UI + Procedural Geometry
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System;
namespace Rokojori
public abstract class GraphWalker<N> where N:class
public virtual int NumConnectedFrom( N node ){ return 0;}
public virtual N GetConnectedFrom( N node, int index ){ return default(N);}
public abstract int NumConnectedTo( N node );
public abstract N GetConnectedTo( N node, int index );
public int NumConnectedAll( N node )
return NumConnectedTo( node ) + NumConnectedFrom( node );
public N GetConnected( N node, int index )
var fromConnections = NumConnectedFrom( node );
return index < fromConnections ? GetConnectedFrom( node, index ) : GetConnectedTo( node, index - fromConnections );
public bool IsConnectedTo( N source, N destination )
var processed = new HashSet<N>();
var toDo = new List<N>();
toDo.Add( source );
while ( toDo.Count > 0 )
var current = Lists.RemoveFirst( toDo );
if ( processed.Contains( current ) )
processed.Add( current );
var numConnected = NumConnectedTo( current );
for ( int i = 0; i < numConnected; i++ )
var connected = GetConnected( current, i );
if ( connected == destination )
return true;
if ( ! processed.Contains( connected ) )
toDo.Add( connected );
return false;
public bool IsDirectlyConnectedTo( N node, N other )
if ( node == null || other == null )
return false;
var connected = NumConnectedTo( node );
for ( int i = 0; i < connected; i++ )
if ( GetConnected( node, i ) == other )
return true;
return false;
@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ namespace Rokojori
return NextNonChild( node );
return NextNonChild( node );
public N GetParent( N node, Func<N,bool> predicate )
public N GetInParents( N node, Func<N,bool> predicate )
var p = Parent( node );
var p = Parent( node );
@ -42,6 +42,13 @@ namespace Rokojori
GD.PrintRich( trace );
GD.PrintRich( trace );
static void LogMessageWithFullTrace( string message )
var trace = GetFullTrace();
GD.PrintRich("\n[b]" + message + "[/b]");
GD.PrintRich( trace );
static void LogErrorMessage( string message )
static void LogErrorMessage( string message )
var trace = GetTrace();
var trace = GetTrace();
@ -49,6 +56,11 @@ namespace Rokojori
GD.PrintRich( trace );
GD.PrintRich( trace );
static string GetFullTrace()
return ( new System.Diagnostics.StackTrace( true ) ).ToString();
static string GetTrace()
static string GetTrace()
var stackTrace = new System.Diagnostics.StackTrace( true );
var stackTrace = new System.Diagnostics.StackTrace( true );
@ -86,6 +98,23 @@ namespace Rokojori
return "[color=gray] " + trace + "[/color]" ;
return "[color=gray] " + trace + "[/color]" ;
public static void LogWithFullTrace( params object[] objects)
var sb = new StringBuilder();
for ( int i = 0; i < objects.Length; i++ )
if ( i != 0 )
sb.Append( " " );
Stringify( objects[ i ], sb );
LogMessageWithFullTrace( sb.ToString() );
public static void Log( params object[] objects)
public static void Log( params object[] objects)
var sb = new StringBuilder();
var sb = new StringBuilder();
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
using Godot;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Rokojori
public class Capsule3
public Vector3 start = Vector3.Zero;
public Vector3 end = Vector3.Zero;
public float radius = 1;
public Capsule3( Vector3 start, Vector3 end, float radius )
this.start = start;
this.end = end;
this.radius = radius;
public Capsule3 Copy()
return new Capsule3( start, end, radius );
public Vector3 center
get { return start.Lerp( end, 0.5f ); }
public Line3 centerLine
get { return new Line3( start, end ); }
public float DistanceToPoint( Vector3 p )
var lineDistance = centerLine.DistanceToPoint( p );
return Mathf.Max( 0, lineDistance - radius );
@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
using Godot;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Rokojori
public abstract class Curve3
float _gradientSamplingRange = Mathf.Pow( 10f, -13f );
public abstract Vector3 SampleAt( float t );
public virtual void SampleMultiple( int numSamples, List<Vector3> output )
SampleMultiple( new Range( 0, 1 ), numSamples, output );
public virtual void SampleMultiple( Range range, int numSamples, List<Vector3> output )
var diff = range.length / ( numSamples - 1 ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < numSamples; i++ )
var t = range.min + i * diff;
output.Add( SampleAt( t ) );
public virtual Vector3 GradientAt( float t )
return SampleAt( t + _gradientSamplingRange ) - SampleAt( t - _gradientSamplingRange );
public virtual float ComputeLength( int numSamples )
return ComputeSubLength( Range.Of_01 , numSamples );
public virtual float ComputeSubLength( Range range, int numSamples )
var diff = range.length / ( numSamples - 1 ) ;
var it = SampleAt( range.min );
var length = 0f;
for ( var i = 1 ; i < numSamples; i++ )
var t = range.min + i * diff;
var next = SampleAt( t );
length += ( next - it ).Length();
it = next;
return length;
public virtual int ComputeNumSamplesFor( Range range,
float minimumDistance, int minSamples = 2,
int numSamplesForLengthComputation = -1 )
if ( minSamples < 2 )
{ minSamples = 2; }
if ( numSamplesForLengthComputation <= 0 )
{ numSamplesForLengthComputation = minSamples * 4; }
float distance = ComputeSubLength( range, numSamplesForLengthComputation );
float numFloatingCuts = distance / minimumDistance;
int numSamples = Mathf.CeilToInt( numFloatingCuts );
return Mathf.Max( minSamples, numSamples );
@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
using Godot;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Rokojori
public class Distance
P = Point,
S = Sphere
L = Line,
C = Capsule
P y y y y
S y y y
L y y
C y
public static float Of( Vector3 a, Vector3 b )
return ( a - b ).Length();
public static float Of( Vector3 a, Sphere b )
return b.DistanceToPoint( a );
public static float Of( Sphere a, Vector3 b )
return Of( b, a );
public static float Of( Vector3 a, Line3 b )
return b.DistanceToPoint( a );
public static float Of( Line3 b, Vector3 a )
return Of( a, b );
public static float Of( Vector3 a, Capsule3 b )
return b.DistanceToPoint( a );
public static float Of( Capsule3 a, Vector3 b )
return Of( b, a );
