// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Original code by Hale Erten and Alper Üngör, http://www.cise.ufl.edu/~ungor/aCute/index.html
// Triangle.NET code by Christian Woltering, http://triangle.codeplex.com/
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace TriangleNet
using System;
using TriangleNet.Topology;
using TriangleNet.Geometry;
using TriangleNet.Tools;
/// Find new Steiner point locations.
/// http://www.cise.ufl.edu/~ungor/aCute/index.html
class NewLocation
const double EPS = 1e-50;
IPredicates predicates;
Mesh mesh;
Behavior behavior;
// Work arrays for wegde intersection
double[] petalx = new double[20];
double[] petaly = new double[20];
double[] petalr = new double[20];
double[] wedges = new double[500];
double[] initialConvexPoly = new double[500];
// Work arrays for smoothing
double[] points_p = new double[500];
double[] points_q = new double[500];
double[] points_r = new double[500];
// Work arrays for convex polygon split
double[] poly1 = new double[100];
double[] poly2 = new double[100];
double[][] polys = new double[3][];
public NewLocation(Mesh mesh, IPredicates predicates)
this.mesh = mesh;
this.predicates = predicates;
this.behavior = mesh.behavior;
/// Find a new location for a Steiner point.
public Point FindLocation(Vertex org, Vertex dest, Vertex apex,
ref double xi, ref double eta, bool offcenter, Otri badotri)
// Based on using -U switch, call the corresponding function
if (behavior.MaxAngle == 0.0)
// Disable the "no max angle" code. It may return weired vertex locations.
return FindNewLocationWithoutMaxAngle(org, dest, apex, ref xi, ref eta, true, badotri);
// With max angle
return FindNewLocation(org, dest, apex, ref xi, ref eta, true, badotri);
/// Find a new location for a Steiner point.
private Point FindNewLocationWithoutMaxAngle(Vertex torg, Vertex tdest, Vertex tapex,
ref double xi, ref double eta, bool offcenter, Otri badotri)
double offconstant = behavior.offconstant;
// for calculating the distances of the edges
double xdo, ydo, xao, yao, xda, yda;
double dodist, aodist, dadist;
// for exact calculation
double denominator;
double dx, dy, dxoff, dyoff;
////////////////////////////// HALE'S VARIABLES //////////////////////////////
// keeps the difference of coordinates edge
double xShortestEdge = 0, yShortestEdge = 0;
// keeps the square of edge lengths
double shortestEdgeDist = 0, middleEdgeDist = 0, longestEdgeDist = 0;
// keeps the vertices according to the angle incident to that vertex in a triangle
Point smallestAngleCorner, middleAngleCorner, largestAngleCorner;
// keeps the type of orientation if the triangle
int orientation = 0;
// keeps the coordinates of circumcenter of itself and neighbor triangle circumcenter
Point myCircumcenter, neighborCircumcenter;
// keeps if bad triangle is almost good or not
int almostGood = 0;
// keeps the cosine of the largest angle
double cosMaxAngle;
bool isObtuse; // 1: obtuse 0: nonobtuse
// keeps the radius of petal
double petalRadius;
// for calculating petal center
double xPetalCtr_1, yPetalCtr_1, xPetalCtr_2, yPetalCtr_2, xPetalCtr, yPetalCtr, xMidOfShortestEdge, yMidOfShortestEdge;
double dxcenter1, dycenter1, dxcenter2, dycenter2;
// for finding neighbor
Otri neighborotri = default(Otri);
double[] thirdPoint = new double[2];
//int neighborNotFound = -1;
bool neighborNotFound;
// for keeping the vertices of the neighbor triangle
Vertex neighborvertex_1;
Vertex neighborvertex_2;
Vertex neighborvertex_3;
// dummy variables
double xi_tmp = 0, eta_tmp = 0;
//vertex thirdVertex;
// for petal intersection
double vector_x, vector_y, xMidOfLongestEdge, yMidOfLongestEdge, inter_x, inter_y;
double[] p = new double[5], voronoiOrInter = new double[4];
bool isCorrect;
// for vector calculations in perturbation
double ax, ay, d;
double pertConst = 0.06; // perturbation constant
double lengthConst = 1; // used at comparing circumcenter's distance to proposed point's distance
double justAcute = 1; // used for making the program working for one direction only
// for smoothing
int relocated = 0;// used to differentiate between calling the deletevertex and just proposing a steiner point
double[] newloc = new double[2]; // new location suggested by smoothing
double origin_x = 0, origin_y = 0; // for keeping torg safe
Otri delotri; // keeping the original orientation for relocation process
// keeps the first and second direction suggested points
double dxFirstSuggestion, dyFirstSuggestion, dxSecondSuggestion, dySecondSuggestion;
// second direction variables
double xMidOfMiddleEdge, yMidOfMiddleEdge;
////////////////////////////// END OF HALE'S VARIABLES //////////////////////////////
// Compute the circumcenter of the triangle.
xdo = tdest.x - torg.x;
ydo = tdest.y - torg.y;
xao = tapex.x - torg.x;
yao = tapex.y - torg.y;
xda = tapex.x - tdest.x;
yda = tapex.y - tdest.y;
// keeps the square of the distances
dodist = xdo * xdo + ydo * ydo;
aodist = xao * xao + yao * yao;
dadist = (tdest.x - tapex.x) * (tdest.x - tapex.x) +
(tdest.y - tapex.y) * (tdest.y - tapex.y);
// checking if the user wanted exact arithmetic or not
if (Behavior.NoExact)
denominator = 0.5 / (xdo * yao - xao * ydo);
// Use the counterclockwise() routine to ensure a positive (and
// reasonably accurate) result, avoiding any possibility of
// division by zero.
denominator = 0.5 / predicates.CounterClockwise(tdest, tapex, torg);
// Don't count the above as an orientation test.
// calculate the circumcenter in terms of distance to origin point
dx = (yao * dodist - ydo * aodist) * denominator;
dy = (xdo * aodist - xao * dodist) * denominator;
// for debugging and for keeping circumcenter to use later
// coordinate value of the circumcenter
myCircumcenter = new Point(torg.x + dx, torg.y + dy);
delotri = badotri; // save for later
///////////////// FINDING THE ORIENTATION OF TRIANGLE //////////////////
// Find the (squared) length of the triangle's shortest edge. This
// serves as a conservative estimate of the insertion radius of the
// circumcenter's parent. The estimate is used to ensure that
// the algorithm terminates even if very small angles appear in
// the input PSLG.
// find the orientation of the triangle, basically shortest and longest edges
orientation = LongestShortestEdge(aodist, dadist, dodist);
//printf("org: (%f,%f), dest: (%f,%f), apex: (%f,%f)\n",torg[0],torg[1],tdest[0],tdest[1],tapex[0],tapex[1]);
// 123: shortest: aodist // 213: shortest: dadist // 312: shortest: dodist //
// middle: dadist // middle: aodist // middle: aodist //
// longest: dodist // longest: dodist // longest: dadist //
// 132: shortest: aodist // 231: shortest: dadist // 321: shortest: dodist //
// middle: dodist // middle: dodist // middle: dadist //
// longest: dadist // longest: aodist // longest: aodist //
switch (orientation)
case 123: // assign necessary information
/// smallest angle corner: dest
/// largest angle corner: apex
xShortestEdge = xao; yShortestEdge = yao;
shortestEdgeDist = aodist;
middleEdgeDist = dadist;
longestEdgeDist = dodist;
smallestAngleCorner = tdest;
middleAngleCorner = torg;
largestAngleCorner = tapex;
case 132: // assign necessary information
/// smallest angle corner: dest
/// largest angle corner: org
xShortestEdge = xao; yShortestEdge = yao;
shortestEdgeDist = aodist;
middleEdgeDist = dodist;
longestEdgeDist = dadist;
smallestAngleCorner = tdest;
middleAngleCorner = tapex;
largestAngleCorner = torg;
case 213: // assign necessary information
/// smallest angle corner: org
/// largest angle corner: apex
xShortestEdge = xda; yShortestEdge = yda;
shortestEdgeDist = dadist;
middleEdgeDist = aodist;
longestEdgeDist = dodist;
smallestAngleCorner = torg;
middleAngleCorner = tdest;
largestAngleCorner = tapex;
case 231: // assign necessary information
/// smallest angle corner: org
/// largest angle corner: dest
xShortestEdge = xda; yShortestEdge = yda;
shortestEdgeDist = dadist;
middleEdgeDist = dodist;
longestEdgeDist = aodist;
smallestAngleCorner = torg;
middleAngleCorner = tapex;
largestAngleCorner = tdest;
case 312: // assign necessary information
/// smallest angle corner: apex
/// largest angle corner: org
xShortestEdge = xdo; yShortestEdge = ydo;
shortestEdgeDist = dodist;
middleEdgeDist = aodist;
longestEdgeDist = dadist;
smallestAngleCorner = tapex;
middleAngleCorner = tdest;
largestAngleCorner = torg;
case 321: // assign necessary information
default: // TODO: is this safe?
/// smallest angle corner: apex
/// largest angle corner: dest
xShortestEdge = xdo; yShortestEdge = ydo;
shortestEdgeDist = dodist;
middleEdgeDist = dadist;
longestEdgeDist = aodist;
smallestAngleCorner = tapex;
middleAngleCorner = torg;
largestAngleCorner = tdest;
}// end of switch
// check for offcenter condition
if (offcenter && (offconstant > 0.0))
// origin has the smallest angle
if (orientation == 213 || orientation == 231)
// Find the position of the off-center, as described by Alper Ungor.
dxoff = 0.5 * xShortestEdge - offconstant * yShortestEdge;
dyoff = 0.5 * yShortestEdge + offconstant * xShortestEdge;
// If the off-center is closer to destination than the
// circumcenter, use the off-center instead.
/// doubleLY BAD CASE ///
if (dxoff * dxoff + dyoff * dyoff <
(dx - xdo) * (dx - xdo) + (dy - ydo) * (dy - ydo))
dx = xdo + dxoff;
dy = ydo + dyoff;
almostGood = 1;
// destination has the smallest angle
else if (orientation == 123 || orientation == 132)
// Find the position of the off-center, as described by Alper Ungor.
dxoff = 0.5 * xShortestEdge + offconstant * yShortestEdge;
dyoff = 0.5 * yShortestEdge - offconstant * xShortestEdge;
// If the off-center is closer to the origin than the
// circumcenter, use the off-center instead.
/// doubleLY BAD CASE ///
if (dxoff * dxoff + dyoff * dyoff < dx * dx + dy * dy)
dx = dxoff;
dy = dyoff;
almostGood = 1;
// apex has the smallest angle
{//orientation == 312 || orientation == 321
// Find the position of the off-center, as described by Alper Ungor.
dxoff = 0.5 * xShortestEdge - offconstant * yShortestEdge;
dyoff = 0.5 * yShortestEdge + offconstant * xShortestEdge;
// If the off-center is closer to the origin than the
// circumcenter, use the off-center instead.
/// doubleLY BAD CASE ///
if (dxoff * dxoff + dyoff * dyoff < dx * dx + dy * dy)
dx = dxoff;
dy = dyoff;
almostGood = 1;
// if the bad triangle is almost good, apply our approach
if (almostGood == 1)
/// calculate cosine of largest angle ///
cosMaxAngle = (middleEdgeDist + shortestEdgeDist - longestEdgeDist) / (2 * Math.Sqrt(middleEdgeDist) * Math.Sqrt(shortestEdgeDist));
if (cosMaxAngle < 0.0)
// obtuse
isObtuse = true;
else if (Math.Abs(cosMaxAngle - 0.0) <= EPS)
// right triangle (largest angle is 90 degrees)
isObtuse = true;
// nonobtuse
isObtuse = false;
/// check for possible relocation of one of triangle's points ///
relocated = DoSmoothing(delotri, torg, tdest, tapex, ref newloc);
/// if relocation is possible, delete that vertex and insert a vertex at the new location ///
if (relocated > 0)
dx = newloc[0] - torg.x;
dy = newloc[1] - torg.y;
origin_x = torg.x; // keep for later use
origin_y = torg.y;
switch (relocated)
case 1:
//printf("Relocate: (%f,%f)\n", torg[0],torg[1]);
mesh.DeleteVertex(ref delotri);
case 2:
//printf("Relocate: (%f,%f)\n", tdest[0],tdest[1]);
mesh.DeleteVertex(ref delotri);
case 3:
//printf("Relocate: (%f,%f)\n", tapex[0],tapex[1]);
mesh.DeleteVertex(ref delotri);
// calculate radius of the petal according to angle constraint
// first find the visible region, PETAL
// find the center of the circle and radius
petalRadius = Math.Sqrt(shortestEdgeDist) / (2 * Math.Sin(behavior.MinAngle * Math.PI / 180.0));
/// compute two possible centers of the petal ///
// finding the center
// first find the middle point of smallest edge
xMidOfShortestEdge = (middleAngleCorner.x + largestAngleCorner.x) / 2.0;
yMidOfShortestEdge = (middleAngleCorner.y + largestAngleCorner.y) / 2.0;
// two possible centers
xPetalCtr_1 = xMidOfShortestEdge + Math.Sqrt(petalRadius * petalRadius - (shortestEdgeDist / 4)) * (middleAngleCorner.y -
largestAngleCorner.y) / Math.Sqrt(shortestEdgeDist);
yPetalCtr_1 = yMidOfShortestEdge + Math.Sqrt(petalRadius * petalRadius - (shortestEdgeDist / 4)) * (largestAngleCorner.x -
middleAngleCorner.x) / Math.Sqrt(shortestEdgeDist);
xPetalCtr_2 = xMidOfShortestEdge - Math.Sqrt(petalRadius * petalRadius - (shortestEdgeDist / 4)) * (middleAngleCorner.y -
largestAngleCorner.y) / Math.Sqrt(shortestEdgeDist);
yPetalCtr_2 = yMidOfShortestEdge - Math.Sqrt(petalRadius * petalRadius - (shortestEdgeDist / 4)) * (largestAngleCorner.x -
middleAngleCorner.x) / Math.Sqrt(shortestEdgeDist);
// find the correct circle since there will be two possible circles
// calculate the distance to smallest angle corner
dxcenter1 = (xPetalCtr_1 - smallestAngleCorner.x) * (xPetalCtr_1 - smallestAngleCorner.x);
dycenter1 = (yPetalCtr_1 - smallestAngleCorner.y) * (yPetalCtr_1 - smallestAngleCorner.y);
dxcenter2 = (xPetalCtr_2 - smallestAngleCorner.x) * (xPetalCtr_2 - smallestAngleCorner.x);
dycenter2 = (yPetalCtr_2 - smallestAngleCorner.y) * (yPetalCtr_2 - smallestAngleCorner.y);
// whichever is closer to smallest angle corner, it must be the center
if (dxcenter1 + dycenter1 <= dxcenter2 + dycenter2)
xPetalCtr = xPetalCtr_1; yPetalCtr = yPetalCtr_1;
xPetalCtr = xPetalCtr_2; yPetalCtr = yPetalCtr_2;
/// find the third point of the neighbor triangle ///
neighborNotFound = GetNeighborsVertex(badotri, middleAngleCorner.x, middleAngleCorner.y,
smallestAngleCorner.x, smallestAngleCorner.y, ref thirdPoint, ref neighborotri);
/// find the circumcenter of the neighbor triangle ///
dxFirstSuggestion = dx; // if we cannot find any appropriate suggestion, we use circumcenter
dyFirstSuggestion = dy;
// if there is a neighbor triangle
if (!neighborNotFound)
neighborvertex_1 = neighborotri.Org();
neighborvertex_2 = neighborotri.Dest();
neighborvertex_3 = neighborotri.Apex();
// now calculate neighbor's circumcenter which is the voronoi site
neighborCircumcenter = predicates.FindCircumcenter(neighborvertex_1, neighborvertex_2, neighborvertex_3,
ref xi_tmp, ref eta_tmp);
/// compute petal and Voronoi edge intersection ///
// in order to avoid degenerate cases, we need to do a vector based calculation for line
vector_x = (middleAngleCorner.y - smallestAngleCorner.y);//(-y, x)
vector_y = smallestAngleCorner.x - middleAngleCorner.x;
vector_x = myCircumcenter.x + vector_x;
vector_y = myCircumcenter.y + vector_y;
// by intersecting bisectors you will end up with the one you want to walk on
// then this line and circle should be intersected
CircleLineIntersection(myCircumcenter.x, myCircumcenter.y, vector_x, vector_y,
xPetalCtr, yPetalCtr, petalRadius, ref p);
/// choose the correct intersection point ///
// calculate middle point of the longest edge(bisector)
xMidOfLongestEdge = (middleAngleCorner.x + smallestAngleCorner.x) / 2.0;
yMidOfLongestEdge = (middleAngleCorner.y + smallestAngleCorner.y) / 2.0;
// we need to find correct intersection point, since line intersects circle twice
isCorrect = ChooseCorrectPoint(xMidOfLongestEdge, yMidOfLongestEdge, p[3], p[4],
myCircumcenter.x, myCircumcenter.y, isObtuse);
// make sure which point is the correct one to be considered
if (isCorrect)
inter_x = p[3];
inter_y = p[4];
inter_x = p[1];
inter_y = p[2];
/// check if there is a Voronoi vertex between before intersection ///
// check if the voronoi vertex is between the intersection and circumcenter
PointBetweenPoints(inter_x, inter_y, myCircumcenter.x, myCircumcenter.y,
neighborCircumcenter.x, neighborCircumcenter.y, ref voronoiOrInter);
/// determine the point to be suggested ///
if (p[0] > 0.0)
{ // there is at least one intersection point
// if it is between circumcenter and intersection
// if it returns 1.0 this means we have a voronoi vertex within feasible region
if (Math.Abs(voronoiOrInter[0] - 1.0) <= EPS)
if (IsBadTriangleAngle(middleAngleCorner.x, middleAngleCorner.y, largestAngleCorner.x, largestAngleCorner.y, neighborCircumcenter.x, neighborCircumcenter.y))
// go back to circumcenter
dxFirstSuggestion = dx;
dyFirstSuggestion = dy;
{ // we are not creating a bad triangle
// neighbor's circumcenter is suggested
dxFirstSuggestion = voronoiOrInter[2] - torg.x;
dyFirstSuggestion = voronoiOrInter[3] - torg.y;
{ // there is no voronoi vertex between intersection point and circumcenter
if (IsBadTriangleAngle(largestAngleCorner.x, largestAngleCorner.y, middleAngleCorner.x, middleAngleCorner.y, inter_x, inter_y))
// if it is inside feasible region, then insert v2
// apply perturbation
// find the distance between circumcenter and intersection point
d = Math.Sqrt((inter_x - myCircumcenter.x) * (inter_x - myCircumcenter.x) +
(inter_y - myCircumcenter.y) * (inter_y - myCircumcenter.y));
// then find the vector going from intersection point to circumcenter
ax = myCircumcenter.x - inter_x;
