max angle histogram degreeStep = sampleDegrees / 2 - 1; for (int j = degreeStep - 1; j >= 0; j--) { if (triMaxAngle > cosSquareTable[j]) { degreeStep = j; } } if (acuteBiggestTri) { maxAngles[degreeStep]++; } else { maxAngles[sampleDegrees - degreeStep - 1]++; } acuteBiggestTri = true; } minEdge = Math.Sqrt(minEdge); maxEdge = Math.Sqrt(maxEdge); minAspect = Math.Sqrt(minAspect); maxAspect = Math.Sqrt(maxAspect); minArea *= 0.5; maxArea *= 0.5; if (minAngle >= 1.0) { minAngle = 0.0; } else { minAngle = degconst * Math.Acos(Math.Sqrt(minAngle)); } if (maxAngle >= 1.0) { maxAngle = 180.0; } else { if (acuteBiggest) { maxAngle = degconst * Math.Acos(Math.Sqrt(maxAngle)); } else { maxAngle = 180.0 - degconst * Math.Acos(Math.Sqrt(maxAngle)); } } } /// /// Compute angle information for given triangle. /// /// The triangle to check. /// Array of doubles (length 6). /// /// On return, the squared cosines of the minimum and maximum angle will /// be stored at position data[0] and data[1] respectively. /// If the triangle was obtuse, data[2] will be set to -1 and maximum angle /// is computed as (pi - acos(sqrt(data[1]))). /// public static void ComputeAngles(ITriangle triangle, double[] data) { double min = 0.0; double max = 1.0; var va = triangle.GetVertex(0); var vb = triangle.GetVertex(1); var vc = triangle.GetVertex(2); double dxa = vb.x - vc.x; double dya = vb.y - vc.y; double lena = dxa * dxa + dya * dya; double dxb = vc.x - va.x; double dyb = vc.y - va.y; double lenb = dxb * dxb + dyb * dyb; double dxc = va.x - vb.x; double dyc = va.y - vb.y; double lenc = dxc * dxc + dyc * dyc; // Dot products. double dota = data[0] = dxb * dxc + dyb * dyc; double dotb = data[1] = dxc * dxa + dyc * dya; double dotc = data[2] = dxa * dxb + dya * dyb; // Squared cosines. data[3] = (dota * dota) / (lenb * lenc); data[4] = (dotb * dotb) / (lenc * lena); data[5] = (dotc * dotc) / (lena * lenb); // The sign of the dot product will tell us, if the angle is // acute (value < 0) or obtuse (value > 0). bool acute = true; double cos, dot; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { dot = data[i]; cos = data[3 + i]; if (dot <= 0.0) { if (cos > min) { min = cos; } if (acute && (cos < max)) { max = cos; } } else { // Update max angle for (possibly non-acute) triangle if (acute || (cos > max)) { max = cos; acute = false; } } } data[0] = min; data[1] = max; data[2] = acute ? 1.0 : -1.0; } } }