public static float Of( Sphere a, Sphere b )
return a.DistanceToSphere( b );
public static float Of( Sphere a, Line3 b )
var centerDistance = Of( a.center, b );
return Mathf.Max( centerDistance - a.radius, 0 );
public static float Of( Line3 a, Sphere b )
return Of( b, a );
public static float Of( Sphere a, Capsule3 b )
var centerDistance = Of( a.center, b );
return Mathf.Max( centerDistance - a.radius, 0 );
public static float Of( Capsule3 a, Sphere b )
return Of( b, a );
public static float Of( Line3 a, Line3 b )
return a.DistanceToLine( b );
public static float Of( Line3 a, Capsule3 b )
var lineDistance = Of( a, b.centerLine );
return Mathf.Max( 0, lineDistance - b.radius );
public static float Of( Capsule3 a, Line3 b )
return Of( b, a );
public static float Of( Capsule3 a, Capsule3 b )
var lineDistance = Of( a.centerLine, b.centerLine );
return Mathf.Max( 0, lineDistance - ( a.radius + b.radius ) );
@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Godot;
namespace Rokojori
public class SubdivisionData
public Vector3 point;
public bool isCorner;
public Vector3 direction;
public SubdivisionData( Vector3 p, Vector3 d, bool corner = false )
point = p;
direction = d;
isCorner = corner;
public class LerpCurveClosestToPointResult
public float parameter;
public float distance;
public Vector3 point;
public class LerpCurve3:Curve3
List<Vector3> list;
public LerpCurve3( List<Vector3> list )
this.list = list;
if ( list.Count == 0 )
public override float ComputeLength( int numSamples )
var length = 0f;
var end = list.Count - 1;
for ( int i = 0; i < end; i++ )
var p0 = list[ i ];
var p1 = list[ i + 1 ];
length += p0.DistanceTo( p1 );
return length;
public float UndistortParameter( float parameter )
var completeLength = ComputeLength( 0 );
var end = list.Count - 1;
var normalizer = 1f / ( list.Count - 1 );
var length = 0f;
for ( int i = 0; i < end; i++ )
var p0 = list[ i ];
var p1 = list[ i + 1 ];
var t0 = i * normalizer;
var t1 = ( i + 1 ) * normalizer;
var distance = p0.DistanceTo( p1 );
if ( t0 <= parameter && parameter <= t1 )
length += distance * ( parameter - t0 );
return length / completeLength;
length += distance;
return 1;
public List<SubdivisionData> Subdivide( float distance, bool close )
var output = new List<SubdivisionData>();
var num = list.Count - 1;
if ( close )
num ++;
for ( var i = 0; i < num; i++ )
var start = list[ i ];
var end = list[ i == list.Count ? 0 : i + 1 ];
var dir = ( end - start );
var length = dir.Length();
var samples = Mathf.CeilToInt( length / distance );
output.Add( new SubdivisionData( start, dir, true ) );
for ( int j = 1; j < samples; j++ )
var samplePoint = j / (float) samples;
var point = start.Lerp( end, samplePoint );
output.Add( new SubdivisionData( point, dir ) );
if ( ! close )
var start = list[ list.Count - 2];
var end = list[ list.Count - 1];
var dir = ( end - start );
output.Add( new SubdivisionData( end, dir, true ) );
var dirCount = close ? output.Count : ( output.Count - 1 );
for ( int i = 0; i < dirCount; i++ )
var next = i == output.Count ? 0 : i + 1;
output[ i ].direction = output[ next ].point - output[ i ].point;
return output;
public override Vector3 SampleAt( float t )
if ( t < 0 )
return list[ 0 ];
if ( t >= 1 )
return list[ list.Count - 1 ];
if ( list.Count == 1 )
return list[ 0 ];
var listIndex = t * ( list.Count - 1 );
var flooredIndex = (int) Mathf.Floor( listIndex );
var lerpAmount = listIndex - flooredIndex;
if ( flooredIndex < 0 || ( flooredIndex >= list.Count - 1 ) )
RJLog.Log( "Out of range index:",flooredIndex, " t:", t, " listIndex", listIndex, "Count:", list.Count );
var lower = list[ flooredIndex ];
var upper = list[ flooredIndex + 1 ];
return Math3D.LerpUnclamped( lower, upper, lerpAmount );
public LerpCurve3 FromRange( Curve3 curve, Range range, int numSamples )
var points = new List<Vector3>();
curve.SampleMultiple( range, numSamples, points );
return new LerpCurve3( points );
public LerpCurve3 From( Curve3 curve, int numSamples )
return FromRange( curve, Range.Of_01, numSamples );
public static LerpCurve3 FromPoints( Vector3 first, Vector3 second, params Vector3[] others )
var points = new List<Vector3>();
points.Add( first );
points.Add( second );
points.AddRange( others );
return new LerpCurve3( points );
Line3 line;
public void GetClosest( Vector3 point, LerpCurveClosestToPointResult result )
var closestDistance = float.MaxValue;
Vector3 closestPoint = Vector3.Zero;
var closestParameter = 0f;
if ( line == null )
line = new Line3( Vector3.Zero, Vector3.Zero );
var end = list.Count - 1;
var parameterNormalizer = 1f / ( list.Count - 1f );
for ( int i = 0; i < end; i++ )
line.start = list[ i ];
line.end = list[ i + 1 ];
var currentParameter = line.ClostestParameterToPoint( point );
var currentClosestPoint = line.GetPointAtParameter( currentParameter );
var currentDistance = ( point - currentClosestPoint ).LengthSquared();
if ( currentDistance < closestDistance )
closestDistance = currentDistance;
closestPoint = currentClosestPoint;
closestParameter = ( currentParameter + i ) * parameterNormalizer;
result.distance = Mathf.Sqrt( closestDistance );
result.point = closestPoint;
result.parameter = closestParameter;
@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
using Godot;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Rokojori
public class Line3:Curve3
public Vector3 start = Vector3.Zero;
public Vector3 end = Vector3.Zero;
public Line3( Vector3 start, Vector3 end )
this.start = start;
this.end = end;
public override Vector3 SampleAt( float t )
return start.Lerp( end, t );
public Line3 Copy( )
return new Line3( start, end );
public Vector3 direction { get { return end - start; } }
public float length { get { return direction.Length(); } }
public Vector3 GetPointAtParameter( float t )
return start + direction * t;
public Vector3 center{ get { return ( start + end ) * 0.5f; } }
public Line3 ScaleFromCenter( float scale )
var lineCenter = center;
var halfDirection = direction * ( 0.5f * scale );
var scaledStart = lineCenter - halfDirection;
var scaledEnd = lineCenter + halfDirection;
return new Line3( scaledStart, scaledEnd );