ay = myCircumcenter.y - inter_y;
ax = ax / d;
ay = ay / d;
// now calculate the new intersection point which is perturbated towards the circumcenter
inter_x = inter_x + ax * pertConst * Math.Sqrt(shortestEdgeDist);
inter_y = inter_y + ay * pertConst * Math.Sqrt(shortestEdgeDist);
if (IsBadTriangleAngle(middleAngleCorner.x, middleAngleCorner.y, largestAngleCorner.x, largestAngleCorner.y, inter_x, inter_y))
// go back to circumcenter
dxFirstSuggestion = dx;
dyFirstSuggestion = dy;
// intersection point is suggested
dxFirstSuggestion = inter_x - torg.x;
dyFirstSuggestion = inter_y - torg.y;
// intersection point is suggested
dxFirstSuggestion = inter_x - torg.x;
dyFirstSuggestion = inter_y - torg.y;
/// if it is an acute triangle, check if it is a good enough location ///
// for acute triangle case, we need to check if it is ok to use either of them
if ((smallestAngleCorner.x - myCircumcenter.x) * (smallestAngleCorner.x - myCircumcenter.x) +
(smallestAngleCorner.y - myCircumcenter.y) * (smallestAngleCorner.y - myCircumcenter.y) >
lengthConst * ((smallestAngleCorner.x - (dxFirstSuggestion + torg.x)) *
(smallestAngleCorner.x - (dxFirstSuggestion + torg.x)) +
(smallestAngleCorner.y - (dyFirstSuggestion + torg.y)) *
(smallestAngleCorner.y - (dyFirstSuggestion + torg.y))))
// use circumcenter
dxFirstSuggestion = dx;
dyFirstSuggestion = dy;
}// else we stick to what we have found
}// intersection point
}// if it is on the boundary, meaning no neighbor triangle in this direction, try other direction
/// find the third point of the neighbor triangle ///
neighborNotFound = GetNeighborsVertex(badotri, largestAngleCorner.x, largestAngleCorner.y,
smallestAngleCorner.x, smallestAngleCorner.y, ref thirdPoint, ref neighborotri);
/// find the circumcenter of the neighbor triangle ///
dxSecondSuggestion = dx; // if we cannot find any appropriate suggestion, we use circumcenter
dySecondSuggestion = dy;
// if there is a neighbor triangle
if (!neighborNotFound)
neighborvertex_1 = neighborotri.Org();
neighborvertex_2 = neighborotri.Dest();
neighborvertex_3 = neighborotri.Apex();
// now calculate neighbor's circumcenter which is the voronoi site
neighborCircumcenter = predicates.FindCircumcenter(neighborvertex_1, neighborvertex_2, neighborvertex_3,
ref xi_tmp, ref eta_tmp);
/// compute petal and Voronoi edge intersection ///
// in order to avoid degenerate cases, we need to do a vector based calculation for line
vector_x = (largestAngleCorner.y - smallestAngleCorner.y);//(-y, x)
vector_y = smallestAngleCorner.x - largestAngleCorner.x;
vector_x = myCircumcenter.x + vector_x;
vector_y = myCircumcenter.y + vector_y;
// by intersecting bisectors you will end up with the one you want to walk on
// then this line and circle should be intersected
CircleLineIntersection(myCircumcenter.x, myCircumcenter.y, vector_x, vector_y,
xPetalCtr, yPetalCtr, petalRadius, ref p);
/// choose the correct intersection point ///
// calcuwedgeslate middle point of the longest edge(bisector)
xMidOfMiddleEdge = (largestAngleCorner.x + smallestAngleCorner.x) / 2.0;
yMidOfMiddleEdge = (largestAngleCorner.y + smallestAngleCorner.y) / 2.0;
// we need to find correct intersection point, since line intersects circle twice
// this direction is always ACUTE
isCorrect = ChooseCorrectPoint(xMidOfMiddleEdge, yMidOfMiddleEdge, p[3], p[4],
myCircumcenter.x, myCircumcenter.y, false/*(isObtuse+1)%2*/);
// make sure which point is the correct one to be considered
if (isCorrect)
inter_x = p[3];
inter_y = p[4];
inter_x = p[1];
inter_y = p[2];
/// check if there is a Voronoi vertex between before intersection ///
// check if the voronoi vertex is between the intersection and circumcenter
PointBetweenPoints(inter_x, inter_y, myCircumcenter.x, myCircumcenter.y,
neighborCircumcenter.x, neighborCircumcenter.y, ref voronoiOrInter);
/// determine the point to be suggested ///
if (p[0] > 0.0)
{ // there is at least one intersection point
// if it is between circumcenter and intersection
// if it returns 1.0 this means we have a voronoi vertex within feasible region
if (Math.Abs(voronoiOrInter[0] - 1.0) <= EPS)
if (IsBadTriangleAngle(middleAngleCorner.x, middleAngleCorner.y, largestAngleCorner.x, largestAngleCorner.y, neighborCircumcenter.x, neighborCircumcenter.y))
// go back to circumcenter
dxSecondSuggestion = dx;
dySecondSuggestion = dy;
{ // we are not creating a bad triangle
// neighbor's circumcenter is suggested
dxSecondSuggestion = voronoiOrInter[2] - torg.x;
dySecondSuggestion = voronoiOrInter[3] - torg.y;
{ // there is no voronoi vertex between intersection point and circumcenter
if (IsBadTriangleAngle(middleAngleCorner.x, middleAngleCorner.y, largestAngleCorner.x, largestAngleCorner.y, inter_x, inter_y))
// if it is inside feasible region, then insert v2
// apply perturbation
// find the distance between circumcenter and intersection point
d = Math.Sqrt((inter_x - myCircumcenter.x) * (inter_x - myCircumcenter.x) +
(inter_y - myCircumcenter.y) * (inter_y - myCircumcenter.y));
// then find the vector going from intersection point to circumcenter
ax = myCircumcenter.x - inter_x;
ay = myCircumcenter.y - inter_y;
ax = ax / d;
ay = ay / d;
// now calculate the new intersection point which is perturbated towards the circumcenter
inter_x = inter_x + ax * pertConst * Math.Sqrt(shortestEdgeDist);
inter_y = inter_y + ay * pertConst * Math.Sqrt(shortestEdgeDist);
if (IsBadTriangleAngle(middleAngleCorner.x, middleAngleCorner.y, largestAngleCorner.x, largestAngleCorner.y, inter_x, inter_y))
// go back to circumcenter
dxSecondSuggestion = dx;
dySecondSuggestion = dy;
// intersection point is suggested
dxSecondSuggestion = inter_x - torg.x;
dySecondSuggestion = inter_y - torg.y;
// intersection point is suggested
dxSecondSuggestion = inter_x - torg.x;
dySecondSuggestion = inter_y - torg.y;
/// if it is an acute triangle, check if it is a good enough location ///
// for acute triangle case, we need to check if it is ok to use either of them
if ((smallestAngleCorner.x - myCircumcenter.x) * (smallestAngleCorner.x - myCircumcenter.x) +
(smallestAngleCorner.y - myCircumcenter.y) * (smallestAngleCorner.y - myCircumcenter.y) >
lengthConst * ((smallestAngleCorner.x - (dxSecondSuggestion + torg.x)) *
(smallestAngleCorner.x - (dxSecondSuggestion + torg.x)) +
(smallestAngleCorner.y - (dySecondSuggestion + torg.y)) *
(smallestAngleCorner.y - (dySecondSuggestion + torg.y))))
// use circumcenter
dxSecondSuggestion = dx;
dySecondSuggestion = dy;
}// else we stick on what we have found
}// if it is on the boundary, meaning no neighbor triangle in this direction, the other direction might be ok
if (isObtuse)
//obtuse: do nothing
dx = dxFirstSuggestion;
dy = dyFirstSuggestion;
{ // acute : consider other direction
if (justAcute * ((smallestAngleCorner.x - (dxSecondSuggestion + torg.x)) *
(smallestAngleCorner.x - (dxSecondSuggestion + torg.x)) +
(smallestAngleCorner.y - (dySecondSuggestion + torg.y)) *
(smallestAngleCorner.y - (dySecondSuggestion + torg.y))) >
(smallestAngleCorner.x - (dxFirstSuggestion + torg.x)) *
(smallestAngleCorner.x - (dxFirstSuggestion + torg.x)) +
(smallestAngleCorner.y - (dyFirstSuggestion + torg.y)) *
(smallestAngleCorner.y - (dyFirstSuggestion + torg.y)))
dx = dxSecondSuggestion;
dy = dySecondSuggestion;
dx = dxFirstSuggestion;
dy = dyFirstSuggestion;
}// end if obtuse
}// end of relocation
}// end of almostGood
Point circumcenter = new Point();
if (relocated <= 0)
circumcenter.x = torg.x + dx;
circumcenter.y = torg.y + dy;
circumcenter.x = origin_x + dx;
circumcenter.y = origin_y + dy;
xi = (yao * dx - xao * dy) * (2.0 * denominator);
eta = (xdo * dy - ydo * dx) * (2.0 * denominator);
return circumcenter;
/// Find a new location for a Steiner point.
private Point FindNewLocation(Vertex torg, Vertex tdest, Vertex tapex,
ref double xi, ref double eta, bool offcenter, Otri badotri)
double offconstant = behavior.offconstant;
// for calculating the distances of the edges
double xdo, ydo, xao, yao, xda, yda;
double dodist, aodist, dadist;
// for exact calculation
double denominator;
double dx, dy, dxoff, dyoff;
////////////////////////////// HALE'S VARIABLES //////////////////////////////
// keeps the difference of coordinates edge
double xShortestEdge = 0, yShortestEdge = 0;
// keeps the square of edge lengths
double shortestEdgeDist = 0, middleEdgeDist = 0, longestEdgeDist = 0;
// keeps the vertices according to the angle incident to that vertex in a triangle
Point smallestAngleCorner, middleAngleCorner, largestAngleCorner;
// keeps the type of orientation if the triangle
int orientation = 0;
// keeps the coordinates of circumcenter of itself and neighbor triangle circumcenter
Point myCircumcenter, neighborCircumcenter;
// keeps if bad triangle is almost good or not
int almostGood = 0;
// keeps the cosine of the largest angle
double cosMaxAngle;
bool isObtuse; // 1: obtuse 0: nonobtuse
// keeps the radius of petal
double petalRadius;
// for calculating petal center
double xPetalCtr_1, yPetalCtr_1, xPetalCtr_2, yPetalCtr_2, xPetalCtr, yPetalCtr, xMidOfShortestEdge, yMidOfShortestEdge;
double dxcenter1, dycenter1, dxcenter2, dycenter2;
// for finding neighbor
Otri neighborotri = default(Otri);
double[] thirdPoint = new double[2];
//int neighborNotFound = -1;
// for keeping the vertices of the neighbor triangle
Vertex neighborvertex_1;
Vertex neighborvertex_2;
Vertex neighborvertex_3;
// dummy variables
double xi_tmp = 0, eta_tmp = 0;
//vertex thirdVertex;
// for petal intersection
double vector_x, vector_y, xMidOfLongestEdge, yMidOfLongestEdge, inter_x, inter_y;
double[] p = new double[5], voronoiOrInter = new double[4];
bool isCorrect;
// for vector calculations in perturbation
double ax, ay, d;
double pertConst = 0.06; // perturbation constant
double lengthConst = 1; // used at comparing circumcenter's distance to proposed point's distance
double justAcute = 1; // used for making the program working for one direction only
// for smoothing
int relocated = 0;// used to differentiate between calling the deletevertex and just proposing a steiner point
double[] newloc = new double[2]; // new location suggested by smoothing
double origin_x = 0, origin_y = 0; // for keeping torg safe
Otri delotri; // keeping the original orientation for relocation process
// keeps the first and second direction suggested points
double dxFirstSuggestion, dyFirstSuggestion, dxSecondSuggestion, dySecondSuggestion;
// second direction variables
double xMidOfMiddleEdge, yMidOfMiddleEdge;
double minangle; // in order to make sure that the circumcircle of the bad triangle is greater than petal
// for calculating the slab
double linepnt1_x, linepnt1_y, linepnt2_x, linepnt2_y; // two points of the line
double line_inter_x = 0, line_inter_y = 0;
double line_vector_x, line_vector_y;
double[] line_p = new double[3]; // used for getting the return values of functions related to line intersection
double[] line_result = new double[4];
// intersection of slab and the petal
double petal_slab_inter_x_first, petal_slab_inter_y_first, petal_slab_inter_x_second, petal_slab_inter_y_second, x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2;
double petal_bisector_x, petal_bisector_y, dist;
double alpha;
bool neighborNotFound_first;
bool neighborNotFound_second;
////////////////////////////// END OF HALE'S VARIABLES //////////////////////////////
// Compute the circumcenter of the triangle.
xdo = tdest.x - torg.x;
ydo = tdest.y - torg.y;
xao = tapex.x - torg.x;
yao = tapex.y - torg.y;
xda = tapex.x - tdest.x;
yda = tapex.y - tdest.y;
// keeps the square of the distances
dodist = xdo * xdo + ydo * ydo;
aodist = xao * xao + yao * yao;
dadist = (tdest.x - tapex.x) * (tdest.x - tapex.x) +
(tdest.y - tapex.y) * (tdest.y - tapex.y);
// checking if the user wanted exact arithmetic or not
if (Behavior.NoExact)
denominator = 0.5 / (xdo * yao - xao * ydo);
// Use the counterclockwise() routine to ensure a positive (and
// reasonably accurate) result, avoiding any possibility of
// division by zero.
denominator = 0.5 / predicates.CounterClockwise(tdest, tapex, torg);
// Don't count the above as an orientation test.
// calculate the circumcenter in terms of distance to origin point
dx = (yao * dodist - ydo * aodist) * denominator;
dy = (xdo * aodist - xao * dodist) * denominator;
// for debugging and for keeping circumcenter to use later
// coordinate value of the circumcenter
myCircumcenter = new Point(torg.x + dx, torg.y + dy);
delotri = badotri; // save for later
///////////////// FINDING THE ORIENTATION OF TRIANGLE //////////////////
// Find the (squared) length of the triangle's shortest edge. This
// serves as a conservative estimate of the insertion radius of the
// circumcenter's parent. The estimate is used to ensure that
// the algorithm terminates even if very small angles appear in
// the input PSLG.
// find the orientation of the triangle, basically shortest and longest edges
orientation = LongestShortestEdge(aodist, dadist, dodist);
//printf("org: (%f,%f), dest: (%f,%f), apex: (%f,%f)\n",torg[0],torg[1],tdest[0],tdest[1],tapex[0],tapex[1]);
// 123: shortest: aodist // 213: shortest: dadist // 312: shortest: dodist //
// middle: dadist // middle: aodist // middle: aodist //
// longest: dodist // longest: dodist // longest: dadist //
// 132: shortest: aodist // 231: shortest: dadist // 321: shortest: dodist //
// middle: dodist // middle: dodist // middle: dadist //
// longest: dadist // longest: aodist // longest: aodist //
switch (orientation)
case 123: // assign necessary information
/// smallest angle corner: dest
/// largest angle corner: apex
xShortestEdge = xao; yShortestEdge = yao;
shortestEdgeDist = aodist;
middleEdgeDist = dadist;
longestEdgeDist = dodist;
smallestAngleCorner = tdest;
middleAngleCorner = torg;
largestAngleCorner = tapex;
case 132: // assign necessary information
/// smallest angle corner: dest
/// largest angle corner: org
xShortestEdge = xao; yShortestEdge = yao;
shortestEdgeDist = aodist;
middleEdgeDist = dodist;
longestEdgeDist = dadist;
smallestAngleCorner = tdest;
middleAngleCorner = tapex;
largestAngleCorner = torg;
case 213: // assign necessary information
/// smallest angle corner: org
/// largest angle corner: apex
xShortestEdge = xda; yShortestEdge = yda;
shortestEdgeDist = dadist;
middleEdgeDist = aodist;
longestEdgeDist = dodist;
smallestAngleCorner = torg;
middleAngleCorner = tdest;
largestAngleCorner = tapex;
case 231: // assign necessary information
/// smallest angle corner: org
/// largest angle corner: dest
xShortestEdge = xda; yShortestEdge = yda;
shortestEdgeDist = dadist;
middleEdgeDist = dodist;
longestEdgeDist = aodist;
smallestAngleCorner = torg;
middleAngleCorner = tapex;
largestAngleCorner = tdest;
case 312: // assign necessary information
/// smallest angle corner: apex
/// largest angle corner: org
xShortestEdge = xdo; yShortestEdge = ydo;
shortestEdgeDist = dodist;
middleEdgeDist = aodist;
longestEdgeDist = dadist;
smallestAngleCorner = tapex;
middleAngleCorner = tdest;
largestAngleCorner = torg;
case 321: // assign necessary information
default: // TODO: is this safe?
/// smallest angle corner: apex
/// largest angle corner: dest
xShortestEdge = xdo; yShortestEdge = ydo;
shortestEdgeDist = dodist;
middleEdgeDist = dadist;
longestEdgeDist = aodist;
smallestAngleCorner = tapex;
middleAngleCorner = torg;
largestAngleCorner = tdest;
}// end of switch
// check for offcenter condition
if (offcenter && (offconstant > 0.0))
// origin has the smallest angle
if (orientation == 213 || orientation == 231)
// Find the position of the off-center, as described by Alper Ungor.
dxoff = 0.5 * xShortestEdge - offconstant * yShortestEdge;
dyoff = 0.5 * yShortestEdge + offconstant * xShortestEdge;
// If the off-center is closer to destination than the
// circumcenter, use the off-center instead.
/// doubleLY BAD CASE ///
if (dxoff * dxoff + dyoff * dyoff <
(dx - xdo) * (dx - xdo) + (dy - ydo) * (dy - ydo))
dx = xdo + dxoff;
dy = ydo + dyoff;
almostGood = 1;
// destination has the smallest angle
else if (orientation == 123 || orientation == 132)
// Find the position of the off-center, as described by Alper Ungor.
dxoff = 0.5 * xShortestEdge + offconstant * yShortestEdge;
dyoff = 0.5 * yShortestEdge - offconstant * xShortestEdge;
// If the off-center is closer to the origin than the
// circumcenter, use the off-center instead.
/// doubleLY BAD CASE ///
if (dxoff * dxoff + dyoff * dyoff < dx * dx + dy * dy)
dx = dxoff;
dy = dyoff;
almostGood = 1;
// apex has the smallest angle
{//orientation == 312 || orientation == 321
// Find the position of the off-center, as described by Alper Ungor.
dxoff = 0.5 * xShortestEdge - offconstant * yShortestEdge;
dyoff = 0.5 * yShortestEdge + offconstant * xShortestEdge;
// If the off-center is closer to the origin than the
// circumcenter, use the off-center instead.
