namespace TriangleNet.Meshing
/// Mesh constraint options for polygon triangulation.
public class ConstraintOptions
// TODO: remove ConstraintOptions.UseRegions
/// Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use regions.
[System.Obsolete("Not used anywhere, will be removed in beta 4.")]
public bool UseRegions { get; set; }
/// Gets or sets a value indicating whether to create a Conforming
/// Delaunay triangulation.
public bool ConformingDelaunay { get; set; }
/// Gets or sets a value indicating whether to enclose the convex
/// hull with segments.
public bool Convex { get; set; }
/// Gets or sets a flag indicating whether to suppress boundary
/// segment splitting.
/// 0 = split segments (default)
/// 1 = no new vertices on the boundary
/// 2 = prevent all segment splitting, including internal boundaries
public int SegmentSplitting { get; set; }