public Line3 ChangeLengthFromCenter( float lengthChange )
var lineCenter = center;
var halfDirection = direction * 0.5f;
var length = halfDirection.Length();
length += lengthChange * 0.5f;
halfDirection = halfDirection.Normalized() * length;
var scaledStart = lineCenter - halfDirection;
var scaledEnd = lineCenter + halfDirection;
return new Line3( scaledStart, scaledEnd );
public Line3 SetLengthFromCenter( float length )
var lineCenter = center;
var halfDirection = direction.Normalized() * ( length * 0.5f );
var scaledStart = lineCenter - halfDirection;
var scaledEnd = lineCenter + halfDirection;
return new Line3( scaledStart, scaledEnd );
public Vector3 ClosestPointToPoint( Vector3 point )
var parameter = MathX.Clamp01( ClostestParameterToPoint( point ) );
return GetPointAtParameter( parameter );
public float ClostestParameterToPoint( Vector3 point )
var startP = point - start;
var startEnd = end - start;
var startEnd2 = startEnd.Dot( startEnd );
var startEnd_startP = startEnd.Dot( startP );
if ( startEnd2 == 0 )
return 0;
var t = startEnd_startP / startEnd2;
return t;
public float DistanceToPoint( Vector3 point )
return ( point - ClosestPointToPoint( point ) ).Length();
public float DistanceToLine( Line3 s )
var points = ClosestPointsToLine( s );
return ( points[ 1 ] - points[ 0 ] ).Length();
public Vector3[] ClosestPointsToLine( Line3 s )
var parameters = ClosestParametersToLine( s );
var x = this.GetPointAtParameter( parameters.X );
var y = s.GetPointAtParameter( parameters.Y );
return new Vector3[]{ x, y };
public Vector2 ClosestParametersToLine( Line3 s )
float epsilon = 0.00000001f;
var u = this.direction;
var v = s.direction;
var w = start - s.start;
var a = u.Dot( u );
var b = u.Dot( v );
var c = v.Dot( v );
var d = u.Dot( w );
var e = v.Dot( w );
var DD = a * c - b * b;
var sc = 0f;
var sN = 0f;
var sD = 0f;
var tc = 0f;
var tN = 0f;
var tD = 0f;
sD = DD;
tD = DD;
if ( DD < epsilon )
sN = 0.0f;
sD = 1.0f;
tN = e;
tD = c;
sN = b * e - c * d ;
tN = a * e - b * d ;
if ( sN < 0.0f )
sN = 0.0f;
tN = e;
tD = c;
else if ( sN > sD )
sN = sD;
tN = e + b;
tD = c;
if ( tN < 0f || tN > tD )
var tN_bigger_tD = tN >= 0f && tN > tD;
tN = tN_bigger_tD ? tD : 0f;
var inbetween = tN_bigger_tD ? ( -d + b ) : ( -d );
var isSmaller = inbetween < 0;
var isBigger = inbetween > a;
sN = isSmaller ? 0f : isBigger ? sD : inbetween;
sD = ! isSmaller && ! isBigger ? a : sD;
sc = Mathf.Abs( sN ) < epsilon ? 0f : sN / sD;
tc = Mathf.Abs( tN ) < epsilon ? 0f : tN / tD;
return new Vector2( sc, tc );
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Godot;
namespace Rokojori
public class Sphere
public Vector3 center = Vector3.Zero;
public float radius = 1;
public Sphere( Vector3 center, float radius )
this.center = center;
this.radius = radius;
public Sphere Copy()
return new Sphere( center, radius );
public float DistanceToPoint( Vector3 point )
return Mathf.Max( 0, ( point - center ).Length() - radius );
public bool ContainsPoint( Vector3 point )
return DistanceToPoint( point ) <= 0;
public float DistanceToSphere( Sphere sphere )
var distance = sphere.center - center;
var radiusBoth = sphere.radius + radius;
return Mathf.Max( 0, distance.Length() - radiusBoth );
public bool IntersectsSphere( Sphere sphere )
return DistanceToSphere( sphere ) <= 0;
public Box3 CreateBox()
var offset = radius * Vector3.One;
return Box3.Create( center -offset, center + offset );
@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
using Godot;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Rokojori
public enum TriangleSide
public class TriangleSides
public static readonly TriangleSide[] ALL =
public class Triangle3
public Vector3 a;
public Vector3 b;
public Vector3 c;
public Triangle3( Vector3 a, Vector3 b, Vector3 c )
this.a = a;
this.b = b;
this.c = c;
public float perimeter
var sideA = ( b - a ).Length();
var sideB = ( c - b ).Length();
var sideC = ( a - c ).Length();
return sideA + sideB + sideC;
public float semiperimeter
return perimeter * 0.5f;
public static float ComputeTriangleArea( Vector3 a, Vector3 b, Vector3 c )
var sideA = ( b - a ).Length();
var sideB = ( c - b ).Length();
var sideC = ( a - c ).Length();
var perimeter = sideA + sideB + sideC;
var semiperimeter = 0.5f * perimeter;
var areaValue = Mathf.Sqrt( semiperimeter * ( semiperimeter - sideA )
* ( semiperimeter - sideB )
* ( semiperimeter - sideC )) ;
return areaValue;
public float area
return ComputeTriangleArea( a, b, c );
public Line3 GetSide( TriangleSide side )
switch ( side )
case TriangleSide.AB: return new Line3( a, b );
case TriangleSide.BC: return new Line3( b, c );
case TriangleSide.CA: return new Line3( c, a );
return null;
@ -8,6 +8,16 @@ namespace Rokojori
public class Math3D
public class Math3D
public static Vector3 LerpUnclamped( Vector3 a, Vector3 b, float amount )
return a + amount * ( b - a );
public static Vector3 LerpClamped( Vector3 a, Vector3 b, float amount )
return LerpUnclamped( a, b, MathX.Clamp01( amount ) );
public static Quaternion GetGlobalRotation( Node3D node )
public static Quaternion GetGlobalRotation( Node3D node )
return node.GlobalBasis.GetRotationQuaternion();
return node.GlobalBasis.GetRotationQuaternion();
@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Godot;
namespace Rokojori
public class RationalCubicBezier
public static float Compute(
float t,
float p0, float p1, float p2, float p3,
float w0, float w1, float w2, float w3
var bp0 = ( 1 - t ) * ( 1 - t ) * ( 1 - t ) * w0;
var bp1 = 3 * ( 1 - t ) * ( 1 - t ) * t * w1;
var bp2 = 3 * ( 1 - t ) * t * t * w2;
var bp3 = t * t * t * w3;
var weighted = p0 * bp0 + p1 * bp1 + p2 * bp2 + p3 * bp3;
var projection = bp0 + bp1 + bp2 + bp3;
return weighted / projection;
public static Vector2 Compute(
float t,
Vector2 p0, Vector2 p1, Vector2 p2, Vector2 p3,
float w0, float w1, float w2, float w3
var bp0 = ( 1 - t ) * ( 1 - t ) * ( 1 - t ) * w0;
var bp1 = 3 * ( 1 - t ) * ( 1 - t ) * t * w1;
var bp2 = 3 * ( 1 - t ) * t * t * w2;
var bp3 = t * t * t * w3;
var weighted = p0 * bp0 + p1 * bp1 + p2 * bp2 + p3 * bp3;
var projection = bp0 + bp1 + bp2 + bp3;
return weighted / projection;
public static Vector3 Compute(
float t,