/// doubleLY BAD CASE ///
if (dxoff * dxoff + dyoff * dyoff < dx * dx + dy * dy)
dx = dxoff;
dy = dyoff;
almostGood = 1;
// if the bad triangle is almost good, apply our approach
if (almostGood == 1)
/// calculate cosine of largest angle ///
cosMaxAngle = (middleEdgeDist + shortestEdgeDist - longestEdgeDist) / (2 * Math.Sqrt(middleEdgeDist) * Math.Sqrt(shortestEdgeDist));
if (cosMaxAngle < 0.0)
// obtuse
isObtuse = true;
else if (Math.Abs(cosMaxAngle - 0.0) <= EPS)
// right triangle (largest angle is 90 degrees)
isObtuse = true;
// nonobtuse
isObtuse = false;
/// check for possible relocation of one of triangle's points ///
relocated = DoSmoothing(delotri, torg, tdest, tapex, ref newloc);
/// if relocation is possible, delete that vertex and insert a vertex at the new location ///
if (relocated > 0)
dx = newloc[0] - torg.x;
dy = newloc[1] - torg.y;
origin_x = torg.x; // keep for later use
origin_y = torg.y;
switch (relocated)
case 1:
//printf("Relocate: (%f,%f)\n", torg[0],torg[1]);
mesh.DeleteVertex(ref delotri);
case 2:
//printf("Relocate: (%f,%f)\n", tdest[0],tdest[1]);
mesh.DeleteVertex(ref delotri);
case 3:
//printf("Relocate: (%f,%f)\n", tapex[0],tapex[1]);
mesh.DeleteVertex(ref delotri);
// calculate radius of the petal according to angle constraint
// first find the visible region, PETAL
// find the center of the circle and radius
// choose minimum angle as the maximum of quality angle and the minimum angle of the bad triangle
minangle = Math.Acos((middleEdgeDist + longestEdgeDist - shortestEdgeDist) / (2 * Math.Sqrt(middleEdgeDist) * Math.Sqrt(longestEdgeDist))) * 180.0 / Math.PI;
if (behavior.MinAngle > minangle)
minangle = behavior.MinAngle;
minangle = minangle + 0.5;
petalRadius = Math.Sqrt(shortestEdgeDist) / (2 * Math.Sin(minangle * Math.PI / 180.0));
/// compute two possible centers of the petal ///
// finding the center
// first find the middle point of smallest edge
xMidOfShortestEdge = (middleAngleCorner.x + largestAngleCorner.x) / 2.0;
yMidOfShortestEdge = (middleAngleCorner.y + largestAngleCorner.y) / 2.0;
// two possible centers
xPetalCtr_1 = xMidOfShortestEdge + Math.Sqrt(petalRadius * petalRadius - (shortestEdgeDist / 4)) * (middleAngleCorner.y -
largestAngleCorner.y) / Math.Sqrt(shortestEdgeDist);
yPetalCtr_1 = yMidOfShortestEdge + Math.Sqrt(petalRadius * petalRadius - (shortestEdgeDist / 4)) * (largestAngleCorner.x -
middleAngleCorner.x) / Math.Sqrt(shortestEdgeDist);
xPetalCtr_2 = xMidOfShortestEdge - Math.Sqrt(petalRadius * petalRadius - (shortestEdgeDist / 4)) * (middleAngleCorner.y -
largestAngleCorner.y) / Math.Sqrt(shortestEdgeDist);
yPetalCtr_2 = yMidOfShortestEdge - Math.Sqrt(petalRadius * petalRadius - (shortestEdgeDist / 4)) * (largestAngleCorner.x -
middleAngleCorner.x) / Math.Sqrt(shortestEdgeDist);
// find the correct circle since there will be two possible circles
// calculate the distance to smallest angle corner
dxcenter1 = (xPetalCtr_1 - smallestAngleCorner.x) * (xPetalCtr_1 - smallestAngleCorner.x);
dycenter1 = (yPetalCtr_1 - smallestAngleCorner.y) * (yPetalCtr_1 - smallestAngleCorner.y);
dxcenter2 = (xPetalCtr_2 - smallestAngleCorner.x) * (xPetalCtr_2 - smallestAngleCorner.x);
dycenter2 = (yPetalCtr_2 - smallestAngleCorner.y) * (yPetalCtr_2 - smallestAngleCorner.y);
// whichever is closer to smallest angle corner, it must be the center
if (dxcenter1 + dycenter1 <= dxcenter2 + dycenter2)
xPetalCtr = xPetalCtr_1; yPetalCtr = yPetalCtr_1;
xPetalCtr = xPetalCtr_2; yPetalCtr = yPetalCtr_2;
/// find the third point of the neighbor triangle ///
neighborNotFound_first = GetNeighborsVertex(badotri, middleAngleCorner.x, middleAngleCorner.y,
smallestAngleCorner.x, smallestAngleCorner.y, ref thirdPoint, ref neighborotri);
/// find the circumcenter of the neighbor triangle ///
dxFirstSuggestion = dx; // if we cannot find any appropriate suggestion, we use circumcenter
dyFirstSuggestion = dy;
/// before checking the neighbor, find the petal and slab intersections ///
// calculate the intersection point of the petal and the slab lines
// first find the vector
// distance between xmid and petal center
dist = Math.Sqrt((xPetalCtr - xMidOfShortestEdge) * (xPetalCtr - xMidOfShortestEdge) + (yPetalCtr - yMidOfShortestEdge) * (yPetalCtr - yMidOfShortestEdge));
// find the unit vector goes from mid point to petal center
line_vector_x = (xPetalCtr - xMidOfShortestEdge) / dist;
line_vector_y = (yPetalCtr - yMidOfShortestEdge) / dist;
// find the third point other than p and q
petal_bisector_x = xPetalCtr + line_vector_x * petalRadius;
petal_bisector_y = yPetalCtr + line_vector_y * petalRadius;
alpha = (2.0 * behavior.MaxAngle + minangle - 180.0) * Math.PI / 180.0;
// rotate the vector cw around the petal center
x_1 = petal_bisector_x * Math.Cos(alpha) + petal_bisector_y * Math.Sin(alpha) + xPetalCtr - xPetalCtr * Math.Cos(alpha) - yPetalCtr * Math.Sin(alpha);
y_1 = -petal_bisector_x * Math.Sin(alpha) + petal_bisector_y * Math.Cos(alpha) + yPetalCtr + xPetalCtr * Math.Sin(alpha) - yPetalCtr * Math.Cos(alpha);
// rotate the vector ccw around the petal center
x_2 = petal_bisector_x * Math.Cos(alpha) - petal_bisector_y * Math.Sin(alpha) + xPetalCtr - xPetalCtr * Math.Cos(alpha) + yPetalCtr * Math.Sin(alpha);
y_2 = petal_bisector_x * Math.Sin(alpha) + petal_bisector_y * Math.Cos(alpha) + yPetalCtr - xPetalCtr * Math.Sin(alpha) - yPetalCtr * Math.Cos(alpha);
// we need to find correct intersection point, since there are two possibilities
// weather it is obtuse/acute the one closer to the minimum angle corner is the first direction
isCorrect = ChooseCorrectPoint(x_2, y_2, middleAngleCorner.x, middleAngleCorner.y, x_1, y_1, true);
// make sure which point is the correct one to be considered
if (isCorrect)
petal_slab_inter_x_first = x_1;
petal_slab_inter_y_first = y_1;
petal_slab_inter_x_second = x_2;
petal_slab_inter_y_second = y_2;
petal_slab_inter_x_first = x_2;
petal_slab_inter_y_first = y_2;
petal_slab_inter_x_second = x_1;
petal_slab_inter_y_second = y_1;
/// choose the correct intersection point ///
// calculate middle point of the longest edge(bisector)
xMidOfLongestEdge = (middleAngleCorner.x + smallestAngleCorner.x) / 2.0;
yMidOfLongestEdge = (middleAngleCorner.y + smallestAngleCorner.y) / 2.0;
// if there is a neighbor triangle
if (!neighborNotFound_first)
neighborvertex_1 = neighborotri.Org();
neighborvertex_2 = neighborotri.Dest();
neighborvertex_3 = neighborotri.Apex();
// now calculate neighbor's circumcenter which is the voronoi site
neighborCircumcenter = predicates.FindCircumcenter(neighborvertex_1, neighborvertex_2, neighborvertex_3,
ref xi_tmp, ref eta_tmp);
/// compute petal and Voronoi edge intersection ///
// in order to avoid degenerate cases, we need to do a vector based calculation for line
vector_x = (middleAngleCorner.y - smallestAngleCorner.y);//(-y, x)
vector_y = smallestAngleCorner.x - middleAngleCorner.x;
vector_x = myCircumcenter.x + vector_x;
vector_y = myCircumcenter.y + vector_y;
// by intersecting bisectors you will end up with the one you want to walk on
// then this line and circle should be intersected
CircleLineIntersection(myCircumcenter.x, myCircumcenter.y, vector_x, vector_y,
xPetalCtr, yPetalCtr, petalRadius, ref p);
// we need to find correct intersection point, since line intersects circle twice
isCorrect = ChooseCorrectPoint(xMidOfLongestEdge, yMidOfLongestEdge, p[3], p[4],
myCircumcenter.x, myCircumcenter.y, isObtuse);
// make sure which point is the correct one to be considered
if (isCorrect)
inter_x = p[3];
inter_y = p[4];
inter_x = p[1];
inter_y = p[2];
//----------------------hale new first direction: for slab calculation---------------//
// calculate the intersection of angle lines and Voronoi
linepnt1_x = middleAngleCorner.x;
linepnt1_y = middleAngleCorner.y;
// vector from middleAngleCorner to largestAngleCorner
line_vector_x = largestAngleCorner.x - middleAngleCorner.x;
line_vector_y = largestAngleCorner.y - middleAngleCorner.y;
// rotate the vector around middleAngleCorner in cw by maxangle degrees
linepnt2_x = petal_slab_inter_x_first;
linepnt2_y = petal_slab_inter_y_first;
// now calculate the intersection of two lines
LineLineIntersection(myCircumcenter.x, myCircumcenter.y, vector_x, vector_y, linepnt1_x, linepnt1_y, linepnt2_x, linepnt2_y, ref line_p);
// check if there is a suitable intersection
if (line_p[0] > 0.0)
line_inter_x = line_p[1];
line_inter_y = line_p[2];
// for debugging (to make sure)
//printf("1) No intersection between two lines!!!\n");
//printf("(%.14f,%.14f) (%.14f,%.14f) (%.14f,%.14f) (%.14f,%.14f)\n",myCircumcenter.x,myCircumcenter.y,vector_x,vector_y,linepnt1_x,linepnt1_y,linepnt2_x,linepnt2_y);
/// check if there is a Voronoi vertex between before intersection ///
// check if the voronoi vertex is between the intersection and circumcenter
PointBetweenPoints(inter_x, inter_y, myCircumcenter.x, myCircumcenter.y,
neighborCircumcenter.x, neighborCircumcenter.y, ref voronoiOrInter);
/// determine the point to be suggested ///
if (p[0] > 0.0)
{ // there is at least one intersection point
// if it is between circumcenter and intersection
// if it returns 1.0 this means we have a voronoi vertex within feasible region
if (Math.Abs(voronoiOrInter[0] - 1.0) <= EPS)
//-----------------hale new continues 1------------------//
// now check if the line intersection is between cc and voronoi
PointBetweenPoints(voronoiOrInter[2], voronoiOrInter[3], myCircumcenter.x, myCircumcenter.y, line_inter_x, line_inter_y, ref line_result);
if (Math.Abs(line_result[0] - 1.0) <= EPS && line_p[0] > 0.0)
// check if we can go further by picking the slab line and petal intersection
// calculate the distance to the smallest angle corner
// check if we create a bad triangle or not
if (((smallestAngleCorner.x - petal_slab_inter_x_first) * (smallestAngleCorner.x - petal_slab_inter_x_first) +
(smallestAngleCorner.y - petal_slab_inter_y_first) * (smallestAngleCorner.y - petal_slab_inter_y_first) >
lengthConst * ((smallestAngleCorner.x - line_inter_x) *
(smallestAngleCorner.x - line_inter_x) +
(smallestAngleCorner.y - line_inter_y) *
(smallestAngleCorner.y - line_inter_y)))
&& (IsBadTriangleAngle(middleAngleCorner.x, middleAngleCorner.y, largestAngleCorner.x, largestAngleCorner.y, petal_slab_inter_x_first, petal_slab_inter_y_first))
&& MinDistanceToNeighbor(petal_slab_inter_x_first, petal_slab_inter_y_first, ref neighborotri) > MinDistanceToNeighbor(line_inter_x, line_inter_y, ref neighborotri))
// check the neighbor's vertices also, which one if better
//slab and petal intersection is advised
dxFirstSuggestion = petal_slab_inter_x_first - torg.x;
dyFirstSuggestion = petal_slab_inter_y_first - torg.y;
{ // slab intersection point is further away
if (IsBadTriangleAngle(middleAngleCorner.x, middleAngleCorner.y, largestAngleCorner.x, largestAngleCorner.y, line_inter_x, line_inter_y))
// apply perturbation
// find the distance between circumcenter and intersection point
d = Math.Sqrt((line_inter_x - myCircumcenter.x) * (line_inter_x - myCircumcenter.x) +
(line_inter_y - myCircumcenter.y) * (line_inter_y - myCircumcenter.y));
// then find the vector going from intersection point to circumcenter
ax = myCircumcenter.x - line_inter_x;
ay = myCircumcenter.y - line_inter_y;
ax = ax / d;
ay = ay / d;
// now calculate the new intersection point which is perturbated towards the circumcenter
line_inter_x = line_inter_x + ax * pertConst * Math.Sqrt(shortestEdgeDist);
line_inter_y = line_inter_y + ay * pertConst * Math.Sqrt(shortestEdgeDist);
if (IsBadTriangleAngle(middleAngleCorner.x, middleAngleCorner.y, largestAngleCorner.x, largestAngleCorner.y, line_inter_x, line_inter_y))
// go back to circumcenter
dxFirstSuggestion = dx;
dyFirstSuggestion = dy;
// intersection point is suggested
dxFirstSuggestion = line_inter_x - torg.x;
dyFirstSuggestion = line_inter_y - torg.y;
{// we are not creating a bad triangle
// slab intersection is advised
dxFirstSuggestion = line_result[2] - torg.x;
dyFirstSuggestion = line_result[3] - torg.y;
if (IsBadTriangleAngle(middleAngleCorner.x, middleAngleCorner.y, largestAngleCorner.x, largestAngleCorner.y, neighborCircumcenter.x, neighborCircumcenter.y))
// go back to circumcenter
dxFirstSuggestion = dx;
dyFirstSuggestion = dy;
// we are not creating a bad triangle
// neighbor's circumcenter is suggested
dxFirstSuggestion = voronoiOrInter[2] - torg.x;
dyFirstSuggestion = voronoiOrInter[3] - torg.y;
{ // there is no voronoi vertex between intersection point and circumcenter
//-----------------hale new continues 2-----------------//
// now check if the line intersection is between cc and intersection point
PointBetweenPoints(inter_x, inter_y, myCircumcenter.x, myCircumcenter.y, line_inter_x, line_inter_y, ref line_result);
if (Math.Abs(line_result[0] - 1.0) <= EPS && line_p[0] > 0.0)
// check if we can go further by picking the slab line and petal intersection
// calculate the distance to the smallest angle corner
if (((smallestAngleCorner.x - petal_slab_inter_x_first) * (smallestAngleCorner.x - petal_slab_inter_x_first) +
(smallestAngleCorner.y - petal_slab_inter_y_first) * (smallestAngleCorner.y - petal_slab_inter_y_first) >
lengthConst * ((smallestAngleCorner.x - line_inter_x) *
(smallestAngleCorner.x - line_inter_x) +
(smallestAngleCorner.y - line_inter_y) *
(smallestAngleCorner.y - line_inter_y)))
&& (IsBadTriangleAngle(middleAngleCorner.x, middleAngleCorner.y, largestAngleCorner.x, largestAngleCorner.y, petal_slab_inter_x_first, petal_slab_inter_y_first))
&& MinDistanceToNeighbor(petal_slab_inter_x_first, petal_slab_inter_y_first, ref neighborotri) > MinDistanceToNeighbor(line_inter_x, line_inter_y, ref neighborotri))
//slab and petal intersection is advised
dxFirstSuggestion = petal_slab_inter_x_first - torg.x;
dyFirstSuggestion = petal_slab_inter_y_first - torg.y;
{ // slab intersection point is further away
if (IsBadTriangleAngle(largestAngleCorner.x, largestAngleCorner.y, middleAngleCorner.x, middleAngleCorner.y, line_inter_x, line_inter_y))
// apply perturbation
// find the distance between circumcenter and intersection point
d = Math.Sqrt((line_inter_x - myCircumcenter.x) * (line_inter_x - myCircumcenter.x) +
(line_inter_y - myCircumcenter.y) * (line_inter_y - myCircumcenter.y));
// then find the vector going from intersection point to circumcenter
ax = myCircumcenter.x - line_inter_x;
ay = myCircumcenter.y - line_inter_y;
ax = ax / d;
ay = ay / d;
// now calculate the new intersection point which is perturbated towards the circumcenter
line_inter_x = line_inter_x + ax * pertConst * Math.Sqrt(shortestEdgeDist);
line_inter_y = line_inter_y + ay * pertConst * Math.Sqrt(shortestEdgeDist);
if (IsBadTriangleAngle(middleAngleCorner.x, middleAngleCorner.y, largestAngleCorner.x, largestAngleCorner.y, line_inter_x, line_inter_y))
// go back to circumcenter
dxFirstSuggestion = dx;
dyFirstSuggestion = dy;
// intersection point is suggested
dxFirstSuggestion = line_inter_x - torg.x;
dyFirstSuggestion = line_inter_y - torg.y;
{// we are not creating a bad triangle
// slab intersection is advised
dxFirstSuggestion = line_result[2] - torg.x;
dyFirstSuggestion = line_result[3] - torg.y;
if (IsBadTriangleAngle(largestAngleCorner.x, largestAngleCorner.y, middleAngleCorner.x, middleAngleCorner.y, inter_x, inter_y))
//printf("testtriangle returned false! bad triangle\n");
// if it is inside feasible region, then insert v2
// apply perturbation
// find the distance between circumcenter and intersection point
d = Math.Sqrt((inter_x - myCircumcenter.x) * (inter_x - myCircumcenter.x) +
(inter_y - myCircumcenter.y) * (inter_y - myCircumcenter.y));
// then find the vector going from intersection point to circumcenter
ax = myCircumcenter.x - inter_x;
ay = myCircumcenter.y - inter_y;
ax = ax / d;
ay = ay / d;
// now calculate the new intersection point which is perturbated towards the circumcenter
inter_x = inter_x + ax * pertConst * Math.Sqrt(shortestEdgeDist);
inter_y = inter_y + ay * pertConst * Math.Sqrt(shortestEdgeDist);
if (IsBadTriangleAngle(middleAngleCorner.x, middleAngleCorner.y, largestAngleCorner.x, largestAngleCorner.y, inter_x, inter_y))
// go back to circumcenter
dxFirstSuggestion = dx;
dyFirstSuggestion = dy;
// intersection point is suggested
dxFirstSuggestion = inter_x - torg.x;
dyFirstSuggestion = inter_y - torg.y;
// intersection point is suggested
dxFirstSuggestion = inter_x - torg.x;
dyFirstSuggestion = inter_y - torg.y;
/// if it is an acute triangle, check if it is a good enough location ///
// for acute triangle case, we need to check if it is ok to use either of them
if ((smallestAngleCorner.x - myCircumcenter.x) * (smallestAngleCorner.x - myCircumcenter.x) +
(smallestAngleCorner.y - myCircumcenter.y) * (smallestAngleCorner.y - myCircumcenter.y) >
lengthConst * ((smallestAngleCorner.x - (dxFirstSuggestion + torg.x)) *
(smallestAngleCorner.x - (dxFirstSuggestion + torg.x)) +
(smallestAngleCorner.y - (dyFirstSuggestion + torg.y)) *
(smallestAngleCorner.y - (dyFirstSuggestion + torg.y))))
// use circumcenter
dxFirstSuggestion = dx;
dyFirstSuggestion = dy;
}// else we stick to what we have found
}// intersection point
}// if it is on the boundary, meaning no neighbor triangle in this direction, try other direction
/// find the third point of the neighbor triangle ///
neighborNotFound_second = GetNeighborsVertex(badotri, largestAngleCorner.x, largestAngleCorner.y,
smallestAngleCorner.x, smallestAngleCorner.y, ref thirdPoint, ref neighborotri);
/// find the circumcenter of the neighbor triangle ///
dxSecondSuggestion = dx; // if we cannot find any appropriate suggestion, we use circumcenter
dySecondSuggestion = dy;
/// choose the correct intersection point ///
// calculate middle point of the longest edge(bisector)
xMidOfMiddleEdge = (largestAngleCorner.x + smallestAngleCorner.x) / 2.0;
yMidOfMiddleEdge = (largestAngleCorner.y + smallestAngleCorner.y) / 2.0;