Vector3 p0, Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2, Vector3 p3,
float w0, float w1, float w2, float w3
var bp0 = ( 1 - t ) * ( 1 - t ) * ( 1 - t ) * w0;
var bp1 = 3 * ( 1 - t ) * ( 1 - t ) * t * w1;
var bp2 = 3 * ( 1 - t ) * t * t * w2;
var bp3 = t * t * t * w3;
var weighted = p0 * bp0 + p1 * bp1 + p2 * bp2 + p3 * bp3;
var projection = bp0 + bp1 + bp2 + bp3;
return weighted / projection;
public static Vector2 Compute( float t, Vector3 p0, Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2, Vector3 p3 )
var bp0 = ( 1 - t ) * ( 1 - t ) * ( 1 - t ) * p0.Z;
var bp1 = 3 * ( 1 - t ) * ( 1 - t ) * t * p1.Z;
var bp2 = 3 * ( 1 - t ) * t * t * p2.Z;
var bp3 = t * t * t * p3.Z;
var weighted = p0 * bp0 + p1 * bp1 + p2 * bp2 + p3 * bp3;
var projection = bp0 + bp1 + bp2 + bp3;
var result = weighted / projection;
return new Vector2( result.X, result.Y );
public static Vector3 Compute( float t, Vector4 p0, Vector4 p1, Vector4 p2, Vector4 p3 )
var bp0 = ( 1 - t ) * ( 1 - t ) * ( 1 - t ) * p0.W;
var bp1 = 3 * ( 1 - t ) * ( 1 - t ) * t * p1.W;
var bp2 = 3 * ( 1 - t ) * t * t * p2.W;
var bp3 = t * t * t * p3.W;
var weighted = p0 * bp0 + p1 * bp1 + p2 * bp2 + p3 * bp3;
var projection = bp0 + bp1 + bp2 + bp3;
var result = weighted / projection;
return new Vector3( result.X, result.Y, result.Z );
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
Match: \.magnitude
Replace: .Length()
Match: \.normalized
Replace: .Normalized()
Match: Vector3\.(Lerp|Dot)\(\s*(\w+)\s*,\s*
Replace: $2.$1(
Match: Vector3\.Distance\(\s*(\w+)\s*,\s*
Replace: $1.DistanceTo(
Match: \.x
Replace: .X
Match: \.Y
Replace: .Y
Match: \.z
Replace: .Z
@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Godot;
using System;
namespace Rokojori
public class MeshGeometry
public List<Vector3> vertices;
public List<int> indices;
public List<Vector3> normals;
public List<Vector2> uvs;
public List<Vector2> uv2s;
public List<Color> colors;
public void Initialize( bool normals = true, bool uvs = true, bool colors = false, bool uvs2 = false)
this.vertices = new List<Vector3>();
this.indices = new List<int>();
this.normals = normals ? new List<Vector3>() : null;
this.uvs = uvs ? new List<Vector2>() : null;
this.uv2s = uvs2 ? new List<Vector2>() : null;
this.colors = colors ? new List<Color>() : null;
public void AddTriangle(
Vector3 va, Vector3 vb, Vector3 vc,
Vector3 na, Vector3 nb, Vector3 nc,
Vector2 uva, Vector2 uvb, Vector2 uvc
var index = vertices.Count;
Lists.Add( vertices, va, vb, vc );
Lists.Add( normals, na, nb, nc );
Lists.Add( uvs, uva, uvb, uvc );
Lists.Add( indices, index, index + 1, index + 2 );
public void AddQuad(
Vector3 va, Vector3 vb, Vector3 vc, Vector3 vd,
Vector3 na, Vector3 nb, Vector3 nc, Vector3 nd,
Vector2 uva, Vector2 uvb, Vector2 uvc, Vector2 uvd
AddTriangle( va, vb, vc, na, nb, nc, uva, uvb, uvc );
AddTriangle( vc, vd, va, nc, nd, na, uvc, uvd, uva );
public void AddTriangle(
Vector3 va, Vector3 vb, Vector3 vc,
Vector2 uva, Vector2 uvb, Vector2 uvc
var n = Vector3.Up;
AddTriangle( va, vb, vc,
n, n, n,
uva, uvb, uvc );
public void AddQuad(
Vector3 va, Vector3 vb, Vector3 vc, Vector3 vd,
Vector2 uva, Vector2 uvb, Vector2 uvc, Vector2 uvd
AddTriangle( va, vb, vc, uva, uvb, uvc );
AddTriangle( vc, vd, va, uvc, uvd, uva );
public void AddTriangle( Vector3 va, Vector3 vb, Vector3 vc )
var n = Vector3.Up;
var uv = Vector2.Zero;
AddTriangle( va, vb, vc, n, n, n, uv, uv, uv );
public void AddQuad( Vector3 va, Vector3 vb, Vector3 vc, Vector3 vd )
AddTriangle( va, vb, vc );
AddTriangle( vc, vd, va );
public ArrayMesh Generate( Mesh.PrimitiveType type = Mesh.PrimitiveType.Triangles, ArrayMesh arrayMesh = null )
if ( arrayMesh == null )
arrayMesh = new ArrayMesh();
var surfaceArray = new Godot.Collections.Array();
surfaceArray.Resize( (int) Mesh.ArrayType.Max );
if ( vertices != null )
surfaceArray[ (int) Mesh.ArrayType.Vertex ] = vertices.ToArray();
if ( normals != null )
surfaceArray[ (int) Mesh.ArrayType.Normal ] = normals.ToArray();
if ( uvs != null )
surfaceArray[ (int) Mesh.ArrayType.TexUV ] = uvs.ToArray();
if ( uv2s != null )
surfaceArray[ (int) Mesh.ArrayType.TexUV2 ] = uv2s.ToArray();
if ( colors != null )
surfaceArray[ (int) Mesh.ArrayType.Color ] = colors.ToArray();
if ( indices != null )
surfaceArray[ (int) Mesh.ArrayType.Index ] = indices.ToArray();
arrayMesh.AddSurfaceFromArrays( Mesh.PrimitiveType.Triangles, surfaceArray );
return arrayMesh;
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ using System;
namespace Rokojori
namespace Rokojori
public abstract class RandomEngine
public abstract class RandomEngine
public abstract float Next();
public abstract float Next();
@ -208,6 +208,106 @@ namespace Rokojori
return list[ index ];
return list[ index ];
public T RemoveFrom<T>( List<T> list )
if ( list.Count == 0 )
return default ( T );
var index = this.IntegerExclusive( 0, list.Count );
var item = list[ index ];
list.RemoveAt( index );
return item;
public List<T> RemoveMutlipleFrom<T>( List<T> list, int amount )
if ( amount >= list.Count )
return list;
var items = new List<T>();
for ( int i = 0; i < amount; i++ )
var itemIndex = this.IntegerExclusive( 0, list.Count );
var item = list[ itemIndex ];
list.RemoveAt( itemIndex );
items.Add( item );
return items;
public T RemoveWeightedFrom<T>( List<T> list, List<float> weights )
if ( list == null || list.Count == 0 )
return default(T);
if ( list.Count == 1 )
return list[ 0 ];
var weightedSelection = RemoveMultipleWeightedFrom( list, weights, 1 );
return weightedSelection[ 0 ];
public List<T> RemoveMultipleWeightedFrom<T>( List<T> list, List<float> weights, int amount )
if ( amount >= list.Count )
return list;
var sumWeights = 0f;
weights.ForEach( w => sumWeights += w );
var selection = new List<T>();
for ( int i = 0; i < amount; i++ )
var number = Range( 0, sumWeights );
var index = _FindElementIndexWithWeights( weights, Range( 0, sumWeights ) );
var element = list[ index ];
var weight = weights[ index ];
list.RemoveAt( index );
sumWeights -= weight;
selection.Add( element );
return selection;
int _FindElementIndexWithWeights( List<float> weights, float value )
var limit = 0f;