// if there is a neighbor triangle
if (!neighborNotFound_second)
neighborvertex_1 = neighborotri.Org();
neighborvertex_2 = neighborotri.Dest();
neighborvertex_3 = neighborotri.Apex();
// now calculate neighbor's circumcenter which is the voronoi site
neighborCircumcenter = predicates.FindCircumcenter(neighborvertex_1, neighborvertex_2, neighborvertex_3,
ref xi_tmp, ref eta_tmp);
/// compute petal and Voronoi edge intersection ///
// in order to avoid degenerate cases, we need to do a vector based calculation for line
vector_x = (largestAngleCorner.y - smallestAngleCorner.y);//(-y, x)
vector_y = smallestAngleCorner.x - largestAngleCorner.x;
vector_x = myCircumcenter.x + vector_x;
vector_y = myCircumcenter.y + vector_y;
// by intersecting bisectors you will end up with the one you want to walk on
// then this line and circle should be intersected
CircleLineIntersection(myCircumcenter.x, myCircumcenter.y, vector_x, vector_y,
xPetalCtr, yPetalCtr, petalRadius, ref p);
// we need to find correct intersection point, since line intersects circle twice
// this direction is always ACUTE
isCorrect = ChooseCorrectPoint(xMidOfMiddleEdge, yMidOfMiddleEdge, p[3], p[4],
myCircumcenter.x, myCircumcenter.y, false/*(isObtuse+1)%2*/);
// make sure which point is the correct one to be considered
if (isCorrect)
inter_x = p[3];
inter_y = p[4];
inter_x = p[1];
inter_y = p[2];
//----------------------hale new second direction:for slab calculation---------------//
// calculate the intersection of angle lines and Voronoi
linepnt1_x = largestAngleCorner.x;
linepnt1_y = largestAngleCorner.y;
// vector from largestAngleCorner to middleAngleCorner
line_vector_x = middleAngleCorner.x - largestAngleCorner.x;
line_vector_y = middleAngleCorner.y - largestAngleCorner.y;
// rotate the vector around largestAngleCorner in ccw by maxangle degrees
linepnt2_x = petal_slab_inter_x_second;
linepnt2_y = petal_slab_inter_y_second;
// now calculate the intersection of two lines
LineLineIntersection(myCircumcenter.x, myCircumcenter.y, vector_x, vector_y, linepnt1_x, linepnt1_y, linepnt2_x, linepnt2_y, ref line_p);
// check if there is a suitable intersection
if (line_p[0] > 0.0)
line_inter_x = line_p[1];
line_inter_y = line_p[2];
// for debugging (to make sure)
//printf("1) No intersection between two lines!!!\n");
//printf("(%.14f,%.14f) (%.14f,%.14f) (%.14f,%.14f) (%.14f,%.14f)\n",myCircumcenter.x,myCircumcenter.y,vector_x,vector_y,linepnt1_x,linepnt1_y,linepnt2_x,linepnt2_y);
/// check if there is a Voronoi vertex between before intersection ///
// check if the voronoi vertex is between the intersection and circumcenter
PointBetweenPoints(inter_x, inter_y, myCircumcenter.x, myCircumcenter.y,
neighborCircumcenter.x, neighborCircumcenter.y, ref voronoiOrInter);
/// determine the point to be suggested ///
if (p[0] > 0.0)
{ // there is at least one intersection point
// if it is between circumcenter and intersection
// if it returns 1.0 this means we have a voronoi vertex within feasible region
if (Math.Abs(voronoiOrInter[0] - 1.0) <= EPS)
//-----------------hale new continues 1------------------//
// now check if the line intersection is between cc and voronoi
PointBetweenPoints(voronoiOrInter[2], voronoiOrInter[3], myCircumcenter.x, myCircumcenter.y, line_inter_x, line_inter_y, ref line_result);
if (Math.Abs(line_result[0] - 1.0) <= EPS && line_p[0] > 0.0)
// check if we can go further by picking the slab line and petal intersection
// calculate the distance to the smallest angle corner
if (((smallestAngleCorner.x - petal_slab_inter_x_second) * (smallestAngleCorner.x - petal_slab_inter_x_second) +
(smallestAngleCorner.y - petal_slab_inter_y_second) * (smallestAngleCorner.y - petal_slab_inter_y_second) >
lengthConst * ((smallestAngleCorner.x - line_inter_x) *
(smallestAngleCorner.x - line_inter_x) +
(smallestAngleCorner.y - line_inter_y) *
(smallestAngleCorner.y - line_inter_y)))
&& (IsBadTriangleAngle(middleAngleCorner.x, middleAngleCorner.y, largestAngleCorner.x, largestAngleCorner.y, petal_slab_inter_x_second, petal_slab_inter_y_second))
&& MinDistanceToNeighbor(petal_slab_inter_x_second, petal_slab_inter_y_second, ref neighborotri) > MinDistanceToNeighbor(line_inter_x, line_inter_y, ref neighborotri))
// slab and petal intersection is advised
dxSecondSuggestion = petal_slab_inter_x_second - torg.x;
dySecondSuggestion = petal_slab_inter_y_second - torg.y;
{ // slab intersection point is further away
if (IsBadTriangleAngle(middleAngleCorner.x, middleAngleCorner.y, largestAngleCorner.x, largestAngleCorner.y, line_inter_x, line_inter_y))
// apply perturbation
// find the distance between circumcenter and intersection point
d = Math.Sqrt((line_inter_x - myCircumcenter.x) * (line_inter_x - myCircumcenter.x) +
(line_inter_y - myCircumcenter.y) * (line_inter_y - myCircumcenter.y));
// then find the vector going from intersection point to circumcenter
ax = myCircumcenter.x - line_inter_x;
ay = myCircumcenter.y - line_inter_y;
ax = ax / d;
ay = ay / d;
// now calculate the new intersection point which is perturbated towards the circumcenter
line_inter_x = line_inter_x + ax * pertConst * Math.Sqrt(shortestEdgeDist);
line_inter_y = line_inter_y + ay * pertConst * Math.Sqrt(shortestEdgeDist);
if (IsBadTriangleAngle(middleAngleCorner.x, middleAngleCorner.y, largestAngleCorner.x, largestAngleCorner.y, line_inter_x, line_inter_y))
// go back to circumcenter
dxSecondSuggestion = dx;
dySecondSuggestion = dy;
// intersection point is suggested
dxSecondSuggestion = line_inter_x - torg.x;
dySecondSuggestion = line_inter_y - torg.y;
{// we are not creating a bad triangle
// slab intersection is advised
dxSecondSuggestion = line_result[2] - torg.x;
dySecondSuggestion = line_result[3] - torg.y;
if (IsBadTriangleAngle(middleAngleCorner.x, middleAngleCorner.y, largestAngleCorner.x, largestAngleCorner.y, neighborCircumcenter.x, neighborCircumcenter.y))
// go back to circumcenter
dxSecondSuggestion = dx;
dySecondSuggestion = dy;
{ // we are not creating a bad triangle
// neighbor's circumcenter is suggested
dxSecondSuggestion = voronoiOrInter[2] - torg.x;
dySecondSuggestion = voronoiOrInter[3] - torg.y;
{ // there is no voronoi vertex between intersection point and circumcenter
//-----------------hale new continues 2-----------------//
// now check if the line intersection is between cc and intersection point
PointBetweenPoints(inter_x, inter_y, myCircumcenter.x, myCircumcenter.y, line_inter_x, line_inter_y, ref line_result);
if (Math.Abs(line_result[0] - 1.0) <= EPS && line_p[0] > 0.0)
// check if we can go further by picking the slab line and petal intersection
// calculate the distance to the smallest angle corner
if (((smallestAngleCorner.x - petal_slab_inter_x_second) * (smallestAngleCorner.x - petal_slab_inter_x_second) +
(smallestAngleCorner.y - petal_slab_inter_y_second) * (smallestAngleCorner.y - petal_slab_inter_y_second) >
lengthConst * ((smallestAngleCorner.x - line_inter_x) *
(smallestAngleCorner.x - line_inter_x) +
(smallestAngleCorner.y - line_inter_y) *
(smallestAngleCorner.y - line_inter_y)))
&& (IsBadTriangleAngle(middleAngleCorner.x, middleAngleCorner.y, largestAngleCorner.x, largestAngleCorner.y, petal_slab_inter_x_second, petal_slab_inter_y_second))
&& MinDistanceToNeighbor(petal_slab_inter_x_second, petal_slab_inter_y_second, ref neighborotri) > MinDistanceToNeighbor(line_inter_x, line_inter_y, ref neighborotri))
// slab and petal intersection is advised
dxSecondSuggestion = petal_slab_inter_x_second - torg.x;
dySecondSuggestion = petal_slab_inter_y_second - torg.y;
{ // slab intersection point is further away ;
if (IsBadTriangleAngle(largestAngleCorner.x, largestAngleCorner.y, middleAngleCorner.x, middleAngleCorner.y, line_inter_x, line_inter_y))
// apply perturbation
// find the distance between circumcenter and intersection point
d = Math.Sqrt((line_inter_x - myCircumcenter.x) * (line_inter_x - myCircumcenter.x) +
(line_inter_y - myCircumcenter.y) * (line_inter_y - myCircumcenter.y));
// then find the vector going from intersection point to circumcenter
ax = myCircumcenter.x - line_inter_x;
ay = myCircumcenter.y - line_inter_y;
ax = ax / d;
ay = ay / d;
// now calculate the new intersection point which is perturbated towards the circumcenter
line_inter_x = line_inter_x + ax * pertConst * Math.Sqrt(shortestEdgeDist);
line_inter_y = line_inter_y + ay * pertConst * Math.Sqrt(shortestEdgeDist);
if (IsBadTriangleAngle(middleAngleCorner.x, middleAngleCorner.y, largestAngleCorner.x, largestAngleCorner.y, line_inter_x, line_inter_y))
// go back to circumcenter
dxSecondSuggestion = dx;
dySecondSuggestion = dy;
// intersection point is suggested
dxSecondSuggestion = line_inter_x - torg.x;
dySecondSuggestion = line_inter_y - torg.y;
// we are not creating a bad triangle
// slab intersection is advised
dxSecondSuggestion = line_result[2] - torg.x;
dySecondSuggestion = line_result[3] - torg.y;
if (IsBadTriangleAngle(middleAngleCorner.x, middleAngleCorner.y, largestAngleCorner.x, largestAngleCorner.y, inter_x, inter_y))
// if it is inside feasible region, then insert v2
// apply perturbation
// find the distance between circumcenter and intersection point
d = Math.Sqrt((inter_x - myCircumcenter.x) * (inter_x - myCircumcenter.x) +
(inter_y - myCircumcenter.y) * (inter_y - myCircumcenter.y));
// then find the vector going from intersection point to circumcenter
ax = myCircumcenter.x - inter_x;
ay = myCircumcenter.y - inter_y;
ax = ax / d;
ay = ay / d;
// now calculate the new intersection point which is perturbated towards the circumcenter
inter_x = inter_x + ax * pertConst * Math.Sqrt(shortestEdgeDist);
inter_y = inter_y + ay * pertConst * Math.Sqrt(shortestEdgeDist);
if (IsBadTriangleAngle(middleAngleCorner.x, middleAngleCorner.y, largestAngleCorner.x, largestAngleCorner.y, inter_x, inter_y))
// go back to circumcenter
dxSecondSuggestion = dx;
dySecondSuggestion = dy;
// intersection point is suggested
dxSecondSuggestion = inter_x - torg.x;
dySecondSuggestion = inter_y - torg.y;
// intersection point is suggested
dxSecondSuggestion = inter_x - torg.x;
dySecondSuggestion = inter_y - torg.y;
/// if it is an acute triangle, check if it is a good enough location ///
// for acute triangle case, we need to check if it is ok to use either of them
if ((smallestAngleCorner.x - myCircumcenter.x) * (smallestAngleCorner.x - myCircumcenter.x) +
(smallestAngleCorner.y - myCircumcenter.y) * (smallestAngleCorner.y - myCircumcenter.y) >
lengthConst * ((smallestAngleCorner.x - (dxSecondSuggestion + torg.x)) *
(smallestAngleCorner.x - (dxSecondSuggestion + torg.x)) +
(smallestAngleCorner.y - (dySecondSuggestion + torg.y)) *
(smallestAngleCorner.y - (dySecondSuggestion + torg.y))))
// use circumcenter
dxSecondSuggestion = dx;
dySecondSuggestion = dy;
}// else we stick on what we have found
}// if it is on the boundary, meaning no neighbor triangle in this direction, the other direction might be ok
if (isObtuse)
if (neighborNotFound_first && neighborNotFound_second)
//obtuse: check if the other direction works
if (justAcute * ((smallestAngleCorner.x - (xMidOfMiddleEdge)) *
(smallestAngleCorner.x - (xMidOfMiddleEdge)) +
(smallestAngleCorner.y - (yMidOfMiddleEdge)) *
(smallestAngleCorner.y - (yMidOfMiddleEdge))) >
(smallestAngleCorner.x - (xMidOfLongestEdge)) *
(smallestAngleCorner.x - (xMidOfLongestEdge)) +
(smallestAngleCorner.y - (yMidOfLongestEdge)) *
(smallestAngleCorner.y - (yMidOfLongestEdge)))
dx = dxSecondSuggestion;
dy = dySecondSuggestion;
dx = dxFirstSuggestion;
dy = dyFirstSuggestion;
else if (neighborNotFound_first)
//obtuse: check if the other direction works
if (justAcute * ((smallestAngleCorner.x - (dxSecondSuggestion + torg.x)) *
(smallestAngleCorner.x - (dxSecondSuggestion + torg.x)) +
(smallestAngleCorner.y - (dySecondSuggestion + torg.y)) *
(smallestAngleCorner.y - (dySecondSuggestion + torg.y))) >
(smallestAngleCorner.x - (xMidOfLongestEdge)) *
(smallestAngleCorner.x - (xMidOfLongestEdge)) +
(smallestAngleCorner.y - (yMidOfLongestEdge)) *
(smallestAngleCorner.y - (yMidOfLongestEdge)))
dx = dxSecondSuggestion;
dy = dySecondSuggestion;
dx = dxFirstSuggestion;
dy = dyFirstSuggestion;
else if (neighborNotFound_second)
//obtuse: check if the other direction works
if (justAcute * ((smallestAngleCorner.x - (xMidOfMiddleEdge)) *
(smallestAngleCorner.x - (xMidOfMiddleEdge)) +
(smallestAngleCorner.y - (yMidOfMiddleEdge)) *
(smallestAngleCorner.y - (yMidOfMiddleEdge))) >
(smallestAngleCorner.x - (dxFirstSuggestion + torg.x)) *
(smallestAngleCorner.x - (dxFirstSuggestion + torg.x)) +
(smallestAngleCorner.y - (dyFirstSuggestion + torg.y)) *
(smallestAngleCorner.y - (dyFirstSuggestion + torg.y)))
dx = dxSecondSuggestion;
dy = dySecondSuggestion;
dx = dxFirstSuggestion;
dy = dyFirstSuggestion;
//obtuse: check if the other direction works
if (justAcute * ((smallestAngleCorner.x - (dxSecondSuggestion + torg.x)) *
(smallestAngleCorner.x - (dxSecondSuggestion + torg.x)) +
(smallestAngleCorner.y - (dySecondSuggestion + torg.y)) *
(smallestAngleCorner.y - (dySecondSuggestion + torg.y))) >
(smallestAngleCorner.x - (dxFirstSuggestion + torg.x)) *
(smallestAngleCorner.x - (dxFirstSuggestion + torg.x)) +
(smallestAngleCorner.y - (dyFirstSuggestion + torg.y)) *
(smallestAngleCorner.y - (dyFirstSuggestion + torg.y)))
dx = dxSecondSuggestion;
dy = dySecondSuggestion;
dx = dxFirstSuggestion;
dy = dyFirstSuggestion;
{ // acute : consider other direction
if (neighborNotFound_first && neighborNotFound_second)
//obtuse: check if the other direction works
if (justAcute * ((smallestAngleCorner.x - (xMidOfMiddleEdge)) *
(smallestAngleCorner.x - (xMidOfMiddleEdge)) +
(smallestAngleCorner.y - (yMidOfMiddleEdge)) *
(smallestAngleCorner.y - (yMidOfMiddleEdge))) >
(smallestAngleCorner.x - (xMidOfLongestEdge)) *
(smallestAngleCorner.x - (xMidOfLongestEdge)) +
(smallestAngleCorner.y - (yMidOfLongestEdge)) *
(smallestAngleCorner.y - (yMidOfLongestEdge)))
dx = dxSecondSuggestion;
dy = dySecondSuggestion;
dx = dxFirstSuggestion;
dy = dyFirstSuggestion;
else if (neighborNotFound_first)
//obtuse: check if the other direction works
if (justAcute * ((smallestAngleCorner.x - (dxSecondSuggestion + torg.x)) *
(smallestAngleCorner.x - (dxSecondSuggestion + torg.x)) +
(smallestAngleCorner.y - (dySecondSuggestion + torg.y)) *
(smallestAngleCorner.y - (dySecondSuggestion + torg.y))) >
(smallestAngleCorner.x - (xMidOfLongestEdge)) *
(smallestAngleCorner.x - (xMidOfLongestEdge)) +
(smallestAngleCorner.y - (yMidOfLongestEdge)) *
(smallestAngleCorner.y - (yMidOfLongestEdge)))
dx = dxSecondSuggestion;
dy = dySecondSuggestion;
dx = dxFirstSuggestion;
dy = dyFirstSuggestion;
else if (neighborNotFound_second)
//obtuse: check if the other direction works
if (justAcute * ((smallestAngleCorner.x - (xMidOfMiddleEdge)) *
(smallestAngleCorner.x - (xMidOfMiddleEdge)) +
(smallestAngleCorner.y - (yMidOfMiddleEdge)) *
(smallestAngleCorner.y - (yMidOfMiddleEdge))) >
(smallestAngleCorner.x - (dxFirstSuggestion + torg.x)) *
(smallestAngleCorner.x - (dxFirstSuggestion + torg.x)) +
(smallestAngleCorner.y - (dyFirstSuggestion + torg.y)) *
(smallestAngleCorner.y - (dyFirstSuggestion + torg.y)))
dx = dxSecondSuggestion;
dy = dySecondSuggestion;
dx = dxFirstSuggestion;
dy = dyFirstSuggestion;
//obtuse: check if the other direction works
if (justAcute * ((smallestAngleCorner.x - (dxSecondSuggestion + torg.x)) *
(smallestAngleCorner.x - (dxSecondSuggestion + torg.x)) +
(smallestAngleCorner.y - (dySecondSuggestion + torg.y)) *
(smallestAngleCorner.y - (dySecondSuggestion + torg.y))) >
(smallestAngleCorner.x - (dxFirstSuggestion + torg.x)) *
(smallestAngleCorner.x - (dxFirstSuggestion + torg.x)) +
(smallestAngleCorner.y - (dyFirstSuggestion + torg.y)) *
(smallestAngleCorner.y - (dyFirstSuggestion + torg.y)))
dx = dxSecondSuggestion;
dy = dySecondSuggestion;
dx = dxFirstSuggestion;
dy = dyFirstSuggestion;
}// end if obtuse
}// end of relocation
}// end of almostGood
Point circumcenter = new Point();
if (relocated <= 0)
circumcenter.x = torg.x + dx;
circumcenter.y = torg.y + dy;
circumcenter.x = origin_x + dx;
circumcenter.y = origin_y + dy;
xi = (yao * dx - xao * dy) * (2.0 * denominator);
eta = (xdo * dy - ydo * dx) * (2.0 * denominator);
return circumcenter;
/// Given square of edge lengths of a triangle,
// determine its orientation
/// Returns a number indicating an orientation.
private int LongestShortestEdge(double aodist, double dadist, double dodist)
// 123: shortest: aodist // 213: shortest: dadist // 312: shortest: dodist
// middle: dadist // middle: aodist // middle: aodist
// longest: dodist // longest: dodist // longest: dadist
// 132: shortest: aodist // 231: shortest: dadist // 321: shortest: dodist
// middle: dodist // middle: dodist // middle: dadist
// longest: dadist // longest: aodist // longest: aodist
int max = 0, min = 0, mid = 0, minMidMax;
if (dodist < aodist && dodist < dadist)
min = 3; // apex is the smallest angle, dodist is the longest edge
if (aodist < dadist)
max = 2; // dadist is the longest edge
mid = 1; // aodist is the middle longest edge
max = 1; // aodist is the longest edge
mid = 2; // dadist is the middle longest edge
else if (aodist < dadist)
min = 1; // dest is the smallest angle, aodist is the biggest edge
if (dodist < dadist)
max = 2; // dadist is the longest edge
mid = 3; // dodist is the middle longest edge
max = 3; // dodist is the longest edge
mid = 2; // dadist is the middle longest edge
min = 2; // origin is the smallest angle, dadist is the biggest edge
if (aodist < dodist)
max = 3; // dodist is the longest edge
mid = 1; // aodist is the middle longest edge
max = 1; // aodist is the longest edge
mid = 3; // dodist is the middle longest edge
minMidMax = min * 100 + mid * 10 + max;
return minMidMax;
/// Checks if smothing is possible for a given bad triangle.
/// The new location for the point, if somothing is possible.
/// Returns 1, 2 or 3 if smoothing will work, 0 otherwise.
private int DoSmoothing(Otri badotri, Vertex torg, Vertex tdest, Vertex tapex,
ref double[] newloc)
int numpoints_p = 0;// keeps the number of points in a star of point p, q, r
int numpoints_q = 0;
int numpoints_r = 0;
//int i;
double[] possibilities = new double[6];//there can be more than one possibilities
int num_pos = 0; // number of possibilities
int flag1 = 0, flag2 = 0, flag3 = 0;
bool newLocFound = false;
//vertex v1, v2, v3; // for ccw test
//double p1[2], p2[2], p3[2];
//double temp[2];
//********************* TRY TO RELOCATE POINT "p" ***************
// get the surrounding points of p, so this gives us the triangles
numpoints_p = GetStarPoints(badotri, torg, tdest, tapex, 1, ref points_p);
// check if the points in counterclockwise order
// p1[0] = points_p[0]; p1[1] = points_p[1];
// p2[0] = points_p[2]; p2[1] = points_p[3];
// p3[0] = points_p[4]; p3[1] = points_p[5];
// v1 = (vertex)p1; v2 = (vertex)p2; v3 = (vertex)p3;
// if(counterclockwise(m,b,v1,v2,v3) < 0){
// // reverse the order to ccw
// for(i = 0; i < numpoints_p/2; i++){
// temp[0] = points_p[2*i];
// temp[1] = points_p[2*i+1];
// points_p[2*i] = points_p[2*(numpoints_p-1)-2*i];
// points_p[2*i+1] = points_p[2*(numpoints_p-1)+1-2*i];
// points_p[2*(numpoints_p-1)-2*i] = temp[0];
// points_p[2*(numpoints_p-1)+1-2*i] = temp[1];
// }
// }
// m.counterclockcount--;
// first check whether the star angles are appropriate for relocation
if (torg.type == VertexType.FreeVertex && numpoints_p != 0 && ValidPolygonAngles(numpoints_p, points_p))
//newLocFound = getPetalIntersection(m, b, numpoints_p, points_p, newloc);
//newLocFound = getPetalIntersectionBruteForce(m, b,numpoints_p, points_p, newloc,torg[0],torg[1]);
if (behavior.MaxAngle == 0.0)
newLocFound = GetWedgeIntersectionWithoutMaxAngle(numpoints_p, points_p, ref newloc);
newLocFound = GetWedgeIntersection(numpoints_p, points_p, ref newloc);
//printf("call petal intersection for p\n");
// make sure the relocated point is a free vertex
if (newLocFound)
possibilities[0] = newloc[0];// something found
possibilities[1] = newloc[1];
num_pos++;// increase the number of possibilities
flag1 = 1;
//********************* TRY TO RELOCATE POINT "q" ***************
// get the surrounding points of q, so this gives us the triangles
numpoints_q = GetStarPoints(badotri, torg, tdest, tapex, 2, ref points_q);
// // check if the points in counterclockwise order
// v1[0] = points_q[0]; v1[1] = points_q[1];
// v2[0] = points_q[2]; v2[1] = points_q[3];
// v3[0] = points_q[4]; v3[1] = points_q[5];
// if(counterclockwise(m,b,v1,v2,v3) < 0){
// // reverse the order to ccw
// for(i = 0; i < numpoints_q/2; i++){
// temp[0] = points_q[2*i];
// temp[1] = points_q[2*i+1];
// points_q[2*i] = points_q[2*(numpoints_q-1)-2*i];
// points_q[2*i+1] = points_q[2*(numpoints_q-1)+1-2*i];
// points_q[2*(numpoints_q-1)-2*i] = temp[0];
// points_q[2*(numpoints_q-1)+1-2*i] = temp[1];
// }
// }
// m.counterclockcount--;
// first check whether the star angles are appropriate for relocation
if (tdest.type == VertexType.FreeVertex && numpoints_q != 0 && ValidPolygonAngles(numpoints_q, points_q))
//newLocFound = getPetalIntersection(m, b,numpoints_q, points_q, newloc);
//newLocFound = getPetalIntersectionBruteForce(m, b,numpoints_q, points_q, newloc,tapex[0],tapex[1]);
if (behavior.MaxAngle == 0.0)
newLocFound = GetWedgeIntersectionWithoutMaxAngle(numpoints_q, points_q, ref newloc);
newLocFound = GetWedgeIntersection(numpoints_q, points_q, ref newloc);
//printf("call petal intersection for q\n");
// make sure the relocated point is a free vertex
if (newLocFound)
possibilities[2] = newloc[0];// something found
possibilities[3] = newloc[1];
num_pos++;// increase the number of possibilities
flag2 = 2;
//********************* TRY TO RELOCATE POINT "q" ***************
// get the surrounding points of r, so this gives us the triangles
numpoints_r = GetStarPoints(badotri, torg, tdest, tapex, 3, ref points_r);
// check if the points in counterclockwise order
// v1[0] = points_r[0]; v1[1] = points_r[1];
// v2[0] = points_r[2]; v2[1] = points_r[3];
// v3[0] = points_r[4]; v3[1] = points_r[5];
// if(counterclockwise(m,b,v1,v2,v3) < 0){
// // reverse the order to ccw
// for(i = 0; i < numpoints_r/2; i++){
// temp[0] = points_r[2*i];
// temp[1] = points_r[2*i+1];
// points_r[2*i] = points_r[2*(numpoints_r-1)-2*i];
// points_r[2*i+1] = points_r[2*(numpoints_r-1)+1-2*i];
// points_r[2*(numpoints_r-1)-2*i] = temp[0];
// points_r[2*(numpoints_r-1)+1-2*i] = temp[1];
// }
// }
// m.counterclockcount--;
// first check whether the star angles are appropriate for relocation
if (tapex.type == VertexType.FreeVertex && numpoints_r != 0 && ValidPolygonAngles(numpoints_r, points_r))
//newLocFound = getPetalIntersection(m, b,numpoints_r, points_r, newloc);
//newLocFound = getPetalIntersectionBruteForce(m, b,numpoints_r, points_r, newloc,tdest[0],tdest[1]);
if (behavior.MaxAngle == 0.0)
newLocFound = GetWedgeIntersectionWithoutMaxAngle(numpoints_r, points_r, ref newloc);
newLocFound = GetWedgeIntersection(numpoints_r, points_r, ref newloc);
//printf("call petal intersection for r\n");
// make sure the relocated point is a free vertex
if (newLocFound)
possibilities[4] = newloc[0];// something found
possibilities[5] = newloc[1];
num_pos++;// increase the number of possibilities
flag3 = 3;
//printf("numpossibilities %d\n",num_pos);
if (num_pos > 0)
if (flag1 > 0)
{ // suggest to relocate origin
newloc[0] = possibilities[0];
newloc[1] = possibilities[1];
return flag1;
if (flag2 > 0)
{ // suggest to relocate apex
newloc[0] = possibilities[2];
newloc[1] = possibilities[3];
return flag2;
{// suggest to relocate destination
if (flag3 > 0)
newloc[0] = possibilities[4];
newloc[1] = possibilities[5];
return flag3;
return 0;// could not find any good relocation
/// Finds the star of a given point.
/// List of points on the star of the given point.
/// Number of points on the star of the given point.
private int GetStarPoints(Otri badotri, Vertex p, Vertex q, Vertex r,
int whichPoint, ref double[] points)
Otri neighotri = default(Otri); // for return value of the function
Otri tempotri; // for temporary usage
double first_x = 0, first_y = 0; // keeps the first point to be considered
double second_x = 0, second_y = 0; // for determining the edge we will begin
double third_x = 0, third_y = 0; // termination
double[] returnPoint = new double[2]; // for keeping the returned point
int numvertices = 0; // for keeping number of surrounding vertices
// first determine which point to be used to find its neighbor triangles
switch (whichPoint)
case 1:
first_x = p.x; // point at the center
first_y = p.y;
second_x = r.x; // second vertex of first edge to consider
second_y = r.y;
third_x = q.x; // for terminating the search
third_y = q.y;
case 2:
first_x = q.x; // point at the center
first_y = q.y;
second_x = p.x; // second vertex of first edge to consider
second_y = p.y;
third_x = r.x; // for terminating the search
third_y = r.y;
case 3:
first_x = r.x; // point at the center
first_y = r.y;
second_x = q.x; // second vertex of first edge to consider
second_y = q.y;
third_x = p.x; // for terminating the search
third_y = p.y;
tempotri = badotri;
// add first point as the end of first edge
points[numvertices] = second_x;
points[numvertices] = second_y;
// assign as dummy value
returnPoint[0] = second_x; returnPoint[1] = second_y;
// until we reach the third point of the beginning triangle
// find the neighbor's third point where it is incident to given edge
if (!GetNeighborsVertex(tempotri, first_x, first_y, second_x, second_y, ref returnPoint, ref neighotri))
// go to next triangle
tempotri = neighotri;
// now the second point is the neighbor's third vertex
second_x = returnPoint[0];
second_y = returnPoint[1];
// add a new point to the list of surrounding points
points[numvertices] = returnPoint[0];
points[numvertices] = returnPoint[1];
numvertices = 0;
} while (!((Math.Abs(returnPoint[0] - third_x) <= EPS) &&
(Math.Abs(returnPoint[1] - third_y) <= EPS)));
return numvertices / 2;
/// Gets a neighbours vertex.
/// Neighbor's third vertex incident to given edge.
/// Pointer for the neighbor triangle.
/// Returns true if vertex was found.
private bool GetNeighborsVertex(Otri badotri,
double first_x, double first_y,
double second_x, double second_y,
ref double[] thirdpoint, ref Otri neighotri)
Otri neighbor = default(Otri); // keeps the neighbor triangles
bool notFound = false; // boolean variable if we can find that neighbor or not
// for keeping the vertices of the neighbor triangle
Vertex neighborvertex_1 = null;
Vertex neighborvertex_2 = null;
Vertex neighborvertex_3 = null;
// used for finding neighbor triangle
int firstVertexMatched = 0, secondVertexMatched = 0; // to find the correct neighbor
//triangle ptr; // Temporary variable used by sym()
//int i; // index variable
// find neighbors
// Check each of the triangle's three neighbors to find the correct one
for (badotri.orient = 0; badotri.orient < 3; badotri.orient++)
// Find the neighbor.
badotri.Sym(ref neighbor);
// check if it is the one we are looking for by checking the corners
// first check if the neighbor is nonexistent, since it can be on the border
if (neighbor.tri.id != Mesh.DUMMY)
// then check if two wanted corners are also in this triangle
// take the vertices of the candidate neighbor
neighborvertex_1 = neighbor.Org();
neighborvertex_2 = neighbor.Dest();
neighborvertex_3 = neighbor.Apex();
// check if it is really a triangle
if ((neighborvertex_1.x == neighborvertex_2.x && neighborvertex_1.y == neighborvertex_2.y)
|| (neighborvertex_2.x == neighborvertex_3.x && neighborvertex_2.y == neighborvertex_3.y)
|| (neighborvertex_1.x == neighborvertex_3.x && neighborvertex_1.y == neighborvertex_3.y))
//printf("Two vertices are the same!!!!!!!\n");
// begin searching for the correct neighbor triangle
firstVertexMatched = 0;
if ((Math.Abs(first_x - neighborvertex_1.x) < EPS) &&
(Math.Abs(first_y - neighborvertex_1.y) < EPS))
firstVertexMatched = 11; // neighbor's 1st vertex is matched to first vertex
else if ((Math.Abs(first_x - neighborvertex_2.x) < EPS) &&
(Math.Abs(first_y - neighborvertex_2.y) < EPS))
firstVertexMatched = 12; // neighbor's 2nd vertex is matched to first vertex
else if ((Math.Abs(first_x - neighborvertex_3.x) < EPS) &&
(Math.Abs(first_y - neighborvertex_3.y) < EPS))
firstVertexMatched = 13; // neighbor's 3rd vertex is matched to first vertex
// none of them matched
} // end of first vertex matching */
secondVertexMatched = 0;
if ((Math.Abs(second_x - neighborvertex_1.x) < EPS) &&
(Math.Abs(second_y - neighborvertex_1.y) < EPS))
secondVertexMatched = 21; // neighbor's 1st vertex is matched to second vertex
else if ((Math.Abs(second_x - neighborvertex_2.x) < EPS) &&
(Math.Abs(second_y - neighborvertex_2.y) < EPS))
secondVertexMatched = 22; // neighbor's 2nd vertex is matched to second vertex
else if ((Math.Abs(second_x - neighborvertex_3.x) < EPS) &&
(Math.Abs(second_y - neighborvertex_3.y) < EPS))
secondVertexMatched = 23; // neighbor's 3rd vertex is matched to second vertex
// none of them matched
} // end of second vertex matching*/
}// if neighbor exists or not
if (((firstVertexMatched == 11) && (secondVertexMatched == 22 || secondVertexMatched == 23))
|| ((firstVertexMatched == 12) && (secondVertexMatched == 21 || secondVertexMatched == 23))
|| ((firstVertexMatched == 13) && (secondVertexMatched == 21 || secondVertexMatched == 22)))
}// end of for loop over all orientations
switch (firstVertexMatched)
case 0:
notFound = true;
case 11:
if (secondVertexMatched == 22)
thirdpoint[0] = neighborvertex_3.x;
thirdpoint[1] = neighborvertex_3.y;
else if (secondVertexMatched == 23)
thirdpoint[0] = neighborvertex_2.x;
thirdpoint[1] = neighborvertex_2.y;
else { notFound = true; }
case 12:
if (secondVertexMatched == 21)
thirdpoint[0] = neighborvertex_3.x;
thirdpoint[1] = neighborvertex_3.y;
else if (secondVertexMatched == 23)
thirdpoint[0] = neighborvertex_1.x;
thirdpoint[1] = neighborvertex_1.y;
else { notFound = true; }
case 13:
if (secondVertexMatched == 21)
thirdpoint[0] = neighborvertex_2.x;
thirdpoint[1] = neighborvertex_2.y;
else if (secondVertexMatched == 22)
thirdpoint[0] = neighborvertex_1.x;
thirdpoint[1] = neighborvertex_1.y;
else { notFound = true; }
if (secondVertexMatched == 0) { notFound = true; }
// pointer of the neighbor triangle
neighotri = neighbor;
return notFound;
/// Find a new point location by wedge intersection.
/// A new location for the point according to surrounding points.