for ( int i = 0; i < weights.Count; i++ )
var before = limit;
limit += weights[ i ];
if ( before <= value && value < limit )
return i;
return weights.Count - 1;
public abstract class SeedableRandomEngine:RandomEngine
public abstract class SeedableRandomEngine:RandomEngine
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
vec3 localToWorld( vec3 _VERTEX, mat4 _MODEL_MATRIX )
return ( _MODEL_MATRIX * vec4( _VERTEX, 1.0 ) ).xyz;
vec3 worldToLocal( vec3 _VERTEX, mat4 _MODEL_MATRIX )
return ( inverse( _MODEL_MATRIX ) * vec4( _VERTEX, 1.0 ) ).xyz;
@ -36,6 +36,28 @@ namespace Rokojori
return list.IndexOf( item ) != - 1;
return list.IndexOf( item ) != - 1;
public static T RemoveAt<T>( List<T> list, int index )
if ( list.Count == 0 || index < 0 || ( index > ( list.Count - 1 ) ) )
return default(T);
var first = list[ index ];
list.RemoveAt( index );
return first;
public static T RemoveFirst<T>( List<T> list )
return RemoveAt( list, 0 );
public static T RemoveLast<T>( List<T> list )
return RemoveAt( list, list.Count - 1 );
public static T Pop<T>( List<T> list )
public static T Pop<T>( List<T> list )
if ( list.Count == 0 ){ return default(T); }
if ( list.Count == 0 ){ return default(T); }
@ -143,6 +165,23 @@ namespace Rokojori
return copy;
return copy;
public static List<U> FilterAndMap<T,U>( List<T> list, Func<T,int,bool> filter, Func<T,U> map)
var mapped = new List<U>();
for ( int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++ )
if ( ! filter( list[ i ], i ) )
mapped.Add( map( list[ i ] ) );
return mapped;
public static void Filter<T>( List<T> inputList, List<T> list, Func<T,int,bool> filter )
public static void Filter<T>( List<T> inputList, List<T> list, Func<T,int,bool> filter )
for ( int i = 0; i < inputList.Count; i++ )
for ( int i = 0; i < inputList.Count; i++ )
@ -200,6 +239,24 @@ namespace Rokojori
return list;
return list;
public static void Add<T>( List<T> list, params T[] entries )
list.AddRange( entries );
public static void Insert<T>( List<T> list, T item, int index )
if ( index >= list.Count )
list.Add( item );
index = index < 0 ? 0 : index;
list.Insert( index, item );
public static T Find<T>( List<T> list, Func<T,bool> callback )
public static T Find<T>( List<T> list, Func<T,bool> callback )
for ( int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++ )
for ( int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++ )
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace Rokojori
public class Safe
static readonly int maxWhileIterations = 1000 * 1000;
public static void While( Func<bool> condition, Action action, Action onTooManyIterations = null )
var it = 0;
while ( it < Safe.maxWhileIterations && condition() )
if ( it >= Safe.maxWhileIterations )
RJLog.LogWithFullTrace( "Loop with too many iterations" );
if ( onTooManyIterations != null )
@ -67,13 +67,13 @@ namespace Rokojori
var maxWidth = 0f;
var maxWidth = 0f;
var maxHeight = 0f;
var maxHeight = 0f;
if ( UINumber.IsNullOrNone( region.width ) )
if ( UINumber.IsNullOrNone( UIStyle.Width( region ) ) )
lines.ForEach( l => { maxWidth = Mathf.Max( maxWidth, l.maxX ); } );
lines.ForEach( l => { maxWidth = Mathf.Max( maxWidth, l.maxX ); } );
maxWidth = UINumber.Compute( region, region.width );
maxWidth = UINumber.Compute( region, UIStyle.Width( region ) );
if ( lines.Count > 0 )
if ( lines.Count > 0 )
@ -81,12 +81,12 @@ namespace Rokojori
maxHeight = lines[ lines.Count - 1 ].maxY;
maxHeight = lines[ lines.Count - 1 ].maxY;
var margin = UINumber.Compute( region, region.margin, 0 );
var margin = UINumber.Compute( region, UIStyle.Margin( region ), 0 );
var marginLeft = margin + UINumber.Compute( region, region.marginLeft, 0 );
var marginLeft = margin + UINumber.Compute( region, UIStyle.MarginLeft( region ), 0 );
var marginTop = margin + UINumber.Compute( region, region.marginTop, 0 );
var marginTop = margin + UINumber.Compute( region, UIStyle.MarginTop( region ), 0 );
var marginRight = margin + UINumber.Compute( region, region.marginRight, 0 );
var marginRight = margin + UINumber.Compute( region, UIStyle.MarginRight( region ), 0 );
var marginBottom = margin + UINumber.Compute( region, region.marginBottom, 0 );
var marginBottom = margin + UINumber.Compute( region, UIStyle.MarginBottom( region ), 0 );
var marginOffset = new Vector2( marginLeft, marginTop );
var marginOffset = new Vector2( marginLeft, marginTop );
@ -98,46 +98,38 @@ namespace Rokojori
region.Size = new Vector2( maxWidth + horizontalMargins, maxHeight + verticalMargins );
region.Size = new Vector2( maxWidth + horizontalMargins, maxHeight + verticalMargins );
if ( region.position == UIPosition.Parent_Anchor )
if ( UIStyle.Position( region ) == UIPosition.Parent_Anchor )
var p = NodesWalker.Get().Parent( region ) as Control;
UILayouting.SetPositionInParentAnchor( region );
if ( p != null )
Nodes.ForEachDirectChild<Control>( region,
child =>
var pWidth = UILayouting.GetWidth( p );
var pHeight = UILayouting.GetHeight( p );
var x = p.Position.X;
var styleContainer = child as UIStylePropertyContainer;
var y = p.Position.Y;
if ( styleContainer == null || UIStyle.Position( styleContainer ) != UIPosition.Parent_Anchor )
if ( ! UINumber.IsNullOrNone( region.left ))
var left = UINumber.Compute( region, region.left, 0 );
x = left;
else if ( ! UINumber.IsNullOrNone( region.right ) )
var right = UINumber.Compute( region, region.right, 0 );
x = ( pWidth - UILayouting.GetWidth( region ) ) - right;
UILayouting.SetPosition( region, new Vector2( x, y ) );
UILayouting.UpdateChild( child );
UILayouting.SetPositionInParentAnchor( styleContainer );
static List<Line> CreateLines( UIRegion region )
static List<Line> CreateLines( UIRegion region )
var x = 0f;
var x = 0f;
var width = UINumber.Compute( region, region.width, 100000000f );
var width = UINumber.Compute( region, UIStyle.Width( region ), 100000000f );
var lines = new List<Line>();
var lines = new List<Line>();
var currentLine = new Line();
var currentLine = new Line();
var elementSpacing = UINumber.Compute( region, region.elementSpacing, 0f );
var elementSpacing = UINumber.Compute( region, UIStyle.ElementSpacing( region ), 0f );