/// Returns true if new location found
private bool GetWedgeIntersectionWithoutMaxAngle(int numpoints,
double[] points, ref double[] newloc)
//double total_x = 0;
//double total_y = 0;
double x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2;
//double compConst = 0.01; // for comparing real numbers
double x01, y01;
//double x12, y12;
//double ax, ay, bx, by; //two intersections of two petals disks
double d01;//, d12
//double petalx0, petaly0, petalr0, petalx1, petaly1, petalr1;
//double p[5];
// Resize work arrays
if (2 * numpoints > petalx.Length)
petalx = new double[2 * numpoints];
petaly = new double[2 * numpoints];
petalr = new double[2 * numpoints];
wedges = new double[2 * numpoints * 16 + 36];
double xmid, ymid, dist, x3, y3;
double x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2, x_3, y_3, x_4, y_4, tempx, tempy;
double ux, uy;
double alpha;
double[] p1 = new double[3];
//double poly_points;
int numpolypoints = 0;
//int numBadTriangle;
int i, j;
int s, flag, count, num;
double petalcenterconstant, petalradiusconstant;
x0 = points[2 * numpoints - 4];
y0 = points[2 * numpoints - 3];
x1 = points[2 * numpoints - 2];
y1 = points[2 * numpoints - 1];
// minimum angle
alpha = behavior.MinAngle * Math.PI / 180.0;
// initialize the constants
if (behavior.goodAngle == 1.0)
petalcenterconstant = 0;
petalradiusconstant = 0;
petalcenterconstant = 0.5 / Math.Tan(alpha);
petalradiusconstant = 0.5 / Math.Sin(alpha);
for (i = 0; i < numpoints * 2; i = i + 2)
x2 = points[i];
y2 = points[i + 1];
//printf("POLYGON POINTS (p,q) #%d (%.12f, %.12f) (%.12f, %.12f)\n", i/2, x0, y0,x1, y1);
x01 = x1 - x0;
y01 = y1 - y0;
d01 = Math.Sqrt(x01 * x01 + y01 * y01);
// find the petal of each edge 01;
// printf("PETAL CONSTANT (%.12f, %.12f)\n",
// b.petalcenterconstant, b.petalradiusconstant );
// printf("PETAL DIFFS (%.6f, %.6f, %.4f)\n", x01, y01, d01);
petalx[i / 2] = x0 + 0.5 * x01 - petalcenterconstant * y01;
petaly[i / 2] = y0 + 0.5 * y01 + petalcenterconstant * x01;
petalr[i / 2] = petalradiusconstant * d01;
petalx[numpoints + i / 2] = petalx[i / 2];
petaly[numpoints + i / 2] = petaly[i / 2];
petalr[numpoints + i / 2] = petalr[i / 2];
//printf("PETAL POINTS #%d (%.12f, %.12f) R= %.12f\n", i/2, petalx[i/2],petaly[i/2], petalr[i/2]);
xmid = (x0 + x1) / 2.0; // mid point of pq
ymid = (y0 + y1) / 2.0;
// distance between xmid and petal center
dist = Math.Sqrt((petalx[i / 2] - xmid) * (petalx[i / 2] - xmid) + (petaly[i / 2] - ymid) * (petaly[i / 2] - ymid));
// find the unit vector goes from mid point to petal center
ux = (petalx[i / 2] - xmid) / dist;
uy = (petaly[i / 2] - ymid) / dist;
// find the third point other than p and q
x3 = petalx[i / 2] + ux * petalr[i / 2];
y3 = petaly[i / 2] + uy * petalr[i / 2];
// cw rotation matrix [cosX sinX; -sinX cosX]
// cw rotation about (x,y) [ux*cosX + uy*sinX + x - x*cosX - y*sinX; -ux*sinX + uy*cosX + y + x*sinX - y*cosX]
// ccw rotation matrix [cosX -sinX; sinX cosX]
// ccw rotation about (x,y) [ux*cosX - uy*sinX + x - x*cosX + y*sinX; ux*sinX + uy*cosX + y - x*sinX - y*cosX]
/// LINE #1: (x1,y1) & (x_1,y_1)
// vector from p to q
ux = x1 - x0;
uy = y1 - y0;
// rotate the vector around p = (x0,y0) in ccw by alpha degrees
x_1 = x1 * Math.Cos(alpha) - y1 * Math.Sin(alpha) + x0 - x0 * Math.Cos(alpha) + y0 * Math.Sin(alpha);
y_1 = x1 * Math.Sin(alpha) + y1 * Math.Cos(alpha) + y0 - x0 * Math.Sin(alpha) - y0 * Math.Cos(alpha);
// add these to wedges list as lines in order
wedges[i * 16] = x0; wedges[i * 16 + 1] = y0;
wedges[i * 16 + 2] = x_1; wedges[i * 16 + 3] = y_1;
//printf("LINE #1 (%.12f, %.12f) (%.12f, %.12f)\n", x0,y0,x_1,y_1);
/// LINE #2: (x2,y2) & (x_2,y_2)
// vector from p to q
ux = x0 - x1;
uy = y0 - y1;
// rotate the vector around q = (x1,y1) in cw by alpha degrees
x_2 = x0 * Math.Cos(alpha) + y0 * Math.Sin(alpha) + x1 - x1 * Math.Cos(alpha) - y1 * Math.Sin(alpha);
y_2 = -x0 * Math.Sin(alpha) + y0 * Math.Cos(alpha) + y1 + x1 * Math.Sin(alpha) - y1 * Math.Cos(alpha);
// add these to wedges list as lines in order
wedges[i * 16 + 4] = x_2; wedges[i * 16 + 5] = y_2;
wedges[i * 16 + 6] = x1; wedges[i * 16 + 7] = y1;
//printf("LINE #2 (%.12f, %.12f) (%.12f, %.12f)\n", x_2,y_2,x1,y1);
// vector from (petalx, petaly) to (x3,y3)
ux = x3 - petalx[i / 2];
uy = y3 - petaly[i / 2];
tempx = x3; tempy = y3;
/// LINE #3, #4, #5: (x3,y3) & (x_3,y_3)
for (j = 1; j < 4; j++)
// rotate the vector around (petalx,petaly) in cw by (60 - alpha)*j degrees
x_3 = x3 * Math.Cos((Math.PI / 3.0 - alpha) * j) + y3 * Math.Sin((Math.PI / 3.0 - alpha) * j) + petalx[i / 2] - petalx[i / 2] * Math.Cos((Math.PI / 3.0 - alpha) * j) - petaly[i / 2] * Math.Sin((Math.PI / 3.0 - alpha) * j);
y_3 = -x3 * Math.Sin((Math.PI / 3.0 - alpha) * j) + y3 * Math.Cos((Math.PI / 3.0 - alpha) * j) + petaly[i / 2] + petalx[i / 2] * Math.Sin((Math.PI / 3.0 - alpha) * j) - petaly[i / 2] * Math.Cos((Math.PI / 3.0 - alpha) * j);
// add these to wedges list as lines in order
wedges[i * 16 + 8 + 4 * (j - 1)] = x_3; wedges[i * 16 + 9 + 4 * (j - 1)] = y_3;
wedges[i * 16 + 10 + 4 * (j - 1)] = tempx; wedges[i * 16 + 11 + 4 * (j - 1)] = tempy;
tempx = x_3; tempy = y_3;
tempx = x3; tempy = y3;
/// LINE #6, #7, #8: (x3,y3) & (x_4,y_4)
for (j = 1; j < 4; j++)
// rotate the vector around (petalx,petaly) in ccw by (60 - alpha)*j degrees
x_4 = x3 * Math.Cos((Math.PI / 3.0 - alpha) * j) - y3 * Math.Sin((Math.PI / 3.0 - alpha) * j) + petalx[i / 2] - petalx[i / 2] * Math.Cos((Math.PI / 3.0 - alpha) * j) + petaly[i / 2] * Math.Sin((Math.PI / 3.0 - alpha) * j);
y_4 = x3 * Math.Sin((Math.PI / 3.0 - alpha) * j) + y3 * Math.Cos((Math.PI / 3.0 - alpha) * j) + petaly[i / 2] - petalx[i / 2] * Math.Sin((Math.PI / 3.0 - alpha) * j) - petaly[i / 2] * Math.Cos((Math.PI / 3.0 - alpha) * j);
// add these to wedges list as lines in order
wedges[i * 16 + 20 + 4 * (j - 1)] = tempx; wedges[i * 16 + 21 + 4 * (j - 1)] = tempy;
wedges[i * 16 + 22 + 4 * (j - 1)] = x_4; wedges[i * 16 + 23 + 4 * (j - 1)] = y_4;
tempx = x_4; tempy = y_4;
//printf("LINE #3 (%.12f, %.12f) (%.12f, %.12f)\n", x_3,y_3,x3,y3);
//printf("LINE #4 (%.12f, %.12f) (%.12f, %.12f)\n", x3,y3,x_4,y_4);
if (i == 0)
// line1 & line2: p1
LineLineIntersection(x0, y0, x_1, y_1, x1, y1, x_2, y_2, ref p1);
if ((p1[0] == 1.0))
// #0
initialConvexPoly[0] = p1[1]; initialConvexPoly[1] = p1[2];
// #1
initialConvexPoly[2] = wedges[i * 16 + 16]; initialConvexPoly[3] = wedges[i * 16 + 17];
// #2
initialConvexPoly[4] = wedges[i * 16 + 12]; initialConvexPoly[5] = wedges[i * 16 + 13];
// #3
initialConvexPoly[6] = wedges[i * 16 + 8]; initialConvexPoly[7] = wedges[i * 16 + 9];
// #4
initialConvexPoly[8] = x3; initialConvexPoly[9] = y3;
// #5
initialConvexPoly[10] = wedges[i * 16 + 22]; initialConvexPoly[11] = wedges[i * 16 + 23];
// #6
initialConvexPoly[12] = wedges[i * 16 + 26]; initialConvexPoly[13] = wedges[i * 16 + 27];
// #7
initialConvexPoly[14] = wedges[i * 16 + 30]; initialConvexPoly[15] = wedges[i * 16 + 31];
//printf("INITIAL POLY [%.12f, %.12f;%.12f, %.12f;%.12f, %.12f;%.12f, %.12f;%.12f, %.12f;%.12f, %.12f;%.12f, %.12f;%.12f, %.12f]\n", initialConvexPoly[0],initialConvexPoly[1],initialConvexPoly[2],initialConvexPoly[3],initialConvexPoly[4],initialConvexPoly[5],initialConvexPoly[6],initialConvexPoly[7],initialConvexPoly[8],initialConvexPoly[9],initialConvexPoly[10],initialConvexPoly[11],initialConvexPoly[12],initialConvexPoly[13],initialConvexPoly[14],initialConvexPoly[15]);
x0 = x1; y0 = y1;
x1 = x2; y1 = y2;
if (numpoints != 0)
// first intersect the opposite located ones
s = (numpoints - 1) / 2 + 1;
flag = 0;
count = 0;
i = 1;
num = 8;
for (j = 0; j < 32; j = j + 4)
numpolypoints = HalfPlaneIntersection(num, ref initialConvexPoly, wedges[32 * s + j], wedges[32 * s + 1 + j], wedges[32 * s + 2 + j], wedges[32 * s + 3 + j]);
if (numpolypoints == 0)
return false;
num = numpolypoints;
while (count < numpoints - 1)
for (j = 0; j < 32; j = j + 4)
numpolypoints = HalfPlaneIntersection(num, ref initialConvexPoly, wedges[32 * (i + s * flag) + j], wedges[32 * (i + s * flag) + 1 + j], wedges[32 * (i + s * flag) + 2 + j], wedges[32 * (i + s * flag) + 3 + j]);
if (numpolypoints == 0)
return false;
num = numpolypoints;
i = i + flag;
flag = (flag + 1) % 2;
FindPolyCentroid(numpolypoints, initialConvexPoly, ref newloc);
if (behavior.fixedArea)
// numBadTriangle = 0;
// for(j= 0; j < numpoints *2-2; j = j+2){
// if(testTriangleAngleArea(m,b,&newloc[0],&newloc[1], &points[j], &points[j+1], &points[j+2], &points[j+3] )){
// numBadTriangle++;
// }
// }
// if(testTriangleAngleArea(m,b, &newloc[0],&newloc[1], &points[0], &points[1], &points[numpoints*2-2], &points[numpoints*2-1] )){
// numBadTriangle++;
// }
// if (numBadTriangle == 0) {
// return 1;
// }
//printf("yes, we found a feasible region num: %d newloc (%.12f,%.12f)\n", numpolypoints, newloc[0], newloc[1]);
// for(i = 0; i < 2*numpolypoints; i = i+2){
// printf("point %d) (%.12f,%.12f)\n", i/2, initialConvexPoly[i], initialConvexPoly[i+1]);
// }
// printf("numpoints %d\n",numpoints);
return true;
return false;
/// Find a new point location by wedge intersection.
/// A new location for the point according to surrounding points.
/// Returns true if new location found
private bool GetWedgeIntersection(int numpoints, double[] points, ref double[] newloc)
//double total_x = 0;
//double total_y = 0;
double x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2;
//double compConst = 0.01; // for comparing real numbers
double x01, y01;
//double x12, y12;
//double ax, ay, bx, by; //two intersections of two petals disks
double d01;//, d12
//double petalx0, petaly1, petaly0, petalr0, petalx1, petalr1;
//double p[5];
// Resize work arrays
if (2 * numpoints > petalx.Length)
petalx = new double[2 * numpoints];
petaly = new double[2 * numpoints];
petalr = new double[2 * numpoints];
wedges = new double[2 * numpoints * 20 + 40];
double xmid, ymid, dist, x3, y3;
double x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2, x_3, y_3, x_4, y_4, tempx, tempy, x_5, y_5, x_6, y_6;
double ux, uy;
double[] p1 = new double[3];
double[] p2 = new double[3];
double[] p3 = new double[3];
double[] p4 = new double[3];
//double poly_points;
int numpolypoints = 0;
int howManyPoints = 0; // keeps the number of points used for representing the wedge
double line345 = 4.0, line789 = 4.0; // flag keeping which line to skip or construct
int numBadTriangle;
int i, j, k;
int s, flag, count, num;
int n, e;
double weight;
double petalcenterconstant, petalradiusconstant;
x0 = points[2 * numpoints - 4];
y0 = points[2 * numpoints - 3];
x1 = points[2 * numpoints - 2];
y1 = points[2 * numpoints - 1];
// minimum / maximum angle
double alpha, sinAlpha, cosAlpha, beta, sinBeta, cosBeta;
alpha = behavior.MinAngle * Math.PI / 180.0;
sinAlpha = Math.Sin(alpha);
cosAlpha = Math.Cos(alpha);
beta = behavior.MaxAngle * Math.PI / 180.0;
sinBeta = Math.Sin(beta);
cosBeta = Math.Cos(beta);
// initialize the constants
if (behavior.goodAngle == 1.0)
petalcenterconstant = 0;
petalradiusconstant = 0;
petalcenterconstant = 0.5 / Math.Tan(alpha);
petalradiusconstant = 0.5 / Math.Sin(alpha);
for (i = 0; i < numpoints * 2; i = i + 2)
// go to the next point
x2 = points[i];
y2 = points[i + 1];
// printf("POLYGON POINTS (p,q) #%d (%.12f, %.12f) (%.12f, %.12f)\n", i/2, x0, y0,x1, y1);
x01 = x1 - x0;
y01 = y1 - y0;
d01 = Math.Sqrt(x01 * x01 + y01 * y01);
// find the petal of each edge 01;
// printf("PETAL CONSTANT (%.12f, %.12f)\n",
// b.petalcenterconstant, b.petalradiusconstant );
// printf("PETAL DIFFS (%.6f, %.6f, %.4f)\n", x01, y01, d01);
//printf("i:%d numpoints:%d\n", i, numpoints);
petalx[i / 2] = x0 + 0.5 * x01 - petalcenterconstant * y01;
petaly[i / 2] = y0 + 0.5 * y01 + petalcenterconstant * x01;
petalr[i / 2] = petalradiusconstant * d01;
petalx[numpoints + i / 2] = petalx[i / 2];
petaly[numpoints + i / 2] = petaly[i / 2];
petalr[numpoints + i / 2] = petalr[i / 2];
//printf("PETAL POINTS #%d (%.12f, %.12f) R= %.12f\n", i/2, petalx[i/2],petaly[i/2], petalr[i/2]);
xmid = (x0 + x1) / 2.0; // mid point of pq
ymid = (y0 + y1) / 2.0;
// distance between xmid and petal center
dist = Math.Sqrt((petalx[i / 2] - xmid) * (petalx[i / 2] - xmid) + (petaly[i / 2] - ymid) * (petaly[i / 2] - ymid));
// find the unit vector goes from mid point to petal center
ux = (petalx[i / 2] - xmid) / dist;
uy = (petaly[i / 2] - ymid) / dist;
// find the third point other than p and q
x3 = petalx[i / 2] + ux * petalr[i / 2];
y3 = petaly[i / 2] + uy * petalr[i / 2];
// cw rotation matrix [cosX sinX; -sinX cosX]
// cw rotation about (x,y) [ux*cosX + uy*sinX + x - x*cosX - y*sinX; -ux*sinX + uy*cosX + y + x*sinX - y*cosX]
// ccw rotation matrix [cosX -sinX; sinX cosX]
// ccw rotation about (x,y) [ux*cosX - uy*sinX + x - x*cosX + y*sinX; ux*sinX + uy*cosX + y - x*sinX - y*cosX]
/// LINE #1: (x1,y1) & (x_1,y_1)
// vector from p to q
ux = x1 - x0;
uy = y1 - y0;
// rotate the vector around p = (x0,y0) in ccw by alpha degrees
x_1 = x1 * cosAlpha - y1 * sinAlpha + x0 - x0 * cosAlpha + y0 * sinAlpha;
y_1 = x1 * sinAlpha + y1 * cosAlpha + y0 - x0 * sinAlpha - y0 * cosAlpha;
// add these to wedges list as lines in order
wedges[i * 20] = x0; wedges[i * 20 + 1] = y0;
wedges[i * 20 + 2] = x_1; wedges[i * 20 + 3] = y_1;
//printf("LINE #1 (%.12f, %.12f) (%.12f, %.12f)\n", x0,y0,x_1,y_1);
/// LINE #2: (x2,y2) & (x_2,y_2)
// vector from q to p
ux = x0 - x1;
uy = y0 - y1;
// rotate the vector around q = (x1,y1) in cw by alpha degrees
x_2 = x0 * cosAlpha + y0 * sinAlpha + x1 - x1 * cosAlpha - y1 * sinAlpha;
y_2 = -x0 * sinAlpha + y0 * cosAlpha + y1 + x1 * sinAlpha - y1 * cosAlpha;
// add these to wedges list as lines in order
wedges[i * 20 + 4] = x_2; wedges[i * 20 + 5] = y_2;
wedges[i * 20 + 6] = x1; wedges[i * 20 + 7] = y1;
//printf("LINE #2 (%.12f, %.12f) (%.12f, %.12f)\n", x_2,y_2,x1,y1);
// vector from (petalx, petaly) to (x3,y3)
ux = x3 - petalx[i / 2];
uy = y3 - petaly[i / 2];
tempx = x3; tempy = y3;
// petal center angle
alpha = (2.0 * behavior.MaxAngle + behavior.MinAngle - 180.0);
if (alpha <= 0.0)
{// when only angle lines needed
// 4 point case
howManyPoints = 4;
//printf("4 point case\n");
line345 = 1.0;
line789 = 1.0;
else if (alpha <= 5.0)
{// when only angle lines plus two other lines are needed
// 6 point case
howManyPoints = 6;
//printf("6 point case\n");
line345 = 2.0;
line789 = 2.0;
else if (alpha <= 10.0)
{// when we need more lines
// 8 point case
howManyPoints = 8;
line345 = 3.0;
line789 = 3.0;
//printf("8 point case\n");
{// when we have a big wedge
// 10 point case
howManyPoints = 10;
//printf("10 point case\n");
line345 = 4.0;
line789 = 4.0;
alpha = alpha * Math.PI / 180.0;
/// LINE #3, #4, #5: (x3,y3) & (x_3,y_3)
for (j = 1; j < line345; j++)
if (line345 == 1)
// rotate the vector around (petalx,petaly) in cw by (alpha/3.0)*j degrees
x_3 = x3 * Math.Cos((alpha / (line345 - 1.0)) * j) + y3 * Math.Sin(((alpha / (line345 - 1.0)) * j)) + petalx[i / 2] - petalx[i / 2] * Math.Cos(((alpha / (line345 - 1.0)) * j)) - petaly[i / 2] * Math.Sin(((alpha / (line345 - 1.0)) * j));
y_3 = -x3 * Math.Sin(((alpha / (line345 - 1.0)) * j)) + y3 * Math.Cos(((alpha / (line345 - 1.0)) * j)) + petaly[i / 2] + petalx[i / 2] * Math.Sin(((alpha / (line345 - 1.0)) * j)) - petaly[i / 2] * Math.Cos(((alpha / (line345 - 1.0)) * j));
// add these to wedges list as lines in order
wedges[i * 20 + 8 + 4 * (j - 1)] = x_3; wedges[i * 20 + 9 + 4 * (j - 1)] = y_3;
wedges[i * 20 + 10 + 4 * (j - 1)] = tempx; wedges[i * 20 + 11 + 4 * (j - 1)] = tempy;
tempx = x_3; tempy = y_3;
/// LINE #6: (x2,y2) & (x_3,y_3)
// vector from q to p
ux = x0 - x1;
uy = y0 - y1;
// rotate the vector around q = (x1,y1) in cw by alpha degrees
x_5 = x0 * cosBeta + y0 * sinBeta + x1 - x1 * cosBeta - y1 * sinBeta;
y_5 = -x0 * sinBeta + y0 * cosBeta + y1 + x1 * sinBeta - y1 * cosBeta;
wedges[i * 20 + 20] = x1; wedges[i * 20 + 21] = y1;
wedges[i * 20 + 22] = x_5; wedges[i * 20 + 23] = y_5;
tempx = x3; tempy = y3;
/// LINE #7, #8, #9: (x3,y3) & (x_4,y_4)
for (j = 1; j < line789; j++)
if (line789 == 1)
// rotate the vector around (petalx,petaly) in ccw by (alpha/3.0)*j degrees
x_4 = x3 * Math.Cos((alpha / (line789 - 1.0)) * j) - y3 * Math.Sin((alpha / (line789 - 1.0)) * j) + petalx[i / 2] - petalx[i / 2] * Math.Cos((alpha / (line789 - 1.0)) * j) + petaly[i / 2] * Math.Sin((alpha / (line789 - 1.0)) * j);
y_4 = x3 * Math.Sin((alpha / (line789 - 1.0)) * j) + y3 * Math.Cos((alpha / (line789 - 1.0)) * j) + petaly[i / 2] - petalx[i / 2] * Math.Sin((alpha / (line789 - 1.0)) * j) - petaly[i / 2] * Math.Cos((alpha / (line789 - 1.0)) * j);
// add these to wedges list as lines in order
wedges[i * 20 + 24 + 4 * (j - 1)] = tempx; wedges[i * 20 + 25 + 4 * (j - 1)] = tempy;
wedges[i * 20 + 26 + 4 * (j - 1)] = x_4; wedges[i * 20 + 27 + 4 * (j - 1)] = y_4;
tempx = x_4; tempy = y_4;
/// LINE #10: (x1,y1) & (x_3,y_3)
// vector from p to q
ux = x1 - x0;
uy = y1 - y0;
// rotate the vector around p = (x0,y0) in ccw by alpha degrees
x_6 = x1 * cosBeta - y1 * sinBeta + x0 - x0 * cosBeta + y0 * sinBeta;
y_6 = x1 * sinBeta + y1 * cosBeta + y0 - x0 * sinBeta - y0 * cosBeta;
wedges[i * 20 + 36] = x_6; wedges[i * 20 + 37] = y_6;
wedges[i * 20 + 38] = x0; wedges[i * 20 + 39] = y0;
//printf("LINE #1 (%.12f, %.12f) (%.12f, %.12f)\n", x0,y0,x_1,y_1);
if (i == 0)
switch (howManyPoints)
case 4:
// line1 & line2 & line3 & line4
LineLineIntersection(x0, y0, x_1, y_1, x1, y1, x_2, y_2, ref p1);
LineLineIntersection(x0, y0, x_1, y_1, x1, y1, x_5, y_5, ref p2);
LineLineIntersection(x0, y0, x_6, y_6, x1, y1, x_5, y_5, ref p3);
LineLineIntersection(x0, y0, x_6, y_6, x1, y1, x_2, y_2, ref p4);
if ((p1[0] == 1.0) && (p2[0] == 1.0) && (p3[0] == 1.0) && (p4[0] == 1.0))
// #0
initialConvexPoly[0] = p1[1]; initialConvexPoly[1] = p1[2];
// #1
initialConvexPoly[2] = p2[1]; initialConvexPoly[3] = p2[2];
// #2
initialConvexPoly[4] = p3[1]; initialConvexPoly[5] = p3[2];
// #3
initialConvexPoly[6] = p4[1]; initialConvexPoly[7] = p4[2];
case 6:
// line1 & line2 & line3
LineLineIntersection(x0, y0, x_1, y_1, x1, y1, x_2, y_2, ref p1);
LineLineIntersection(x0, y0, x_1, y_1, x1, y1, x_5, y_5, ref p2);
LineLineIntersection(x0, y0, x_6, y_6, x1, y1, x_2, y_2, ref p3);
if ((p1[0] == 1.0) && (p2[0] == 1.0) && (p3[0] == 1.0))
// #0
initialConvexPoly[0] = p1[1]; initialConvexPoly[1] = p1[2];
// #1
initialConvexPoly[2] = p2[1]; initialConvexPoly[3] = p2[2];
// #2
initialConvexPoly[4] = wedges[i * 20 + 8]; initialConvexPoly[5] = wedges[i * 20 + 9];
// #3
initialConvexPoly[6] = x3; initialConvexPoly[7] = y3;
// #4
initialConvexPoly[8] = wedges[i * 20 + 26]; initialConvexPoly[9] = wedges[i * 20 + 27];
// #5
initialConvexPoly[10] = p3[1]; initialConvexPoly[11] = p3[2];
case 8:
// line1 & line2: p1
LineLineIntersection(x0, y0, x_1, y_1, x1, y1, x_2, y_2, ref p1);
LineLineIntersection(x0, y0, x_1, y_1, x1, y1, x_5, y_5, ref p2);
LineLineIntersection(x0, y0, x_6, y_6, x1, y1, x_2, y_2, ref p3);
if ((p1[0] == 1.0) && (p2[0] == 1.0) && (p3[0] == 1.0))
// #0
initialConvexPoly[0] = p1[1]; initialConvexPoly[1] = p1[2];
// #1
initialConvexPoly[2] = p2[1]; initialConvexPoly[3] = p2[2];
// #2
initialConvexPoly[4] = wedges[i * 20 + 12]; initialConvexPoly[5] = wedges[i * 20 + 13];
// #3
initialConvexPoly[6] = wedges[i * 20 + 8]; initialConvexPoly[7] = wedges[i * 20 + 9];
// #4
initialConvexPoly[8] = x3; initialConvexPoly[9] = y3;
// #5
initialConvexPoly[10] = wedges[i * 20 + 26]; initialConvexPoly[11] = wedges[i * 20 + 27];
// #6
initialConvexPoly[12] = wedges[i * 20 + 30]; initialConvexPoly[13] = wedges[i * 20 + 31];
// #7
initialConvexPoly[14] = p3[1]; initialConvexPoly[15] = p3[2];
case 10:
// line1 & line2: p1
LineLineIntersection(x0, y0, x_1, y_1, x1, y1, x_2, y_2, ref p1);
LineLineIntersection(x0, y0, x_1, y_1, x1, y1, x_5, y_5, ref p2);
LineLineIntersection(x0, y0, x_6, y_6, x1, y1, x_2, y_2, ref p3);
//printf("p3 %f %f %f (%f %f) (%f %f) (%f %f) (%f %f)\n",p3[0],p3[1],p3[2], x0, y0, x_6, x_6, x1, y1, x_2, y_2);
if ((p1[0] == 1.0) && (p2[0] == 1.0) && (p3[0] == 1.0))
// #0
initialConvexPoly[0] = p1[1]; initialConvexPoly[1] = p1[2];
// #1
initialConvexPoly[2] = p2[1]; initialConvexPoly[3] = p2[2];
// #2
initialConvexPoly[4] = wedges[i * 20 + 16]; initialConvexPoly[5] = wedges[i * 20 + 17];
// #3
initialConvexPoly[6] = wedges[i * 20 + 12]; initialConvexPoly[7] = wedges[i * 20 + 13];
// #4
initialConvexPoly[8] = wedges[i * 20 + 8]; initialConvexPoly[9] = wedges[i * 20 + 9];
// #5
initialConvexPoly[10] = x3; initialConvexPoly[11] = y3;
// #6
initialConvexPoly[12] = wedges[i * 20 + 28]; initialConvexPoly[13] = wedges[i * 20 + 29];
// #7
initialConvexPoly[14] = wedges[i * 20 + 32]; initialConvexPoly[15] = wedges[i * 20 + 33];
// #8
initialConvexPoly[16] = wedges[i * 20 + 34]; initialConvexPoly[17] = wedges[i * 20 + 35];
// #9
initialConvexPoly[18] = p3[1]; initialConvexPoly[19] = p3[2];
// printf("smallest edge (%f,%f) (%f,%f)\n", x0,y0, x1,y1);
// printf("real INITIAL POLY [%.12f, %.12f;%.12f, %.12f;%.12f, %.12f;%.12f, %.12f;%.12f, %.12f;%.12f, %.12f;%.12f, %.12f;%.12f, %.12f;%.12f, %.12f;%.12f, %.12f;]\n", initialConvexPoly[0],initialConvexPoly[1],initialConvexPoly[2],initialConvexPoly[3],initialConvexPoly[4],initialConvexPoly[5],initialConvexPoly[6],initialConvexPoly[7],initialConvexPoly[8],initialConvexPoly[9],initialConvexPoly[10],initialConvexPoly[11],initialConvexPoly[12],initialConvexPoly[13],initialConvexPoly[14],initialConvexPoly[15],initialConvexPoly[16],initialConvexPoly[17],initialConvexPoly[18],initialConvexPoly[19]);
x0 = x1; y0 = y1;
x1 = x2; y1 = y2;
if (numpoints != 0)
// first intersect the opposite located ones
s = (numpoints - 1) / 2 + 1;
flag = 0;
count = 0;
i = 1;
num = howManyPoints;
for (j = 0; j < 40; j = j + 4)
// in order to skip non-existent lines
if (howManyPoints == 4 && (j == 8 || j == 12 || j == 16 || j == 24 || j == 28 || j == 32))
else if (howManyPoints == 6 && (j == 12 || j == 16 || j == 28 || j == 32))
else if (howManyPoints == 8 && (j == 16 || j == 32))
// printf("%d 1 INITIAL POLY [%.12f, %.12f;%.12f, %.12f;%.12f, %.12f;%.12f, %.12f;%.12f, %.12f;%.12f, %.12f;%.12f, %.12f;%.12f, %.12f;%.12f, %.12f;%.12f, %.12f;]\n",num, initialConvexPoly[0],initialConvexPoly[1],initialConvexPoly[2],initialConvexPoly[3],initialConvexPoly[4],initialConvexPoly[5],initialConvexPoly[6],initialConvexPoly[7],initialConvexPoly[8],initialConvexPoly[9],initialConvexPoly[10],initialConvexPoly[11],initialConvexPoly[12],initialConvexPoly[13],initialConvexPoly[14],initialConvexPoly[15],initialConvexPoly[16],initialConvexPoly[17],initialConvexPoly[18],initialConvexPoly[19]);
// printf("line (%f, %f) (%f, %f)\n",wedges[40*s+j],wedges[40*s+1+j], wedges[40*s+2+j], wedges[40*s+3+j]);
numpolypoints = HalfPlaneIntersection(num, ref initialConvexPoly, wedges[40 * s + j], wedges[40 * s + 1 + j], wedges[40 * s + 2 + j], wedges[40 * s + 3 + j]);
if (numpolypoints == 0)
return false;
num = numpolypoints;
//printf("yes here\n");
while (count < numpoints - 1)
for (j = 0; j < 40; j = j + 4)
// in order to skip non-existent lines
if (howManyPoints == 4 && (j == 8 || j == 12 || j == 16 || j == 24 || j == 28 || j == 32))
else if (howManyPoints == 6 && (j == 12 || j == 16 || j == 28 || j == 32))
else if (howManyPoints == 8 && (j == 16 || j == 32))
////printf("%d 2 INITIAL POLY [%.12f, %.12f;%.12f, %.12f;%.12f, %.12f;%.12f, %.12f;%.12f, %.12f;%.12f, %.12f;%.12f, %.12f;%.12f, %.12f;%.12f, %.12f;%.12f, %.12f;]\n",numpolypoints, initialConvexPoly[0],initialConvexPoly[1],initialConvexPoly[2],initialConvexPoly[3],initialConvexPoly[4],initialConvexPoly[5],initialConvexPoly[6],initialConvexPoly[7],initialConvexPoly[8],initialConvexPoly[9],initialConvexPoly[10],initialConvexPoly[11],initialConvexPoly[12],initialConvexPoly[13],initialConvexPoly[14],initialConvexPoly[15],initialConvexPoly[16],initialConvexPoly[17],initialConvexPoly[18],initialConvexPoly[19]);
//printf("line (%.20f, %.20f) (%.20f, %.20f)\n", wedges[40 * (i + s * flag) + j], wedges[40 * (i + s * flag) + 1 + j], wedges[40 * (i + s * flag) + 2 + j], wedges[40 * (i + s * flag) + 3 + j]);
numpolypoints = HalfPlaneIntersection(num, ref initialConvexPoly, wedges[40 * (i + s * flag) + j], wedges[40 * (i + s * flag) + 1 + j], wedges[40 * (i + s * flag) + 2 + j], wedges[40 * (i + s * flag) + 3 + j]);
if (numpolypoints == 0)
return false;
num = numpolypoints;
i = i + flag;
flag = (flag + 1) % 2;
FindPolyCentroid(numpolypoints, initialConvexPoly, ref newloc);
if (behavior.MaxAngle != 0.0)
numBadTriangle = 0;
for (j = 0; j < numpoints * 2 - 2; j = j + 2)
if (IsBadTriangleAngle(newloc[0], newloc[1], points[j], points[j + 1], points[j + 2], points[j + 3]))
if (IsBadTriangleAngle(newloc[0], newloc[1], points[0], points[1], points[numpoints * 2 - 2], points[numpoints * 2 - 1]))
if (numBadTriangle == 0)
return true;
n = (numpoints <= 2) ? 20 : 30;
// try points other than centroid
for (k = 0; k < 2 * numpoints; k = k + 2)
for (e = 1; e < n; e = e + 1)
newloc[0] = 0.0; newloc[1] = 0.0;
for (i = 0; i < 2 * numpoints; i = i + 2)
weight = 1.0 / numpoints;
if (i == k)
newloc[0] = newloc[0] + 0.1 * e * weight * points[i];
newloc[1] = newloc[1] + 0.1 * e * weight * points[i + 1];
weight = (1.0 - 0.1 * e * weight) / (double)(numpoints - 1.0);
newloc[0] = newloc[0] + weight * points[i];
newloc[1] = newloc[1] + weight * points[i + 1];
numBadTriangle = 0;
for (j = 0; j < numpoints * 2 - 2; j = j + 2)
if (IsBadTriangleAngle(newloc[0], newloc[1], points[j], points[j + 1], points[j + 2], points[j + 3]))
if (IsBadTriangleAngle(newloc[0], newloc[1], points[0], points[1], points[numpoints * 2 - 2], points[numpoints * 2 - 1]))
if (numBadTriangle == 0)
return true;
//printf("yes, we found a feasible region num: %d newloc (%.12f,%.12f)\n", numpolypoints, newloc[0], newloc[1]);
// for(i = 0; i < 2*numpolypoints; i = i+2){
// printf("point %d) (%.12f,%.12f)\n", i/2, initialConvexPoly[i], initialConvexPoly[i+1]);
// }
// printf("numpoints %d\n",numpoints);
return true;
return false;
/// Check polygon for min angle.
/// Returns true if the polygon has angles greater than 2*minangle.
private bool ValidPolygonAngles(int numpoints, double[] points)
int i;//,j
for (i = 0; i < numpoints; i++)
if (i == numpoints - 1)
if (IsBadPolygonAngle(points[i * 2], points[i * 2 + 1], points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3]))
return false; // one of the inner angles is less than required
else if (i == numpoints - 2)
if (IsBadPolygonAngle(points[i * 2], points[i * 2 + 1], points[(i + 1) * 2], points[(i + 1) * 2 + 1], points[0], points[1]))
return false; // one of the inner angles is less than required
if (IsBadPolygonAngle(points[i * 2], points[i * 2 + 1], points[(i + 1) * 2], points[(i + 1) * 2 + 1], points[(i + 2) * 2], points[(i + 2) * 2 + 1]))
return false; // one of the inner angles is less than required
return true; // all angles are valid
/// Given three coordinates of a polygon, tests to see if it satisfies the minimum
/// angle condition for relocation.
/// Returns true, if it is a BAD polygon corner, returns false if it is a GOOD
/// polygon corner
private bool IsBadPolygonAngle(double x1, double y1,
double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3)
// variables keeping the distance values for the edges
double dx12, dy12, dx23, dy23, dx31, dy31;
double dist12, dist23, dist31;
double cosAngle; // in order to check minimum angle condition
// calculate the side lengths
dx12 = x1 - x2;
dy12 = y1 - y2;
dx23 = x2 - x3;
dy23 = y2 - y3;
dx31 = x3 - x1;
dy31 = y3 - y1;
// calculate the squares of the side lentghs
dist12 = dx12 * dx12 + dy12 * dy12;
dist23 = dx23 * dx23 + dy23 * dy23;
dist31 = dx31 * dx31 + dy31 * dy31;
/// calculate cosine of largest angle ///
cosAngle = (dist12 + dist23 - dist31) / (2 * Math.Sqrt(dist12) * Math.Sqrt(dist23));
// Check whether the angle is smaller than permitted which is 2*minangle!!!
//printf("angle: %f 2*minangle = %f\n",acos(cosAngle)*180/PI, 2*acos(Math.Sqrt(b.goodangle))*180/PI);
if (Math.Acos(cosAngle) < 2 * Math.Acos(Math.Sqrt(behavior.goodAngle)))
return true;// it is a BAD triangle
return false;// it is a GOOD triangle
/// Given four points representing two lines, returns the intersection point.
/// The intersection point.
// referenced to: http://local.wasp.uwa.edu.au/~pbourke/geometry/
private void LineLineIntersection(
double x1, double y1,
double x2, double y2,
double x3, double y3,
double x4, double y4, ref double[] p)
// x1,y1 P1 coordinates (point of line 1)
// x2,y2 P2 coordinates (point of line 1)
// x3,y3 P3 coordinates (point of line 2)
// x4,y4 P4 coordinates (point of line 2)
// p[1],p[2] intersection coordinates
// This function returns a pointer array which first index indicates
// weather they intersect on one point or not, followed by coordinate pairs.
double u_a, u_b, denom;
// calculate denominator first
denom = (y4 - y3) * (x2 - x1) - (x4 - x3) * (y2 - y1);
u_a = (x4 - x3) * (y1 - y3) - (y4 - y3) * (x1 - x3);
u_b = (x2 - x1) * (y1 - y3) - (y2 - y1) * (x1 - x3);
// if denominator and numerator equal to zero, lines are coincident
if (Math.Abs(denom - 0.0) < EPS && (Math.Abs(u_b - 0.0) < EPS && Math.Abs(u_a - 0.0) < EPS))
p[0] = 0.0;
// if denominator equals to zero, lines are parallel
else if (Math.Abs(denom - 0.0) < EPS)
p[0] = 0.0;
p[0] = 1.0;
u_a = u_a / denom;
u_b = u_b / denom;
p[1] = x1 + u_a * (x2 - x1); // not the intersection point
p[2] = y1 + u_a * (y2 - y1);
/// Returns the convex polygon which is the intersection of the given convex
/// polygon with the halfplane on the left side (regarding the directional vector)
/// of the given line.