Nodes.ForEachDirectChild<Control>( region, c => UILayouting.UpdateChild( c ) );
Nodes.ForEachDirectChild<Control>( region, c => UILayouting.UpdateChild( c ) );
@ -146,6 +138,13 @@ namespace Rokojori
child =>
child =>
var styleContainer = child as UIStylePropertyContainer;
if ( styleContainer != null && UIStyle.Position( styleContainer ) == UIPosition.Parent_Anchor )
var cWidth = UILayouting.GetWidth( child );
var cWidth = UILayouting.GetWidth( child );
var cHeight = UILayouting.GetHeight( child );
var cHeight = UILayouting.GetHeight( child );
@ -193,13 +192,13 @@ namespace Rokojori
lines.ForEach( line => AdjustVerticalAlignment( region, line, verticalAlignment ) );
lines.ForEach( line => AdjustVerticalAlignment( region, line, verticalAlignment ) );
if ( UINumber.IsNullOrNone( region.width ) )
if ( UINumber.IsNullOrNone( UIStyle.Width( region ) ) )
var horizontalAlignment = UINumber.Compute( region, region.horizontalAlignment, 0.5f, 1 );
var horizontalAlignment = UINumber.Compute( region, region.horizontalAlignment, 0.5f, 1 );
var maxWidth = UINumber.Compute( region, region.width, 0 );
var maxWidth = UINumber.Compute( region, UIStyle.Width( region ), 0 );
lines.ForEach( line => AdjustHorizontalAlignment( region, line, horizontalAlignment, maxWidth ) );
lines.ForEach( line => AdjustHorizontalAlignment( region, line, horizontalAlignment, maxWidth ) );
@ -40,6 +40,45 @@ namespace Rokojori
UILayouting.UpdatePivot( control );
UILayouting.UpdatePivot( control );
public static void SetPositionInParentAnchor( UIStylePropertyContainer region )
var control = (Control) region;
var p = NodesWalker.Get().Parent( control ) as Control;
var pWidth = p == null ? UI.GetWindowWidth( control ) : UILayouting.GetWidth( p );
var pHeight = p == null ? UI.GetWindowHeight( control ) : UILayouting.GetHeight( p );
var x = p.Position.X;
var y = p.Position.Y;
if ( ! UINumber.IsNullOrNone( UIStyle.Left( region ) ))
var left = UINumber.Compute( control, UIStyle.Left( region ), 0 );
x = left;
else if ( ! UINumber.IsNullOrNone( UIStyle.Right( region ) ) )
var right = UINumber.Compute( control, UIStyle.Right( region ), 0 );
x = ( pWidth - UILayouting.GetWidth( control ) ) - right;
if ( ! UINumber.IsNullOrNone( UIStyle.Top( region ) ))
var top = UINumber.Compute( control, UIStyle.Top( region ), 0 );
y = top;
else if ( ! UINumber.IsNullOrNone( UIStyle.Bottom( region ) ) )
var bottom = UINumber.Compute( control, UIStyle.Bottom( region ), 0 );
y = ( pHeight - UILayouting.GetHeight( control ) ) - bottom;
UILayouting.SetPosition( control, new Vector2( x, y ) );
public static void UpdatePivot( Control c )
public static void UpdatePivot( Control c )
if ( ! ( c is UIImage || c is UIRegion || c is UIText ) )
if ( ! ( c is UIImage || c is UIRegion || c is UIText ) )
@ -49,8 +88,8 @@ namespace Rokojori
var container = c as UIStylePropertyContainer;
var container = c as UIStylePropertyContainer;
var pivotX = UINumber.Compute( c, UIStyle.PivotX( container ), 0, c.Size.X );
var pivotX = UINumber.Compute( c, UIStyle.PivotX( container ), 0.5f * c.Size.X, c.Size.X );
var pivotY = UINumber.Compute( c, UIStyle.PivotY( container ), 0, c.Size.Y );
var pivotY = UINumber.Compute( c, UIStyle.PivotY( container ), 0.5f * c.Size.Y, c.Size.Y );
c.PivotOffset = new Vector2( pivotX, pivotY );
c.PivotOffset = new Vector2( pivotX, pivotY );
@ -8,6 +8,9 @@ namespace Rokojori
public partial class UIImage:TextureRect, UIStylePropertyContainer
public partial class UIImage:TextureRect, UIStylePropertyContainer
public UIStyle parentStyle;
[ExportCategory("Size & Margins")]
[ExportCategory("Size & Margins")]
public UINumber width;
public UINumber width;
@ -60,6 +63,16 @@ namespace Rokojori
public UINumber scaleY;
public UINumber scaleY;
public UIStyle GetUIStyleParent()
return parentStyle;
public UIPosition GetUIPosition()
return position;
public UINumber GetUIStyleNumberProperty( UIStyleNumberProperty property )
public UINumber GetUIStyleNumberProperty( UIStyleNumberProperty property )
switch ( property )
switch ( property )
@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ namespace Rokojori
public partial class UIRegion : Control, UIStylePropertyContainer
public partial class UIRegion : Control, UIStylePropertyContainer
public UIStyle parent;
public UIStyle parentStyle;
[ExportCategory( "Layout" )]
public UILayout layout;
public UILayout layout;
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ namespace Rokojori
public UINumber lineSpacing;
public UINumber lineSpacing;
[ExportCategory("Size & Margins")]
[ExportCategory( "Size & Margins" )]
public UINumber width;
public UINumber width;
@ -44,7 +44,27 @@ namespace Rokojori
public UINumber marginBottom;
public UINumber marginBottom;
[ExportCategory( "Font" )]
public Font font;
public UINumber fontSize;
public UIColor fontColor;
public UINumber outlineSize;
public UIColor outlineColor;
public UINumber shadowSize;
public UIColor shadowColor;
[ExportCategory( "Position" )]
public UIPosition position;
public UIPosition position;
@ -57,6 +77,16 @@ namespace Rokojori
public UINumber bottom;
public UINumber bottom;
public UIStyle GetUIStyleParent()
return parentStyle;
public UIPosition GetUIPosition()
return position;
public UINumber GetUIStyleNumberProperty( UIStyleNumberProperty property )
public UINumber GetUIStyleNumberProperty( UIStyleNumberProperty property )
switch ( property )
switch ( property )
@ -69,6 +99,10 @@ namespace Rokojori
case UIStyleNumberProperty.Width: return width;
case UIStyleNumberProperty.Width: return width;
case UIStyleNumberProperty.Height: return height;
case UIStyleNumberProperty.Height: return height;
case UIStyleNumberProperty.ElementSpacing: return elementSpacing;
case UIStyleNumberProperty.LineSpacing: return lineSpacing;
case UIStyleNumberProperty.Margin: return margin;
case UIStyleNumberProperty.Margin: return margin;
case UIStyleNumberProperty.MarginLeft: return marginLeft;
case UIStyleNumberProperty.MarginLeft: return marginLeft;
@ -8,6 +8,12 @@ namespace Rokojori
public partial class UIText:Label,UIStylePropertyContainer
public partial class UIText:Label,UIStylePropertyContainer
public UIStyle parentStyle;
public UINumber fontSize;