/// http://www.mathematik.uni-ulm.de/stochastik/lehre/ws03_04/rt/Geometry2D.ps
private int HalfPlaneIntersection(int numvertices, ref double[] convexPoly, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
double dx, dy; // direction of the line
double z, min, max;
int i, j;
int numpolys;
double[] res = null;
int count = 0;
int intFound = 0;
dx = x2 - x1;
dy = y2 - y1;
numpolys = SplitConvexPolygon(numvertices, convexPoly, x1, y1, x2, y2, polys);
if (numpolys == 3)
count = numvertices;
for (i = 0; i < numpolys; i++)
min = double.MaxValue;
max = double.MinValue;
// compute the minimum and maximum of the
// third coordinate of the cross product
for (j = 1; j <= 2 * polys[i][0] - 1; j = j + 2)
z = dx * (polys[i][j + 1] - y1) - dy * (polys[i][j] - x1);
min = (z < min ? z : min);
max = (z > max ? z : max);
// ... and choose the (absolute) greater of both
z = (Math.Abs(min) > Math.Abs(max) ? min : max);
// and if it is positive, the polygon polys[i]
// is on the left side of line
if (z > 0.0)
res = polys[i];
intFound = 1;
if (intFound == 1)
while (count < res[0])
convexPoly[2 * count] = res[2 * count + 1];
convexPoly[2 * count + 1] = res[2 * count + 2];
// update convexPoly
return count;
/// Splits a convex polygons into one or two polygons through the intersection
/// with the given line (regarding the directional vector of the given line).
/// http://www.mathematik.uni-ulm.de/stochastik/lehre/ws03_04/rt/Geometry2D.ps
private int SplitConvexPolygon(int numvertices, double[] convexPoly, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double[][] polys)
// state = 0: before the first intersection (with the line)
// state = 1: after the first intersection (with the line)
// state = 2: after the second intersection (with the line)
int state = 0;
double[] p = new double[3];
int poly1counter = 0;
int poly2counter = 0;
int numpolys;
int i;
double compConst = 0.000000000001;
// for debugging
int case1 = 0, case2 = 0, case3 = 0, case31 = 0, case32 = 0, case33 = 0, case311 = 0, case3111 = 0;
// intersect all edges of poly with line
for (i = 0; i < 2 * numvertices; i = i + 2)
int j = (i + 2 >= 2 * numvertices) ? 0 : i + 2;
LineLineSegmentIntersection(x1, y1, x2, y2, convexPoly[i], convexPoly[i + 1], convexPoly[j], convexPoly[j + 1], ref p);
// if this edge does not intersect with line
if (Math.Abs(p[0] - 0.0) <= compConst)
// add p[j] to the proper polygon
if (state == 1)
poly2[2 * poly2counter - 1] = convexPoly[j];
poly2[2 * poly2counter] = convexPoly[j + 1];
poly1[2 * poly1counter - 1] = convexPoly[j];
poly1[2 * poly1counter] = convexPoly[j + 1];
// debug
// ... or if the intersection is the whole edge
else if (Math.Abs(p[0] - 2.0) <= compConst)
// then we can not reach state 1 and 2
poly1[2 * poly1counter - 1] = convexPoly[j];
poly1[2 * poly1counter] = convexPoly[j + 1];
// debug
// ... or if the intersection is a point
// debug
// if the point is the second vertex of the edge
if (Math.Abs(p[1] - convexPoly[j]) <= compConst && Math.Abs(p[2] - convexPoly[j + 1]) <= compConst)
// debug
if (state == 1)
poly2[2 * poly2counter - 1] = convexPoly[j];
poly2[2 * poly2counter] = convexPoly[j + 1];
poly1[2 * poly1counter - 1] = convexPoly[j];
poly1[2 * poly1counter] = convexPoly[j + 1];
else if (state == 0)
// debug
poly1[2 * poly1counter - 1] = convexPoly[j];
poly1[2 * poly1counter] = convexPoly[j + 1];
// test whether the polygon is splitted
// or the line only touches the polygon
if (i + 4 < 2 * numvertices)
int s1 = LinePointLocation(x1, y1, x2, y2, convexPoly[i], convexPoly[i + 1]);
int s2 = LinePointLocation(x1, y1, x2, y2, convexPoly[i + 4], convexPoly[i + 5]);
// the line only splits the polygon
// when the previous and next vertex lie
// on different sides of the line
if (s1 != s2 && s1 != 0 && s2 != 0)
// debug
poly2[2 * poly2counter - 1] = convexPoly[j];
poly2[2 * poly2counter] = convexPoly[j + 1];
// ... if the point is not the other vertex of the edge
else if (!(Math.Abs(p[1] - convexPoly[i]) <= compConst && Math.Abs(p[2] - convexPoly[i + 1]) <= compConst))
// debug
poly1[2 * poly1counter - 1] = p[1];
poly1[2 * poly1counter] = p[2];
poly2[2 * poly2counter - 1] = p[1];
poly2[2 * poly2counter] = p[2];
if (state == 1)
poly1[2 * poly1counter - 1] = convexPoly[j];
poly1[2 * poly1counter] = convexPoly[j + 1];
else if (state == 0)
poly2[2 * poly2counter - 1] = convexPoly[j];
poly2[2 * poly2counter] = convexPoly[j + 1];
// ... else if the point is the second vertex of the edge
// debug
if (state == 1)
poly2[2 * poly2counter - 1] = convexPoly[j];
poly2[2 * poly2counter] = convexPoly[j + 1];
poly1[2 * poly1counter - 1] = convexPoly[j];
poly1[2 * poly1counter] = convexPoly[j + 1];
// after splitting the state must be 0 or 2
// (depending whether the polygon was splitted or not)
if (state != 0 && state != 2)
// printf("there is something wrong state: %d\n", state);
// printf("polygon might not be convex!!\n");
// printf("case1: %d\ncase2: %d\ncase3: %d\ncase31: %d case311: %d case3111: %d\ncase32: %d\ncase33: %d\n", case1, case2, case3, case31, case311, case3111, case32, case33);
// printf("numvertices %d\n=============\n", numvertices);
// if there is something wrong with the intersection, just ignore this one
numpolys = 3;
// finally convert the vertex lists into convex polygons
numpolys = (state == 0) ? 1 : 2;
poly1[0] = poly1counter;
poly2[0] = poly2counter;
// convert the first convex polygon
polys[0] = poly1;
// convert the second convex polygon
if (state == 2)
polys[1] = poly2;
return numpolys;
/// Determines on which side (relative to the direction) of the given line and the
/// point lies (regarding the directional vector) of the given line.
/// http://www.mathematik.uni-ulm.de/stochastik/lehre/ws03_04/rt/Geometry2D.ps
private int LinePointLocation(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x, double y)
double z;
if (Math.Atan((y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)) * 180.0 / Math.PI == 90.0)
if (Math.Abs(x1 - x) <= 0.00000000001)
return 0;
if (Math.Abs(y1 + (((y2 - y1) * (x - x1)) / (x2 - x1)) - y) <= EPS)
return 0;
// third component of the 3 dimensional product
z = (x2 - x1) * (y - y1) - (y2 - y1) * (x - x1);
if (Math.Abs(z - 0.0) <= 0.00000000001)
return 0;
else if (z > 0)
return 1;
return 2;
/// Given four points representing one line and a line segment, returns the intersection point
/// referenced to: http://local.wasp.uwa.edu.au/~pbourke/geometry/
private void LineLineSegmentIntersection(
double x1, double y1,
double x2, double y2,
double x3, double y3,
double x4, double y4, ref double[] p)
// x1,y1 P1 coordinates (point of line)
// x2,y2 P2 coordinates (point of line)
// x3,y3 P3 coordinates (point of line segment)
// x4,y4 P4 coordinates (point of line segment)
// p[1],p[2] intersection coordinates
// This function returns a pointer array which first index indicates
// weather they intersect on one point or not, followed by coordinate pairs.
double u_a, u_b, denom;
double compConst = 0.0000000000001;
// calculate denominator first
denom = (y4 - y3) * (x2 - x1) - (x4 - x3) * (y2 - y1);
u_a = (x4 - x3) * (y1 - y3) - (y4 - y3) * (x1 - x3);
u_b = (x2 - x1) * (y1 - y3) - (y2 - y1) * (x1 - x3);
//if(fabs(denom-0.0) < compConst && (fabs(u_b-0.0) < compConst && fabs(u_a-0.0) < compConst)){
//printf("denom %.20f u_b %.20f u_a %.20f\n",denom, u_b, u_a);
if (Math.Abs(denom - 0.0) < compConst)
if (Math.Abs(u_b - 0.0) < compConst && Math.Abs(u_a - 0.0) < compConst)
p[0] = 2.0; // if denominator and numerator equal to zero, lines are coincident
p[0] = 0.0;// if denominator equals to zero, lines are parallel
u_b = u_b / denom;
u_a = u_a / denom;
// printf("u_b %.20f\n", u_b);
if (u_b < -compConst || u_b > 1.0 + compConst)
{ // check if it is on the line segment
// printf("line (%.20f, %.20f) (%.20f, %.20f) line seg (%.20f, %.20f) (%.20f, %.20f) \n",x1, y1 ,x2, y2 ,x3, y3 , x4, y4);
p[0] = 0.0;
p[0] = 1.0;
p[1] = x1 + u_a * (x2 - x1); // intersection point
p[2] = y1 + u_a * (y2 - y1);
/// Returns the centroid of a given polygon
/// Centroid of a given polygon
private void FindPolyCentroid(int numpoints, double[] points, ref double[] centroid)
int i;
//double area = 0.0;//, temp
centroid[0] = 0.0; centroid[1] = 0.0;
for (i = 0; i < 2 * numpoints; i = i + 2)
centroid[0] = centroid[0] + points[i];
centroid[1] = centroid[1] + points[i + 1];
centroid[0] = centroid[0] / numpoints;
centroid[1] = centroid[1] / numpoints;
/// Given two points representing a line and a radius together with a center point
/// representing a circle, returns the intersection points.
/// Pointer to list of intersection points
/// referenced to: http://local.wasp.uwa.edu.au/~pbourke/geometry/sphereline/
private void CircleLineIntersection(
double x1, double y1,
double x2, double y2,
double x3, double y3, double r, ref double[] p)
// x1,y1 P1 coordinates [point of line]
// x2,y2 P2 coordinates [point of line]
// x3,y3, r P3 coordinates(circle center) and radius [circle]
// p[1],p[2]; p[3],p[4] intersection coordinates
// This function returns a pointer array which first index indicates
// the number of intersection points, followed by coordinate pairs.
//double x , y ;
double a, b, c, mu, i;
a = (x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1) + (y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1);
b = 2 * ((x2 - x1) * (x1 - x3) + (y2 - y1) * (y1 - y3));
c = x3 * x3 + y3 * y3 + x1 * x1 + y1 * y1 - 2 * (x3 * x1 + y3 * y1) - r * r;
i = b * b - 4 * a * c;
if (i < 0.0)
// no intersection
p[0] = 0.0;
else if (Math.Abs(i - 0.0) < EPS)
// one intersection
p[0] = 1.0;
mu = -b / (2 * a);
p[1] = x1 + mu * (x2 - x1);
p[2] = y1 + mu * (y2 - y1);
else if (i > 0.0 && !(Math.Abs(a - 0.0) < EPS))
// two intersections
p[0] = 2.0;
// first intersection
mu = (-b + Math.Sqrt(i)) / (2 * a);
p[1] = x1 + mu * (x2 - x1);
p[2] = y1 + mu * (y2 - y1);
// second intersection
mu = (-b - Math.Sqrt(i)) / (2 * a);
p[3] = x1 + mu * (x2 - x1);
p[4] = y1 + mu * (y2 - y1);
p[0] = 0.0;
/// Given three points, check if the point is the correct point that we are looking for.
/// P1 coordinates (bisector point of dual edge on triangle)
/// P1 coordinates (bisector point of dual edge on triangle)
/// P2 coordinates (intersection point)
/// P2 coordinates (intersection point)
/// P3 coordinates (circumcenter point)
/// P3 coordinates (circumcenter point)
/// Returns true, if given point is the correct one otherwise return false.
private bool ChooseCorrectPoint(
double x1, double y1,
double x2, double y2,
double x3, double y3, bool isObtuse)
double d1, d2;
bool p;
// squared distance between circumcenter and intersection point
d1 = (x2 - x3) * (x2 - x3) + (y2 - y3) * (y2 - y3);
// squared distance between bisector point and intersection point
d2 = (x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1) + (y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1);
if (isObtuse)
// obtuse case
if (d2 >= d1)
p = true; // means we have found the right point
p = false; // means take the other point
// non-obtuse case
if (d2 < d1)
p = true; // means we have found the right point
p = false; // means take the other point
/// HANDLE RIGHT TRIANGLE CASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
return p;
/// This function returns a pointer array which first index indicates the whether
/// the point is in between the other points, followed by coordinate pairs.
/// P1 coordinates [point of line] (point on Voronoi edge - intersection)
/// P1 coordinates [point of line] (point on Voronoi edge - intersection)
/// P2 coordinates [point of line] (circumcenter)
/// P2 coordinates [point of line] (circumcenter)
/// P3 coordinates [point to be compared] (neighbor's circumcenter)
/// P3 coordinates [point to be compared] (neighbor's circumcenter)
private void PointBetweenPoints(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x, double y, ref double[] p)
// now check whether the point is close to circumcenter than intersection point
if ((x2 - x) * (x2 - x) + (y2 - y) * (y2 - y) < (x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1) + (y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1))
p[0] = 1.0;
// calculate the squared distance to circumcenter
p[1] = (x - x2) * (x - x2) + (y - y2) * (y - y2);
p[2] = x;
p[3] = y;
p[0] = 0.0;
p[1] = 0.0;
p[2] = 0.0;
p[3] = 0.0;
/// Given three coordinates of a triangle, tests a triangle to see if it satisfies
/// the minimum and/or maximum angle condition.
/// Returns true, if it is a BAD triangle, returns false if it is a GOOD triangle.
private bool IsBadTriangleAngle(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3)
// variables keeping the distance values for the edges
double dxod, dyod, dxda, dyda, dxao, dyao;
double dxod2, dyod2, dxda2, dyda2, dxao2, dyao2;
double apexlen, orglen, destlen;
double angle; // in order to check minimum angle condition
double maxangle; // in order to check minimum angle condition
// calculate the side lengths
dxod = x1 - x2;
dyod = y1 - y2;
dxda = x2 - x3;
dyda = y2 - y3;
dxao = x3 - x1;
dyao = y3 - y1;
// calculate the squares of the side lentghs
dxod2 = dxod * dxod;
dyod2 = dyod * dyod;
dxda2 = dxda * dxda;
dyda2 = dyda * dyda;
dxao2 = dxao * dxao;
dyao2 = dyao * dyao;
// Find the lengths of the triangle's three edges.
apexlen = dxod2 + dyod2;
orglen = dxda2 + dyda2;
destlen = dxao2 + dyao2;
// try to find the minimum edge and accordingly the pqr orientation
if ((apexlen < orglen) && (apexlen < destlen))
// Find the square of the cosine of the angle at the apex.
angle = dxda * dxao + dyda * dyao;
angle = angle * angle / (orglen * destlen);
else if (orglen < destlen)
// Find the square of the cosine of the angle at the origin.
angle = dxod * dxao + dyod * dyao;
angle = angle * angle / (apexlen * destlen);
// Find the square of the cosine of the angle at the destination.
angle = dxod * dxda + dyod * dyda;
angle = angle * angle / (apexlen * orglen);
// try to find the maximum edge and accordingly the pqr orientation
if ((apexlen > orglen) && (apexlen > destlen))
// Find the cosine of the angle at the apex.
maxangle = (orglen + destlen - apexlen) / (2 * Math.Sqrt(orglen * destlen));
else if (orglen > destlen)
// Find the cosine of the angle at the origin.
maxangle = (apexlen + destlen - orglen) / (2 * Math.Sqrt(apexlen * destlen));
// Find the cosine of the angle at the destination.
maxangle = (apexlen + orglen - destlen) / (2 * Math.Sqrt(apexlen * orglen));
// Check whether the angle is smaller than permitted.
if ((angle > behavior.goodAngle) || (behavior.MaxAngle != 0.00 && maxangle < behavior.maxGoodAngle))
return true;// it is a bad triangle
return false;// it is a good triangle
/// Given the triangulation, and a vertex returns the minimum distance to the
/// vertices of the triangle where the given vertex located.
private double MinDistanceToNeighbor(double newlocX, double newlocY, ref Otri searchtri)
Otri horiz = default(Otri); // for search operation
LocateResult intersect = LocateResult.Outside;
Vertex v1, v2, v3, torg, tdest;
double d1, d2, d3, ahead;
//triangle ptr; // Temporary variable used by sym().
Point newvertex = new Point(newlocX, newlocY);
// printf("newvertex %f,%f\n", newvertex[0], newvertex[1]);
// Find the location of the vertex to be inserted. Check if a good
// starting triangle has already been provided by the caller.
// Find a boundary triangle.
//horiz.tri = m.dummytri;
//horiz.orient = 0;
// Search for a triangle containing 'newvertex'.
// Start searching from the triangle provided by the caller.
// Where are we?
torg = searchtri.Org();
tdest = searchtri.Dest();
// Check the starting triangle's vertices.
if ((torg.x == newvertex.x) && (torg.y == newvertex.y))
intersect = LocateResult.OnVertex;
searchtri.Copy(ref horiz);
else if ((tdest.x == newvertex.x) && (tdest.y == newvertex.y))
intersect = LocateResult.OnVertex;
searchtri.Copy(ref horiz);
// Orient 'searchtri' to fit the preconditions of calling preciselocate().
ahead = predicates.CounterClockwise(torg, tdest, newvertex);
if (ahead < 0.0)
// Turn around so that 'searchpoint' is to the left of the
// edge specified by 'searchtri'.
searchtri.Copy(ref horiz);
intersect = mesh.locator.PreciseLocate(newvertex, ref horiz, false);
else if (ahead == 0.0)
// Check if 'searchpoint' is between 'torg' and 'tdest'.
if (((torg.x < newvertex.x) == (newvertex.x < tdest.x)) &&
((torg.y < newvertex.y) == (newvertex.y < tdest.y)))
intersect = LocateResult.OnEdge;
searchtri.Copy(ref horiz);
searchtri.Copy(ref horiz);
intersect = mesh.locator.PreciseLocate(newvertex, ref horiz, false);
if (intersect == LocateResult.OnVertex || intersect == LocateResult.Outside)
// set distance to 0
return 0.0;
{ // intersect == ONEDGE || intersect == INTRIANGLE
// find the triangle vertices
v1 = horiz.Org();
v2 = horiz.Dest();
v3 = horiz.Apex();
d1 = (v1.x - newvertex.x) * (v1.x - newvertex.x) + (v1.y - newvertex.y) * (v1.y - newvertex.y);
d2 = (v2.x - newvertex.x) * (v2.x - newvertex.x) + (v2.y - newvertex.y) * (v2.y - newvertex.y);
d3 = (v3.x - newvertex.x) * (v3.x - newvertex.x) + (v3.y - newvertex.y) * (v3.y - newvertex.y);
// find minimum of the distance
if (d1 <= d2 && d1 <= d3)
return d1;
else if (d2 <= d3)
return d2;
return d3;