[ExportCategory("Size & Margins")]
[ExportCategory("Size & Margins")]
public UINumber width;
public UINumber width;
@ -59,6 +65,15 @@ namespace Rokojori
public UINumber scaleY;
public UINumber scaleY;
public UIStyle GetUIStyleParent()
return parentStyle;
public UIPosition GetUIPosition()
return position;
public UINumber GetUIStyleNumberProperty( UIStyleNumberProperty property )
public UINumber GetUIStyleNumberProperty( UIStyleNumberProperty property )
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
using Godot;
using Rokojori;
namespace Rokojori
public partial class UIColor : Resource
public Color color;
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ namespace Rokojori
return number.IsNone;
return number.IsNone;
public static float Compute( Control control, UINumber number, float alternative = 0, float relative = 100 )
public static float Compute( Control control, UINumber number, float alternative = 0, float relative = 100 )
if ( number == null || control == null || number.IsNone )
if ( number == null || control == null || number.IsNone )
@ -41,19 +42,9 @@ namespace Rokojori
return alternative;
return alternative;
var width = 0;
var width = UI.GetWindowWidth( control );
var height = 0;
var height = UI.GetWindowHeight( control );
if ( Engine.IsEditorHint() )
width = ProjectSettings.GetSetting( "display/window/size/viewport_width" ).AsInt32();
height = ProjectSettings.GetSetting( "display/window/size/viewport_height" ).AsInt32();
width = control.GetWindow().Size.X;
height = control.GetWindow().Size.Y;
return Compute( control, number, width, height, relative );
return Compute( control, number, width, height, relative );
@ -75,7 +66,7 @@ namespace Rokojori
if ( _ui == null )
if ( _ui == null )
// _ui = NodesWalker.Get().GetParent( control, n => n is UI ) as UI;
_ui = NodesWalker.Get().GetInParents( control, n => n is UI ) as UI;
switch ( number.unit )
switch ( number.unit )
@ -95,6 +86,18 @@ namespace Rokojori
return number.value * height / 100f;
return number.value * height / 100f;
case "pw":
var parent = control.GetParent<Control>();
return number.value / 100f * ( parent == null ? width : parent.Size.X );
case "ph":
var parent = control.GetParent<Control>();
return number.value / 100f * ( parent == null ? height : parent.Size.Y );
case "px": case "":
case "px": case "":
return number.value;
return number.value;
@ -110,17 +113,25 @@ namespace Rokojori
var expressionText = number.unit == null ? "" : RegexUtility.Replace( number.unit, "%", " * relative " );
var expressionText = number.unit == null ? "" : RegexUtility.Replace( number.unit, "%", " * relative " );
var parseResult = expression.Parse( expressionText, new string[]{ "em","vw", "vh", "px", "relative", "value" } );
var parseResult = expression.Parse( expressionText,
new string[]
"em","vw", "vh", "pw", "ph", "px", "relative", "value" }
if ( Error.Ok != parseResult )
if ( Error.Ok != parseResult )
return 0;
return 0;
var parentControl = control.GetParent<Control>();
var inputs = new Godot.Collections.Array();
var inputs = new Godot.Collections.Array();
inputs.Add( em() );
inputs.Add( em() );
inputs.Add( width / 100f );
inputs.Add( width / 100f );
inputs.Add( height / 100f );
inputs.Add( height / 100f );
inputs.Add( ( parentControl == null ? width : parentControl.Size.X ) / 100f );
inputs.Add( ( parentControl == null ? height : parentControl.Size.Y ) / 100f );
inputs.Add( 1 );
inputs.Add( 1 );
inputs.Add( relative / 100f );
inputs.Add( relative / 100f );
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ namespace Rokojori
public enum UIPosition
public enum UIPosition
@ -7,106 +7,236 @@ namespace Rokojori
public partial class UIStyle:Resource
public partial class UIStyle:Resource, UIStylePropertyContainer
public UIStyle parent;
public UIStyle parentStyle;
[ExportCategory( "Layout" )]
public UILayout layout;
public UILayout layoutType;
public UINumber horizontalAlignment;
public UINumber verticalAlignment;
public float widthValue = 1;
public UINumber elementSpacing;
public string widthUnit = "vw";
public UINumber lineSpacing;
public float heightValue = 1;
public string heightUnit = "vw";
[ExportCategory( "Size & Margins" )]
public float lineSpacingValue = 1;
public UINumber width;
public string ineSpacingtUnit = "vw";
public UINumber height;
public UINumber margin;
public UINumber marginLeft;
public UINumber marginTop;
public UINumber marginRight;
public UINumber marginBottom;
[ExportCategory( "Font" )]
public Font font;
public UINumber fontSize;
public UIColor fontColor;
public UINumber outlineSize;
public UIColor outlineColor;
public UINumber shadowSize;
public UIColor shadowColor;
[ExportCategory( "Position" )]
public UIPosition position;
public UINumber left;
public UINumber top;
public UINumber right;
public UINumber bottom;
public UIStyle GetUIStyleParent()
return parentStyle;
public UIPosition GetUIPosition()
return position;
public UINumber GetUIStyleNumberProperty( UIStyleNumberProperty property )
switch ( property )
case UIStyleNumberProperty.Left: return left;
case UIStyleNumberProperty.Right: return right;
case UIStyleNumberProperty.Top: return top;
case UIStyleNumberProperty.Bottom: return bottom;
case UIStyleNumberProperty.ElementSpacing: return elementSpacing;
case UIStyleNumberProperty.LineSpacing: return lineSpacing;
case UIStyleNumberProperty.Width: return width;
case UIStyleNumberProperty.Height: return height;
case UIStyleNumberProperty.Margin: return margin;
case UIStyleNumberProperty.MarginLeft: return marginLeft;
case UIStyleNumberProperty.MarginRight: return marginRight;
case UIStyleNumberProperty.MarginTop: return marginTop;
case UIStyleNumberProperty.MarginBottom: return marginBottom;
return null;
public static UINumber GetReferenceableNumberProperty( UIStylePropertyContainer container, UIStyleNumberProperty property )
if ( container == null )
return null;
var ownProperty = container.GetUIStyleNumberProperty( property );
if ( ownProperty != null )
return ownProperty;
var style = container.GetUIStyleParent();
return GetReferenceableNumberProperty( style, property );
public static UIPosition Position( UIStylePropertyContainer container )
var ownProperty = container.GetUIPosition();
if ( ownProperty != UIPosition.___ )
return ownProperty;
return container.GetUIPosition();
public static UINumber Width( UIStylePropertyContainer container )
return GetReferenceableNumberProperty( container, UIStyleNumberProperty.Width );
public static UINumber Height( UIStylePropertyContainer container )
return GetReferenceableNumberProperty( container, UIStyleNumberProperty.Height );
public static UINumber Left( UIStylePropertyContainer container )
public static UINumber Left( UIStylePropertyContainer container )
return container.GetUIStyleNumberProperty( UIStyleNumberProperty.Left );
return GetReferenceableNumberProperty( container, UIStyleNumberProperty.Left );
public static UINumber Right( UIStylePropertyContainer container )
public static UINumber Right( UIStylePropertyContainer container )
return container.GetUIStyleNumberProperty( UIStyleNumberProperty.Right );
return GetReferenceableNumberProperty( container, UIStyleNumberProperty.Right );
public static UINumber Top( UIStylePropertyContainer container )
public static UINumber Top( UIStylePropertyContainer container )
return container.GetUIStyleNumberProperty( UIStyleNumberProperty.Top );
return GetReferenceableNumberProperty( container, UIStyleNumberProperty.Top );
public static UINumber Bottom( UIStylePropertyContainer container )
public static UINumber Bottom( UIStylePropertyContainer container )
return container.GetUIStyleNumberProperty( UIStyleNumberProperty.Bottom );
return GetReferenceableNumberProperty( container, UIStyleNumberProperty.Bottom );
public static UINumber Margin( UIStylePropertyContainer container )
public static UINumber Margin( UIStylePropertyContainer container )
return container.GetUIStyleNumberProperty( UIStyleNumberProperty.Margin );
return GetReferenceableNumberProperty( container, UIStyleNumberProperty.Margin );
public static UINumber MarginLeft( UIStylePropertyContainer container )
public static UINumber MarginLeft( UIStylePropertyContainer container )
return container.GetUIStyleNumberProperty( UIStyleNumberProperty.MarginLeft );
return GetReferenceableNumberProperty( container, UIStyleNumberProperty.MarginLeft );
public static UINumber MarginRight( UIStylePropertyContainer container )
public static UINumber MarginRight( UIStylePropertyContainer container )
return container.GetUIStyleNumberProperty( UIStyleNumberProperty.MarginRight );
return GetReferenceableNumberProperty( container, UIStyleNumberProperty.MarginRight );
public static UINumber MarginTop( UIStylePropertyContainer container )
public static UINumber MarginTop( UIStylePropertyContainer container )
return container.GetUIStyleNumberProperty( UIStyleNumberProperty.MarginTop );
return GetReferenceableNumberProperty( container, UIStyleNumberProperty.MarginTop );
public static UINumber MarginBottom( UIStylePropertyContainer container )
public static UINumber MarginBottom( UIStylePropertyContainer container )
return container.GetUIStyleNumberProperty( UIStyleNumberProperty.MarginBottom );
return GetReferenceableNumberProperty( container, UIStyleNumberProperty.MarginBottom );
public static UINumber PivotX( UIStylePropertyContainer container )
public static UINumber PivotX( UIStylePropertyContainer container )
return container.GetUIStyleNumberProperty( UIStyleNumberProperty.PivotX );
return GetReferenceableNumberProperty( container, UIStyleNumberProperty.PivotX );
public static UINumber PivotY( UIStylePropertyContainer container )
public static UINumber PivotY( UIStylePropertyContainer container )
return container.GetUIStyleNumberProperty( UIStyleNumberProperty.PivotY );
return GetReferenceableNumberProperty( container, UIStyleNumberProperty.PivotY );
public static UINumber Rotation( UIStylePropertyContainer container )
public static UINumber Rotation( UIStylePropertyContainer container )
return container.GetUIStyleNumberProperty( UIStyleNumberProperty.Rotation );
return GetReferenceableNumberProperty( container, UIStyleNumberProperty.Rotation );
public static UINumber Scale( UIStylePropertyContainer container )
public static UINumber Scale( UIStylePropertyContainer container )
return container.GetUIStyleNumberProperty( UIStyleNumberProperty.Scale );
return GetReferenceableNumberProperty( container, UIStyleNumberProperty.Scale );
public static UINumber ScaleX( UIStylePropertyContainer container )
public static UINumber ScaleX( UIStylePropertyContainer container )
return container.GetUIStyleNumberProperty( UIStyleNumberProperty.ScaleX );
return GetReferenceableNumberProperty( container, UIStyleNumberProperty.ScaleX );
public static UINumber ScaleY( UIStylePropertyContainer container )
public static UINumber ScaleY( UIStylePropertyContainer container )
return container.GetUIStyleNumberProperty( UIStyleNumberProperty.ScaleY );
return GetReferenceableNumberProperty( container, UIStyleNumberProperty.ScaleY );
public static UINumber ElementSpacing( UIStylePropertyContainer container )
return GetReferenceableNumberProperty( container, UIStyleNumberProperty.ElementSpacing );
public static UINumber LineSpacing( UIStylePropertyContainer container )
return GetReferenceableNumberProperty( container, UIStyleNumberProperty.LineSpacing );
@ -14,6 +14,9 @@ namespace Rokojori
@ -27,6 +30,17 @@ namespace Rokojori
public enum UIStyleColorProperty
@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ namespace Rokojori
public interface UIStylePropertyContainer
public interface UIStylePropertyContainer
UIStyle GetUIStyleParent();
UIPosition GetUIPosition();
UINumber GetUIStyleNumberProperty( UIStyleNumberProperty property );
UINumber GetUIStyleNumberProperty( UIStyleNumberProperty property );
@ -54,6 +54,30 @@ namespace Rokojori
public static float GetWindowWidth( Control control )
if ( Engine.IsEditorHint() )
return ProjectSettings.GetSetting( "display/window/size/viewport_width" ).AsInt32();
return control.GetWindow().Size.X;
public static float GetWindowHeight( Control control )
if ( Engine.IsEditorHint() )
return ProjectSettings.GetSetting( "display/window/size/viewport_height" ).AsInt32();
return control.GetWindow().Size.Y;
Reference in New Issue